Job 33:18-30

NSB(i) 18 »It is to preserve him from the pit and keep his life from perishing by the sword. 19 »On the other hand a man may be chastened on a bed of pain with constant distress in his bones. 20 »His very being finds food repulsive and he loathes the choicest meal. 21 »His flesh wastes away to nothing, and his bones, once hidden, now stick out. 22 »He draws near to the pit and to the messengers of death. 23 »Yet if there is an angel on his side as a mediator, one out of a thousand, to tell a man what is right for him, 24 to be gracious to him and say: ‘Spare him from going down to the pit. I have found a ransom for him!’ 25 »His flesh is renewed like a child’s. It is restored as in the days of his youth. 26 »He prays to God and finds favor with him. He sees God’s face and shouts for joy! God restores him to his righteous state. 27 »He comes to men and says: ‘I sinned, and perverted what was right, but I did not get what I deserved.’ 28 »He redeemed me from going down to the pit, and I will live to enjoy the light. 29 »God does all these things to a man twice, even three times. 30 »He turns him back from the pit that the light of life may shine on him.