Matthew 14:19-21

JMNT(i) 19 And then, after directing the crowds to lie back (or: recline) upon the grass and vegetation, upon taking (or: receiving) the five loaves of bread and the two fishes, while looking up into heaven (or: the atmosphere; the sky) He spoke words of wellness and blessing. And then, braking [them] in pieces, He gave the loaves (or: cakes) of bread to the disciples, and the disciples [gave them] to the crowds. 20 So they all ate, and were satisfied (like cattle or sheep being fed in a pasture until full). Then they took up the surplus (the excess; the leftovers) of the broken pieces: twelve wicker hand-baskets full! [note: the disciples now had provisions for themselves – for meals the following days? – beyond the original five loaves, where before they considered themselves to "have nothing"] 21 Now those eating were about five thousand adult males – apart from women and little children.