John 12:27-32

JMNT(i) 27 "At the present time, My soul (inner self; feelings; emotion; will) has been stirred up (shaken; disturbed; troubled), and what can (or: should) I say? O Father, deliver (rescue; save) Me from out of the midst of this hour! (or: ?) But to the contrary, on account of this I come (or: came) into this hour. 28 "O Father, glorify Your Name (bring glory and renowned reputation to your Name in a manifestation which calls forth praise)!" Then a voice (or: sound) came from out of the midst of the heaven (or: the sky; the atmosphere): "I both bring (or: brought) glory to [it], and I will continue glorifying [it] again!" 29 Hence the crowd of common folks, the [crowd] standing around and hearing [it], began to say that it had thundered. Others were saying, "A messenger (or: An agent) has spoken to him." 30 Jesus decidedly replied, and said, "This voice (or: sound) has occurred (happened; come to be) not because of Me, but rather because of you folks (= for your benefit). 31 "At the present time (or: Now) is an evaluation of and a decision pertaining to (or: a sifting of and separation for; or: a judgment from) this System (or: this ordered arrangement; this world; this polity, culture and religion; or: this system of control and subjugation). Now the Ruler (the one invested with power; the leader; the chief; the ruler; or: the Original One; The Beginning One; the Prince) of this System will be ejected outside (or: At this time the Chief of this world of culture, religion and government, the Originator and Controlling Principle of the ordered arrangement and universe, will be thrown out, [to the] outside [of it]). 32 "And so then I, if I should be lifted up from out of the earth (or: when I can be exalted forth from the midst of this Land), I will progressively drag [note: drag as with, or in, a net; or: draw, as drawing water with a bucket, or a sword out of a sheath] all mankind (or: everyone) to Myself."