Ezekiel 18:27-31

ECB(i) 27 And when the wicked turns from the wickedness he worked, and works judgment and justness, his soul lives: 28 because he sees and turns from all the rebellions he worked; in living, he lives: he dies not. 29 And the house of Yisra El says, The way of Adonay is not gauged. O house of Yisra El, are not my ways gauged? Are not your ways not gauged? 30 So I judge you, O house of Yisra El, every man according to his ways - an oracle of Adonay Yah Veh. Repent, and turn from all your rebellions; so that perversity becomes not your stumblingblock. 31 Cast from you all the rebellions you rebelled; and work yourself a new heart and a new spirit: and why die, O house of Yisra El?