John 12:37-40

JMNT(i) 37 Yet, [even with] His having performed (done; made; produced) so many signs in front of them, they were not proceeding to believe or place their trust into Him, 38 to the end that the word (or: message) of Isaiah the prophet could (may; should; would) be made full (or: fulfilled), which he said: "O Lord [= Yahweh], who trusts or believes in our report (tidings; the thing heard from us)? And to whom was the Lord's [= Yahweh's] arm unveiled (revealed; uncovered)?" [Isa. 53:1] 39 On account of this they were unable (or: they had no power) to be trusting or believing, because, again (= elsewhere), Isaiah says, 40 "He has blinded their eyes with the present result that they are still blind, and He hardened (or: petrified) their heart, to the end that they could (or: should; would) not see with [their] eyes nor could they direct [their] mind so as to perceive and get the thought in (or: with) the heart and be turned, so I, Myself, will proceed to heal (or: cure) them." [Isa. 6:10]