Isaiah 10:8-14

Wycliffe(i) 8 For he schal seie, Whether my princes ben not kyngis to gidere? 9 Whether not as Carcamys, so Calanno; and as Arphat, so Emath? whether not as Damask, so Samarie? 10 As myn hond foond the rewmes of idol, so and the symylacris of hem of Jerusalem and of Samarie. 11 Whether not as Y dide to Samarie, and to the idols therof, so Y schal do to Jerusalem, and to the simylacris therof? 12 And it schal be, whanne the Lord hath fillid alle hise werkis in the hil of Syon and in Jerusalem, Y schal visite on the fruit of the greet doynge herte of the kyng of Assur, and on the glorie of the hiynesse of hise iyen. 13 For he seide, Y haue do in the strengthe of myn honde, and Y haue understonde in my wisdom; and Y haue take awei the endis of peplis, and Y haue robbid the princes of them, and Y as a myyti man haue drawun doun them that saten an hiy. 14 And myn hond foond the strengthe of puplis as a nest, and as eirun ben gaderid togidere that ben forsakun, so Y gaderid togidere al erthe; and noon was that mouyde a fethere, and openyde the mouth, and grutchide.