Romans 2:1-16

JMNT(i) 1 Wherefore (or: Because of which) you continue to be without a defense or an excuse, O human – everyone continually judging (pronouncing a judgment; separating, evaluating and making decisions; determining) – for within that which you continue judging the other person (or: the different one), you are correspondingly evaluating (or: commensurately deciding about; condemning) yourself, since you who are continually judging are constantly performing (committing; practicing) the very same things! 2 Now we have seen and thus know (or: are aware) that result of God’s judgment (decision rendered; separation; determination) is down from, in line with and accords to Truth and reality, [coming] upon those habitually performing or committing such things. 3 Yet you continue logically thinking (reckoning; counting on) this, O human – the one continuously judging those who are normally performing or committing such things, and yet are also a person habitually doing the same things – that you will proceed in making an escape out of the result of God’s judgment (the effect of a decision from God)? 4 Or, are you continually having a "down-oriented" frame of mind (or: despising; thinking down or with disrespect; or: = a negative disposition) concerning the riches (or: wealth) of His kind and gentle usefulness (benevolence with a sweet disposition; kindness), [His] delaying forbearance (the tolerant holding-back) and [His] patient longsuffering, constantly being ignorant that God’s kind and gentle usefulness (benevolence with a sweet disposition) is continuously leading you into a change of mind and purpose (a paradigm shift; or: = repentance with a change of heart and thinking, accompanied by a turn, or return, to God)? 5 Yet down from your hardness (or: in line with and in accord to your obstinacy) and an unrepentant heart (= unchanged thinking and affection in the center of your being) you habitually collect and lay up stores of personal emotion in yourself (or: progressively treasure up to yourself inherent fervor, passionate impulse and a mental bent or a disposition; or: periodically bank for yourself anger, indignation or wrath) within a day of personal emotion (fervor; passion; anger; etc.) and of an unveiling of a decision of rightwising from God (or: of a revealing of God’s verdict regarding fair and equitable dealing; of an uncovering of a just judgment which is God; of a disclosure of a separation for a decision having the character of the Way pointed out from God; disclosure from God's right evaluation), 6 Who will progressively award in each person (or: give back to each one; pay for each one) down from (in line with; in accord to; to the level of) his works (actions; deeds): 7 in those (to those; for those), on the one hand, in accord with [the] patient endurance (humbly remaining under for persistent support) of a good work (or: virtuous action) [who] are constantly seeking glory (a good reputation; a manifestation of that which calls forth praise) and honor (value; worth) and incorruptibility (or: incorruption) – life which belongs to, is connected with, and is proper to the Age (or: eonian life; the life of and for the ages). 8 Yet, on the other hand, in those (to those; for those) out of a work for ambitious, factious or contentious purposes, and in (or: by) being continuously incompliant (disobedient; unwilling to be persuaded) to (or: by) the Truth (reality; veritable essence), but constantly compliant (obedient; persuaded) in, to, by and for the injustice (inequity; that which is not in accord with the Way pointed out), [there will be] personal emotion (or: inherent fervor; passionate impulse; anger; indignation; wrath; a habit of mind; a mental bent or disposition) and rushing of feelings (or: intense passion of the mind; violent breathing; glowing animation; turbulent commotion of the mind; or: rage; fury), 9 pressure (affliction; trouble; tribulation; ordeal) and squeezed narrowness (tight restriction; distress; anguish) – upon every soul of mankind which is persistently in himself working down and effecting the bad (the ugly; the worthless; the evil; the injurious; the bad situation; the worthless quality; the malicious intent) – both of a Jew, first, and also of a Greek (or: one of the Hellenist culture); 10 but yet glory (a manifestation of that which calls forth praise; a credible reputation) and honor (value; worth) and peace (or: harmony; [=Shalom]) in, to, for and with everyone habitually working and accomplishing in himself the Good (or: the virtuous and excellent) both in, to, and for a Jew, first, and also in, to and for a Greek (or: Hellenist); 11 for partiality (favoritism; receiving on the basis of faces, countenances or personalities) does not exist alongside of God (or: by God’s side; = with God or in His presence and dealings). 12 For you see, as many as (or: however many) miss the goal (or: sin; fail; or: erred; missed the target due to lack of ability or through distraction) without (a) law [= Torah?], without (a) law will progressively lose and continue destroying themselves; and as many as (or: however many) within law (or: within [the] Law [= Torah]) miss the goal (sin; sinned; fail; deviated), through law (or: [the] Law) will be judged (separated, evaluated and decided upon), 13 for [it is] not the hearers of [the] Law (= the ones instructed in the Law, or who listen to the Torah) [that are] just ones (rightwised folks who are in right relationships in accord with the Way pointed out; fair and equitable ones) by God’s side (= with God and in His sight and presence), but rather the doers of [the] Law (= the folks performing deeds of the Torah, and producing the character and qualities of the Law) [who] will continue being made right and just (constituted in the Way pointed out; or: pronounced as being fair, equitable and in right relationship). 14 You see, whenever ethnic multitudes (or: [certain] Gentiles; or: [some] non-Israelite nations; = pagans) – those not having a law (or: [the] Law) by nature – may normally do the things of the Law (= Torah), these, [although] not having a law (or: [the] Law), are in and among themselves a law (or: continuously exist being a principle, or custom, for or to themselves), 15 which very ones continuously display (exhibit; show outward proof by demonstration) the work of the Law (or: action and conduct of that law and principle) written within their hearts, their conscience (the knowing with themselves; awareness; integrated recognition from what has been seen) continually bearing joint-testimony (giving confirming witness and evidence, together), and, in between each other’s calculations (or: logical thoughts), also constantly accusing (speaking down [against] in the assembly) or defending themselves (or: and in the mean time one another’s reasonings and reckonings constantly accusing, or even repeatedly excusing themselves), 16 within a day, when God is presently judging (or: continues deciding and is progressively separating off and evaluating; [some MSS: in which day God will continue judging]) hidden things of humanity (or: concealed things pertaining to people) – commensurate with my good news (or: according to and following the pattern of my message of goodness, ease and well-being) – through Jesus Christ [with other MSS: by means of Jesus [the] Anointed [= Messiah]).