Ezekiel 18:27-31

NSB(i) 27 ‘»When a wicked person turns away from the wicked things that he has done and does what is fair and right, he will live. 28 ‘»He realized what he was doing and turned away from all the rebellious things that he had done. He will certainly live. He will not die. 29 ‘»But the nation of Israel says: Jehovah’s way is unfair. Is my way not fair, nation of Israel? Is it not your ways that are unfair? 30 ‘»That is why I will judge each of you by what you have done, people of Israel, declares the Lord Jehovah. Change the way you think and act. (Repent!) Turn away from all the rebellious things that you have done so that you will not fall into sin. 31 ‘»Give up all the evil you have been doing. Get yourselves new minds and hearts. Why do you Israelites want to die?