Luke 16:10-12

JMNT(i) 10 "The person [who is] faithful (reliable; trustworthy; loyal) in [the] least (or: smallest) also continues being (or: is) faithful (reliable; trustworthy; loyal) in much; and the person [who is] inequitable (unjust; = dishonest) in [the] least (or: smallest) also continues being (or: is) inequitable (unjust; unfair) in much. 11 "Therefore, since you folks did not (or: if you folks do not) come to be faithful and trustworthy in connection with the inequitable mammon (the unfair and unjust wealth), who will proceed entrusting to you (or: in you) the real and true? 12 "And since you folks did not (or: if you folks do not) come to be faithful and trustworthy in connection with the thing belonging to another, who will continue giving to you (or: for you; in you) the thing that is your own [other MSS: that is ours]?