Hebrews 10:4-10

Moffatt(i) 4 (for the blood of bulls and goats cannot possibly remove sins!). 5 Hence, on entering the world he says, Thou hast no desire for sacrifice or offering; it is a body thou hast prepared for me — 6 in holocausts and sin-offerings thou takest no delight. 7 So I said, 'Here I come — in the roll of the book this is written of me — I come to do thy will, O God.' 8 He begins by saying, thou hast no desire for, thou takest no delight in, sacrifices and offerings and holocausts and sin-offerings (and these are what are offered in terms of the Law); 9 he then adds, Here I come to do thy will. He does away with the first in order to establish the second. 10 And it is by this will that we are consecrated, because Jesus Christ once for all has offered up his body.