Psalms 41

Matthew(i) 1 To the chaunter, a Psalme of Dauid. Blessed is he, that consydereth the poore: the Lord shal deliuer him in the tyme of trouble. 2 The Lord shal preserue him & kepe him aliue: he shall make him to prospere vpon earth, and shall not delyuer him into the wyl of his enemeyes. 3 The Lord shal refresh him, when he lyeth sicke vpon his bed, yea thou makest hys bed in al his sicknesse. 4 I sayd: Lord be mercifull vnto me, heale my soule, for I haue synned agaynst the. 5 Myne enemyes speake euel vpon me: when shal he die, and his name perishe. 6 Though he came in to se, yet meaned he falsede in his hert, heapyng myscheyfe vpon hym selfe. 7 All they that hate me, runne together agaynst me, and ymagyn euell against me. 8 They haue geuen a wycked sentence vpon me: when he lyeth, he shall ryse vp no more. 9 Yea euen myne owne famylyer frende, whom I trusted, whiche dyd eate my breade hath lyfte vp his hele agaynste me. 10 But be thou mercyful vnto me (O Lord) rayse thou me vp, and I shall reward them 11 By this I know thou fauourest me, that. my enemy shal not triumphe ouer me. 12 Thou hast vpholden me because of my innocency, and set me before thy face for euer. 13 O blessed be the Lorde God of Israel, from hence forth and for euermore. Amen. Amen.