Psalms 35

Matthew(i) 1 Of Dauid. Stryue thou with them, O lord, that stryue with me, fight thou against them that fight against me. 2 Laye hande vpon the shylde and speare, and stande vp to helpe me. 3 Drawe out thy swearde, and stoppe the waye agaynst them that persecute me, saye vnto my soule: I am thy helpe. 4 Let them be confounded & put to shame, that seke after my soule: let theym be turned back and brought to confusion, that ymagin mischiefe for me. 5 Let them be as the dust before the winde, and the aungel of the Lord scateryng them. 6 Let their waye be darcke and slippery, & the aungell of the Lorde to persecute them. 7 For they haue priuely layed their nette to destroye me without a cause, yea, & made a pytte for my soule, which I neuer deserued. 8 Let a soden destruccion come vpon hym vnwares, & the nette that he had layed pryuely, catche hym selfe, that he maye fall into hys owne mischief. 9 But let my soule be ioyfull in the Lorde, and reioyse in hys helpe. 10 All my bones shall saye: Lorde who is lyke vnto the? which deliuerest the poore from those that are to strong for him, yea, the poore and the nedy from hys robbers. 11 False witnesses are rysen vp, and laye to my charge thinges that I know not. 12 They rewarde me euell for good, too the great discomforte of my soule. 13 Neuerthelesse, when they were sycke, I put on a sacke cloth: I humbled my soule with fastyng, and my prayer turned into myne owne bosome. 14 I behaued my selfe as though it had bene my frende or my brother, I went heuely, as one that mourneth for hys mother. 15 But in myne aduersitie they reioyse, & gather them together. Yea, the very lame come together agaynste me vnwares, makynge mowes at me, and ceasse not. 16 With the gredy and scorneful hypocrites they gnasshed vpon me with their teeth. 17 Lorde, whan wilt thou loke vpon thys? O restore my soule from the wycked rumoure of them, my dearlynge from the lyons? 18 So will I geue the thanckes in the great congregacion, and prayse the among muche people. 19 O let them not triumphe ouer me, that are myne enemyes for naught: O let them not winke with their eyes, that hate me without a cause. 20 And why? their comening is not for peace but they ymagyn false wordes agaynste the outcastes of the lande. 21 They gape vpon me with their mouthes, saying: there, there: we se it with our eyes. 22 This thou seist, O lorde: holde not thy tonge then, go not farre fro me, O lorde. 23 Awake lorde, and stande vp: auenge thou my cause, my God, and my lorde, 24 Iudge me, O lorde my God, accordynge to thy righteousnesse, that they triumphe not ouer me. 25 O let them not saye in their hertes: there there, so wolde we haue it: O let them not saye: we haue ouercome hym. 26 Let them be put to confusion & shame, that reioyse at my trouble: let them be clothed wt rebuke and dishonoure, that boost them selfes agaynst me. 27 Let them also be glad and reioyse, that fauoure my righteous dealynge: yea, let them saye alwaye: blessed be the lord, whiche hath pleasure in the prosperitie of hys seruaunt. 28 And as for my tonge, it shalbe talkyng of thy righteousnes and of thy prayse, all the day longe.