Revelation 19:1-6

  1 G2532 And G3326 after G5023 these things G191 I heard [G5656]   G3173 a great G5456 voice G4183 of much G3793 people G1722 in G3772 heaven G3004 , saying [G5723]   G239 , Alleluia G4991 ; Salvation G2532 , and G1391 glory G2532 , and G5092 honour G2532 , and G1411 power G2962 , unto the Lord G2257 our G2316 God:
  2 G3754 For G228 true G2532 and G1342 righteous G846 are his G2920 judgments G3754 : for G2919 he hath judged [G5656]   G3173 the great G4204 whore G3748 , which G5351 did corrupt [G5707]   G1093 the earth G1722 with G846 her G4202 fornication G2532 , and G1556 hath avenged [G5656]   G129 the blood G846 of his G1401 servants G1537 at G846 her G5495 hand.
  3 G2532 And G1208 again G2046 they said [G5758]   G239 , Alleluia G2532 . And G846 her G2586 smoke G305 rose up [G5719]   G1519 for G165 ever G165 and ever.
  4 G2532 And G5064 the four G2532 and G1501 twenty G4245 elders G2532 and G5064 the four G2226 beasts G4098 fell down [G5627]   G2532 and G4352 worshipped [G5656]   G2316 God G2521 that sat [G5740]   G1909 on G2362 the throne G3004 , saying [G5723]   G281 , Amen G239 ; Alleluia.
  5 G2532 And G5456 a voice G1831 came [G5627]   G1537 out of G2362 the throne G3004 , saying [G5723]   G134 , Praise [G5720]   G2257 our G2316 God G3956 , all ye G846 his G1401 servants G2532 , and G5399 ye that fear [G5740]   G846 him G2532 , both G3398 small G2532 and G3173 great.
  6 G2532 And G191 I heard [G5656]   G5613 as it were G5456 the voice G4183 of a great G3793 multitude G2532 , and G5613 as G5456 the voice G4183 of many G5204 waters G2532 , and G5613 as G5456 the voice G2478 of mighty G1027 thunderings G3004 , saying [G5723]   G239 , Alleluia G3754 : for G2962 the Lord G2316 God G3841 omnipotent G936 reigneth [G5656]  .
ERV(i) 1 After these things I heard as it were a great voice of a great multitude in heaven, saying, Hallelujah; Salvation, and glory, and power, belong to our God: 2 for true and righteous are his judgments; for he hath judged the great harlot, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and he hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand. 3 And a second time they say, Hallelujah. And her smoke goeth up for ever and ever. 4 And the four and twenty elders and the four living creatures fell down and worshipped God that sitteth on the throne, saying, Amen; Hallelujah. 5 And a voice came forth from the throne, saying, Give praise to our God, all ye his servants, ye that fear him, the small and the great. 6 And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunders, saying, Hallelujah: for the Lord our God, the Almighty, reigneth.