Genesis 3 Cross References - Thomson

1 Now the two, both Adam and his wife were naked, and were not ashamed. But the serpent was the wisest of all the beasts on the earth which the Lord God had made, and the serpent said to the woman, "Why hath God said, you must not eat of every tree of the garden?" 2 And the woman said to the serpent, "Of the fruit of the trees of the garden we may eat; 3 but of the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the garden, God said, You shall not eat of it, nor touch it, that you may not die." 4 And the serpent said to the woman, "You will not by death die. 5 For God knew that in the day you eat thereof, your eyes would be opened and you would be like gods knowing good and evil." 6 And the woman saw that the tree was good for food; and that it is delightful to see with the eyes; and that to exercise understanding is comely, so having taken some of the fruit thereof, she ate and gave also to her husband with her. And when they had eaten, 7 the eyes of them both were opened, and they perceived that they were naked. And they sewed together fig leaves and made for themselves girdles. 8 And when they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the evening, both Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God, among the trees of the garden. 9 And the Lord God called Adam and said to him, "Adam, where art thou?" 10 And he said to him, "I heard the sound of thee walking in the garden and I was afraid, because I am naked, and I hid myself." 11 And God said to him, "Who told thee that thou art naked, if so be thou hast not eaten of the tree of which alone I commanded thee not to eat of this?" 12 And Adam said, "The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree and I did eat." 13 And the Lord God said to the woman, "Why hast thou done this?" And the woman said, "The serpent seduced me and I ate." 14 And the Lord God said to the serpent, "Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed from all the cattle and from all the beasts which are upon the earth. Upon thy breast and belly thou shalt go and shalt eat earth all the days of thy life. 15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman; and between thy seed and her seed. He will wound thy head, and thou wilt wound his heel." 16 And to the woman he said, "I will greatly multiply thy sorrows and thy anguish. With sorrows thou shalt bear children and to thy husband shall be thy recourse, and he shall rule over thee." 17 And to Adam he said, "Because thou hast hearkened to the voice of thy wife, and eaten of the tree of which alone I commanded thee not to eat, the ground is cursed by thy labours. With sorrows thou shalt eat of it all the days of thy life. 18 Thorns and thistles it shall cause to spring up for thee, and thou shalt eat the herbs of the field. 19 By the sweat of thy face thou shalt eat thy bread until thou return into the earth out of which thou wast taken; for earth thou art and to earth thou shalt return." 20 And Adam called the name of his wife Life, because she was to be the mother of all the living. 21 And the Lord God made for Adam and his wife garments of skin and cloathed them. 22 And God said, "Behold Adam was made like one of us to know good and evil. And now perhaps he may stretch forth his hand and take of the tree of life and eat, so shall he live forever." 23 So the Lord God sent him out of the garden of pleasure to till the ground out of which he was taken. 24 And when he put Adam out he caused him to dwell over against the garden of pleasure and stationed the Cherubim and the whirling flame of fire to keep the way to the tree of life.

Genesis 1:26

26 Then God said, "Let us make man after our image and after a likeness; and let them have dominion over the fishes of the sea, and the fowls of the air, and the cattle, and the whole earth, and all the reptiles which creep on the earth."

Genesis 2:5

5 and all the verdure of the field, before it was on the earth, and every herb of the field, before it sprang up, [for God had not rained on the earth, nor was there a man to till it;

Genesis 2:7

7 then God formed the man, dust from the earth, and breathed upon his face a breath of life, and the man became a living soul. 8 And God planted a garden in Eden towards the east and placed there the man whom he had made. 9 And God caused to spring up there also out of that ground every tree beautiful to the sight and good for food, and the tree of life in the middle of the garden, and the tree for the purpose of knowing what was to be known of good and evil.

Genesis 2:9-9

9 And God caused to spring up there also out of that ground every tree beautiful to the sight and good for food, and the tree of life in the middle of the garden, and the tree for the purpose of knowing what was to be known of good and evil.

Genesis 2:16-17

16 And the Lord God gave a charge to Adam, saying, "Of every tree which is in the garden for food, thou mightest have eaten; 17 but from this tree, that you may know good and evil, you must not eat of it. On the day you eat of it, by death you shall die."

Genesis 2:17

17 but from this tree, that you may know good and evil, you must not eat of it. On the day you eat of it, by death you shall die." 18 Then the Lord God said, "It is not good that the man should be alone: let us make for him a helper correspondent to himself."

Genesis 2:20

20 So Adam gave names to all the cattle, and to all the fowls of the air, and to all the wild beasts of the field. But for Adam there was not found a helper like himself.

Genesis 2:22

22 And God built up the rib, which he took from Adam, into a woman, and brought her to Adam. 23 And Adam said, "This now is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh, let her be called woman." Because she was taken out of her man,

Genesis 3:1

1 Now the two, both Adam and his wife were naked, and were not ashamed. But the serpent was the wisest of all the beasts on the earth which the Lord God had made, and the serpent said to the woman, "Why hath God said, you must not eat of every tree of the garden?"

Genesis 3:4-6

4 And the serpent said to the woman, "You will not by death die. 5 For God knew that in the day you eat thereof, your eyes would be opened and you would be like gods knowing good and evil."

Genesis 3:5-6

5 For God knew that in the day you eat thereof, your eyes would be opened and you would be like gods knowing good and evil." 6 And the woman saw that the tree was good for food; and that it is delightful to see with the eyes; and that to exercise understanding is comely, so having taken some of the fruit thereof, she ate and gave also to her husband with her. And when they had eaten,

Genesis 3:6

6 And the woman saw that the tree was good for food; and that it is delightful to see with the eyes; and that to exercise understanding is comely, so having taken some of the fruit thereof, she ate and gave also to her husband with her. And when they had eaten, 7 the eyes of them both were opened, and they perceived that they were naked. And they sewed together fig leaves and made for themselves girdles.

Genesis 3:10

10 And he said to him, "I heard the sound of thee walking in the garden and I was afraid, because I am naked, and I hid myself."

Genesis 3:10-11

10 And he said to him, "I heard the sound of thee walking in the garden and I was afraid, because I am naked, and I hid myself." 11 And God said to him, "Who told thee that thou art naked, if so be thou hast not eaten of the tree of which alone I commanded thee not to eat of this?"

Genesis 3:11

11 And God said to him, "Who told thee that thou art naked, if so be thou hast not eaten of the tree of which alone I commanded thee not to eat of this?" 12 And Adam said, "The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree and I did eat." 13 And the Lord God said to the woman, "Why hast thou done this?" And the woman said, "The serpent seduced me and I ate."

Genesis 3:13

13 And the Lord God said to the woman, "Why hast thou done this?" And the woman said, "The serpent seduced me and I ate." 14 And the Lord God said to the serpent, "Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed from all the cattle and from all the beasts which are upon the earth. Upon thy breast and belly thou shalt go and shalt eat earth all the days of thy life. 15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman; and between thy seed and her seed. He will wound thy head, and thou wilt wound his heel."

Genesis 3:17

17 And to Adam he said, "Because thou hast hearkened to the voice of thy wife, and eaten of the tree of which alone I commanded thee not to eat, the ground is cursed by thy labours. With sorrows thou shalt eat of it all the days of thy life.

Genesis 3:19

19 By the sweat of thy face thou shalt eat thy bread until thou return into the earth out of which thou wast taken; for earth thou art and to earth thou shalt return."

Genesis 3:22

22 And God said, "Behold Adam was made like one of us to know good and evil. And now perhaps he may stretch forth his hand and take of the tree of life and eat, so shall he live forever."

Genesis 4:2

2 And again she brought forth his brother Abel. And Abel became a keeper of sheep, and Cain tilled the ground.

Genesis 4:7

7 Though thou hast offered right, yet if thou hast not rightly divided, hast thou not sinned? Be composed. To thee shall be his recourse, and thou shalt rule over him."

Genesis 4:9

9 And when the Lord God said to Cain, "Where is Abel thy brother?" he said I know not. Am I my brother's keeper? 10 Then the Lord said, "What hast thou done? The voice of thy brother's blood crieth to me out of the ground.

Genesis 4:10-12

10 Then the Lord said, "What hast thou done? The voice of thy brother's blood crieth to me out of the ground. 11 Now therefore thou art cursed from this land, which hath opened its mouth to receive the blood of thy brother from thy hand. 12 When thou tillest the ground, it will not henceforth yield thee its strength. Thou shalt be in a state of anguish and terror in this land."

Genesis 4:12

12 When thou tillest the ground, it will not henceforth yield thee its strength. Thou shalt be in a state of anguish and terror in this land."

Genesis 5:29

29 and called his name Noe, saying "This child will cause us to cease from our works and from the toils of our hands and from the earth which the Lord hath cursed.

Genesis 6:2

2 that the sons of God seeing the daughters of men that they were fair, took to themselves wives of all whom they chose:

Genesis 9:6

6 He who sheddeth man's blood shall for it have his own blood poured out; for in an image of God I have made man.

Genesis 9:20

20 Now Noe being a husbandman, began and planted a vineyard,

Genesis 11:5

5 And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the children of men were building. 6 And the Lord said, Behold they are all of one race and one lip. And this they have begun to do; and now nothing will fail of all which they may determine to do. 7 Come, let us go down and there confound their language that they may not understand each other's voice.

Genesis 16:8

8 And the angel of the Lord said to her, Agar, thou servant of Sara, whence comest thou and whither art thou going? And she said I am fleeing from the face of my mistress Sara.

Genesis 16:11

11 Furthermore the angel of the Lord said to her, Behold thou art with child, and thou shalt bear a son and shalt call his name Ismael; for the Lord hath hearkened to thy affliction.

Genesis 18:20-21

20 Then the Lord said, The cry of Sodom and Gomorra hath been multiplied before me, and their sins are exceedingly great, 21 therefore I am come down to see whether they do to each other according to the cry which is come to me; and if not, that I may know.

Genesis 18:27

27 Then Abraham answered and said, Now I have taken upon me to speak to my Lord, I who am but dust and ashes!

Genesis 20:6

6 And God said to him in a dream, I know indeed that with a pure heart thou hast done this, and out of compassion I withheld thee from sinning against me. For this cause I suffered thee not to touch her.

Genesis 23:4

4 I am a stranger and sojourner among you, give me therefore the possession of a burying place among you, that I may bury my dead from before me.

Genesis 29:32-35

32 And Leia conceived and bore Jacob a son and called his name Reuben; saying, Because the Lord hath seen my affliction; therefore he hath given me a son. Now therefore my husband will love me. 33 And she conceived again, and bore to Jacob another son, and said, Because the Lord hath heard that I am slighted, he hath given me this son also; so she called his name Symeon. 34 And she conceived again and bore a son, and said, Now will my husband abide with me for I have born him three sons; therefore she called his name Levi. 35 And she conceived again and bore a son and said, Now for this also I will praise the Lord, therefore she called his name Judas. Then she ceased from bearing.

Genesis 35:16-18

16 And Jacob removed from Baithel and pitched his tent beyond the tower of Gader. And when he was near Chabratha on the way to Ephratha, Rachel was taken in labour and had a hard delivery. 17 And when she was in the sharp pangs of child birth, the midwife said to her, Courage; for this also is a son for thee. 18 And just as she was departing [for she died] she called his name Sun of my sorrow; but his father called his name Benjamin.

Genesis 35:18

18 And just as she was departing [for she died] she called his name Sun of my sorrow; but his father called his name Benjamin.

Genesis 39:7

7 and after these things his master's wife cast her eyes on Joseph and said, Lie with me;

Genesis 44:15

15 And Joseph said to them, What is this you have done? Did you not know that such a man as I can divine?

Genesis 49:17

17 Let Dan be indeed a serpent in the way, Lying in watch in a path, Biting the horse's heel, That the horseman may fall backwards;

Exodus 2:10

10 and when the boy was grown up she brought him to Pharao's daughter and he became her son. And she called his name Moses, saying, I drew him out of the water.

Exodus 3:6

6 Then he said, I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaak, and the God of Jacob. Whereupon Moses turned away his face; for he was afraid to look forward in the presence of God.

Exodus 5:2

2 Upon which Pharao said, Who is he, that I should hearken to his voice so as to send away the Israelites? I do not know the Lord, nor will I let Israel go.

Exodus 19:12-13

12 Therefore thou shalt remove the people to some distance round about and say, Take heed to yourselves not to go up to the mount nor touch any part of it. Whoever shall touch the mount shall surely die. 13 A hand shall not touch him, for he shall be stoned with stones or shot with a dart. Whether man or beast it shall not live. When the voices and the trumpets and the cloud are gone from the mount, they may go up to the mount.

Exodus 20:7

7 Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord thy God will not hold him guiltless who taketh his name in vain.

Exodus 21:28-32

28 If a bull gore a man or a woman and he or she die, the bull shall be stoned to death and his flesh shall not be eaten; but the owner of the bull shall be held guiltless: 29 but if the bull hath heretofore been accustomed to push with his horns, and this hath been made known to his owner, and he hath not shut him up; if he kill a man or woman, the bull shall be stoned and his owner also may be put to death. 30 But if a fine shall be laid upon him, he shall pay as a ransom for his life whatever they lay upon him. 31 And if the bull shall gore a son or a daughter, they shall deal with him according to this law. 32 But if the bull shall gore a man servant or a maid servant he shall pay their master thirty didrachms of silver and the bull shall be stoned.

Exodus 25:2

2 Say to the children of Israel, Take offerings from all who may be willing. And these you shall take as dedications to me.

Exodus 25:18-22

18 And thou shalt make two cherubs of turned gold, and place them at the two sides of the propitiatory. 19 They shall be made, one cherub at one side, and the other cherub at the other side of the propitiatory. Thou shalt make the two cherubs at the two sides; 20 and the cherubs shall have their wings stretched forth above and shall overshadow the propitiatory with their wings; and their faces shall be towards each other. The faces of the cherubs shall be towards the propitiatory. 21 And thou shalt put the propitiatory upon the ark; and into the ark thou shalt put the testimonies which I give thee. 22 And there I will make myself known to thee and speak to thee from above the propitiatory, from between the two cherubs which are on the ark of the testimony, touching all that I give thee in charge to the children of Israel.

Exodus 32:21-24

21 And Moses said to Aaron, What did this people do to thee, that thou hast brought upon them this great sin? 22 Upon which Aaron said to Moses, Be not angry, my lord, for thou knowest the impetuousness of this people. 23 For they said to me, Make us gods which shall go before us, for as for this Moses, the man who brought us out of Egypt we know not what is become of him. 24 Whereupon I said to them, If any one hath golden ornaments take them off. So they gave me and I cast into the fire, and out came that bull. 25 And when Moses saw that the people were scattered abroad; for Aaron had scattered and made them a derision to their enemies,

Leviticus 20:25

25 you shall therefore keep yourselves separate by making a distinction between the clean beasts, and the beasts which are unclean; and between the clean birds, and the birds which are unclean; and you shall not pollute yourselves with the beasts, or the birds, or any of the reptiles of the earth which I have distinguished for you, by uncleanness,

Numbers 21:6-7

6 Whereupon the Lord sent the most deadly serpents among the people, and they bit the people. And when many of the children of Israel died, 7 the people came to Moses and said, We have sinned, because we have spoken against the Lord, and against thee; pray therefore to the Lord? and let him take away the serpents from us.

Numbers 22:23

23 And when the ass saw the angel of God standing opposite, in the way, with a drawn sword in his hand, the ass turned aside out of the way into the field; at which he struck the ass with his staff, to turn her into the road.

Numbers 22:28-29

28 Thereupon God opened the mouth of the ass, and she said to Balaam, What have I done to thee that thou hast corrected me this third time? 29 And Balaam said to the ass, because thou hast mocked me, and had I a sword in my hand I should now have run it through thee.

Numbers 30:7-8

7 if her husband shall hear, and hold his peace at her on the day when he heareth, so shall all her vows stand, and the promises shall stand with which she hath bound her soul. 8 But if her husband expressly disallow her on the day when he shall hear, none of her vows, and none of the obligations with which she hath bound her soul, shall be binding, because her husband disallowed her. And the Lord will acquit her.

Numbers 30:13

13 Every vow, and every binding oath to afflict her soul, her husband may establish, or make void.

Deuteronomy 4:33

33 Hath any nation heard the voice of the living God, speaking out of the midst of the fire, as thou hast heard, and are still alive?

Deuteronomy 5:25

25 Now therefore let us not die, for this great fire will consume us, if we continue any longer to hear the voice of the Lord our God; and we shall die.

Deuteronomy 23:14

14 Because the Lord thy God walketh about in thy camp, to save thee, and subdue thine enemy before thee, therefore thy camp must be holy. There must be nothing unseemly seen with thee, that he may not turn away from thee.

Deuteronomy 28:15-20

15 But in case thou wilt not hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God to keep all his commandments which I this day give thee in charge, all these evils shall come upon thee and overtake thee: 16 Cursed shalt thou be in the city, and cursed thou in the field. 17 Cursed shall be thy granaries, and thy stores. 18 Cursed shall be the offspring of thy body, and the products of thy land, thy herds and thy flocks. 19 Cursed shalt thou be when thou comest in, and cursed thou when thou goest out. 20 The Lord send upon thee want, and famine, and destruction on all the labour of thy hands, until he utterly root thee out, and until he destroy thee quickly, on the account of thy wicked devices. Seeing thou hast forsaken me,

Deuteronomy 28:34

34 , and driven to madness at the sight of thine eyes, which thou shalt see.

Deuteronomy 29:19

19 Now in case any one shall hear the words of this curse, and bless himself in his heart, saying, Good luck betide me! I will walk in the error of my own heart, that the sinner may not involve the guiltless in ruin with himself.

Joshua 5:13

13 Now when Joshua was by Jericho, he raised his eyes, and saw a man standing before him, with a drawn sword in his hand, upon which Joshua, advancing, said to him, Art thou one of us or of our enemies?

Joshua 7:17-19

17 And when it was presented by communities, the community of the Zaraites was pointed out; 18 and when it was presented man by man, Achar son of Zambri, son of Zara, was pointed out. 19 Whereupon Joshua said to Achar, Give glory this day to the Lord God of Israel, and make confession, and tell me what thou hast done, and conceal it not from me.

Joshua 7:21

21 I saw, among the spoil, a piece of tissue, and two hundred didrachms of silver, and an ingot of gold, of about fifty didrachms, and I coveted them, and took them, and behold they are hid in my tent, and the silver is hid under them.

Joshua 23:13

13 be assured that the Lord will no more drive out those nations from before you; but they shall be to you snares and stumbling blocks, and nails in your heels, and darts in your eyes, until you be destroyed from this good land, which the Lord your God hath given you.

Judges 16:1-2

1 Sampson went to Gaza, and saw there a woman; a harlot, and went in to her. 2 And when the Gazites were told that Sampson was come there, they surrounded him, and lay in wait for him the whole night, at the gate of the city. They indeed kept quiet all the night, saying, When the dawn appeareth we shall kill him.

1 Samuel 1:20

20 and she conceived, and at the appointed time bore a son, and called his name Samuel, because, said she, I asked him of the Lord God of Sabbaoth.

1 Samuel 4:4

4 So the people sent to Selom, and brought thence the ark of the Lord who is enthroned on the cherubim. And both the sons of Eli, Ophni and Phineas, went with the ark.

1 Samuel 4:19-21

19 And when his daughter in law, the wife of Phineas, who was with child, heard the news, that the ark of God was taken, and that her father in law and her husband were dead, she burst into tears and travailed, for her pains came upon her 20 . And when she was at the point of death, the women who attended her, said, Fear not, for thou 21 hast brought forth a son; but she made them no answer: her heart regarded it not;

1 Samuel 13:11

11 And Samuel said, What hast thou done? Whereupon Saul said, Because I saw that the people were dispersed from me, and that thou wast not come, in the appointed days, and that the Philistines were assembled at Machmas,

1 Samuel 15:20-24

20 And Saul said to Samuel, Because I hearkened to the voice of the people. But I have gone the way which the Lord sent me, and have brought Agag king of Amelek, and utterly destroyed Amelek, 21 and the people have taken of the spoils, flocks and herds, as first fruits of the destruction, to sacrifice them before the Lord our God, at Galgal. 22 And Samuel said, Hath the Lord as great delight in whole burnt offerings, and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold obedience is better than good sacrifice; and to hearken, is better than the fat of rams. 23 Because divination is a sin, the consulting Theraphin bringeth sorrow and distress: because thou hast rejected the word of the Lord, therefore the Lord hath rejected thee from being king over Israel. 24 Then Saul said to Samuel, I have sinned; for I have transgressed the word of the Lord, and thy orders, because I feared the people and hearkened to their voice.

2 Samuel 3:24

24 Joab went to the king, and said, What is this thou hast done? Behold Abenner came to thee! Why then hast thou sent him away? And he is gone in peace?

2 Samuel 11:2

2 And it happened, that one afternoon, David arose from his couch, and walked on the roof of the king's house, and from the top of the house he saw a woman bathing, and she was very beautiful.

2 Samuel 12:9-12

9 Why then hast thou despised the word of the Lord, to do evil in his sight? Thou hast slain Ourias the Chettite with the sword, and taken his wife to be thy wife. Thou hast indeed slain him with the sword of the Ammonites. 10 Now therefore the sword shall never depart from thy house. Because thou hast despised me, and taken the wife of Ourias the Chettite to be thy wife, 11 therefore thus saith the Lord, Behold I will raise up evils against thee out of thy own house; and I will take thy wives before thy eyes, and give them to thy neighbour, and he will lie with thy wives in the face of the sun. 12 Thou indeed didst act secretly; but I will do this thing in the sight of all Israel, and in the face of yonder sun.

1 Kings 6:25-35

25 And so in respect to the other cherubim. In measure and workmanship, they were both alike. 26 The height of the one cherubim was ten cubits, and that of the other cherubim was the same. 27 And both the cherubim were in the middle of the innermost house, and they spread their wings so that a wing of one cherubim touched one wall, and a wings; of the other cherubim touched the other wall, and their wings touched one another in the middle of the house. 28 And he overlaid the cherubim with gold, 29 and engraved all the walls of the house round about with engravings of cherubim and palm trees, both in the inner and outer apartment. 30 And he overlaid the floor both of the inner and outer apartment with gold. 31 [Omitted] 32 [Omitted] 33 And for the entrance into the dabir he made doors of juniper wood. 34 The four cheeks for both the doors were of fir, and each door consisted of two leaves which turned each on its own hinges. 35 And the doors were carved with cherubim and palm trees and open leaves, and covered with gold fitted to the carving.

1 Kings 22:6

6 Whereupon the king of Israel assembled all the prophets, about four hundred men, and said to them, Shall I go up to Remmath Galaad to battle, or shall I forbear? And they said, Go up; for the Lord will certainly deliver into the king's hands.

2 Kings 1:4

4 Now is not this the case, saith the Lord, From the bed to which thou art gone up thou shalt not come down, for thou shalt assuredly die?

2 Kings 1:6

6 Thereupon he said to them, Why are you returned? To which they replied, There came up a man to meet us, and he said to us, Go, return to the king who sent you and say to him, Thus saith the Lord, Is it because there is not a God in Israel, that thou goest to inquire of Baal, the fly-god of Akkaron? Now is not this the case; From the bed to which thou hast gone up thou shalt not come down, for thou shalt assuredly die?

2 Kings 1:16

16 And Elias spoke to him and said, Thus saith the Lord, Why didst thou send messengers to inquire of Baal the fly-god of Akkaron? Is not this the case? From the bed to which thou hast gone up thou shalt not come down: for thou shalt assuredly die?

2 Kings 6:20

20 So he led them away to Samaria; and when they had entered Samaria, Elisha said, Open, Lord, I beseech thee, their eyes, and let them see. So he opened their eyes and looked, and behold they were in the midst of Samaria.

2 Kings 8:10

10 And Elisha said, Go say, Thou shalt be in vigour of life as the Lord hath shewn me, when thou by death shalt die.

1 Chronicles 16:22

22 Touch not these my anointed ones, And to these my prophets do no harm.

1 Chronicles 21:16-17

16 And when David raised his eyes and saw the angel of the Lord standing between the earth and heaven, with a drawn sword in his hand stretched out over Jerusalem, he and all the elders being clad in sackcloth, fell on their faces, 17 and David said to God, Was it not I who ordered the numbering of the people? I indeed am the sinner. It is I who committed the sin. But as for this flock, what have they done? Lord my God, Let thy hand be upon me, and on my father's house, and not on this thy people, O Lord, to destruction.

2 Chronicles 32:15

15 Now therefore let not Ezekias deceive you, nor cause you to trust in this manner. Do not believe him. For as there is no god of any nation or kingdom who is able to save his people out of my hand, or hath been able to save out of the hand of my fathers, therefore your God cannot save you out of my hand.

Esther 1:20

20 And let this edict of the king be proclaimed, which if he cause to be done throughout his kingdom, then will all the women both rich and poor, pay respect to their husbands.

Job 1:11

11 But put forth thine hand and touch all that he hath, he will indeed openly renounce thee.

Job 1:21

21 and said, Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I shall depart hence. The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away. As it pleased the Lord so hath it come to pass. Blessed be the name of the Lord.

Job 2:5

5 Only put forth thy hand, and touch his bones and his flesh, he will indeed openly renounce thee.

Job 5:5

5 For what they have collected the righteous shall eat. Nor will they themselves be exempt from wrongs, should their power be exhausted. 6 For trouble cannot come forth out of the earth; nor will affliction spring up from mountains. 7 [a] But man is born for trouble, as the young of the vulture soar aloft,

Job 9:29-31

29 Now since I am wicked, why have I not died? 30 For though I have washed myself with snow, and purified myself with clean hands: 31 thou hast so thoroughly plunged me in filth that my very robes abhor me.

Job 14:1

1 He who is born of a woman waxeth old like a leathern bag: or like a garment which is moth eaten; for he is mortal, short lived and full of disquiet:

Job 17:13-16

13 For though I have waited patiently, the mansion of the dead is to be my house, and my bed is made in darkness. 14 I have called on death to be my father; and on corruption to be my sister and mother. 15 Where then have I any ground of hope? Or shall I see those good things of mine? 16 Shall they go down with me to the mansion of the dead? Or shall we go together beneath the mound?

Job 19:21

21 Pity me, pity me, O my friends, for the hand of the Lord hath touched me.

Job 19:26

26 who is about to dissolve me on earth, to raise again this skin of mine which draweth up these things.

Job 21:17

17 Now doth not he observe the works of the wicked? and should not the lamp, at least of wicked men, be extinguished, and destruction come upon them? And pangs seize them, on account of anger:

Job 21:26

26 But they are both composed alike under ground, and putrefaction hath covered them.

Job 22:14

14 A cloud is his covering, so that be cannot be seen, though he traverse the circuit of heaven.

Job 23:15

15 For this cause I am to be awed at his presence; I am to meditate on and be in dread of him.

Job 31:1

1 I made a covenant with mine eyes, that I would not gaze on a virgin:

Job 31:33

33 If when I sinned inadvertently, I concealed my sin;

Job 31:40

40 let nettles spring up for me instead of wheat, and bramble bushes instead of barley.

Job 34:15

15 all flesh would expire together; and every mortal would return to earth, of which they were formed.

Job 34:21-22

21 For he is the observer of men"s actions, and nothing that they do can escape his notice: 22 nor can there be a place, where the workers of iniquity can be concealed."

Job 38:1

1 After Elius had finished his speech, the Lord from a whirlwind and clouds, said to Job,

Psalms 10:11

11 For he said in his heart God hath forgotten; He hath turned his face from ever seeing.

Psalms 12:4

4 them who say, "We will magnify our tongue: our lips are our own: who is Lord over us?"

Psalms 22:15

15 My strength is dried up like a potsherd, and my tongue cleaveth to my palate; thou hast indeed brought me to the dust of death.

Psalms 22:26

26 The needy shall eat and be satisfied: and they who seek the Lord will praise him. Their heart shall be forever alive.

Psalms 22:29

29 All the fat ones of the earth have eaten and worshipped: before him shall bow all that go down to the dust. Let my soul therefore live for him.

Psalms 48:6

6 a trembling seized them: pangs were there as of a woman in travail.

Psalms 50:21

21 These things thou hast done and I was silent. Thou unjustly didst suppose that I would be like thyself. I will reprove thee and set things in order before thee.

Psalms 58:4

4 They have a venom like that of a serpent; like that of a deaf adder which stoppeth its ears;

Psalms 72:9

9 Let the Ethiopeans bow down before him; and let his enemies lick the dust.

Psalms 80:1

1 For the conclusion. Respecting them who are to be changed. A testimony. By Asaph. A Psalm respecting the Assyrian. Give ear, O shepherd of Israel! Who leadest Joseph like a flock; thou who art enthroned on the cherubim;

Psalms 90:3

3 Wilt thou turn man away to despondency; when thou hast said, Return ye sons of men?

Psalms 90:7-9

7 Because we have fallen short by thine anger, and by thine indignation have been troubled; 8 thou hast placed our iniquities before thee: let this age of ours be for the light of thy countenance. 9 Because all our days have fallen short; and we have failed by thine indignation; our years have exercised themselves like a spider.

Psalms 99:1

1 A Psalm by David. The Lord hath commenced his reign: let peoples rage. He is enthroned on the cherubim; let the earth be shaken.

Psalms 103:14

14 because he knew our formation. O remember that we are dust.

Psalms 104:2

2 clothing thyself with light as with a mantle; stretching out the heaven as a tent.

Psalms 104:4

4 Who maketh winds his messengers, and flaming fire his ministers;

Psalms 104:14-15

14 Thou art he who causeth grass to grow for cattle; even verdant grass for the service of man. That he may bring food out of the earth: 15 wine cheereth the heart of man: that he might exhilarate his countenance with oil; the heart of man is strengthened with bread.

Psalms 104:29

29 But when thou deniest, they are troubled. Withdraw their breath, they die and return to their dust:

Psalms 119:120

120 Penetrate my flesh with the dread of thee; for I am terrified at thy judgments.

Psalms 127:2

2 in vain is your early rising. Ye who eat the bread of care, rise when you have rested; when he hath given his beloved sleep.

Psalms 132:11

11 The Lord hath sworn a truth to David, and will not annul it; of the fruit of thy body I will set on thy throne;

Psalms 139:1-12

1 For the conclusion. A Psalm by David. LORD, thou hast proved me and known me. 2 Thou knowest my sitting down and my rising up. Thou from afar understandest my thoughts. 3 Thou has tracked my path and my line: and hast seen distinctly all my ways; 4 that there is not an evil word on my tongue. Behold thou, Lord, knowest all things; 5 the last and the things of earliest date. Thou hast formed me and laid thy hand on me. 6 This knowledge of thine is too wonderful for me. It is great beyond my comprehension. 7 Whither can I go from thy spirit? And from thy presence whither can I flee? 8 If I ascend up to heaven, thou art there. If I go down to the mansion of the dead, there thou art. 9 If I wing my flight towards the morning; or dwell at the extremes of this sea; 10 even there thy hand will guide me; and thy right hand will restrain me. 11 When I said, Darkness will surely trample me down: then to my great joy, night was luminous. 12 For darkness cannot darken from thee; even night can be made light as day: the darkness of that, as the light of this.

Proverbs 3:18

18 She is a tree of life to all who take hold of her; and safe for them who rely on her, as on the Lord.

Proverbs 15:3

3 The eyes of the Lord are in every place, they behold both the evil and the good.

Proverbs 19:3

3 The folly of a man maketh his ways destructive; but in his heart he blameth God.

Proverbs 21:16

16 A man who wandereth from the path of justice, shall go to rest among the congregation of giants.

Proverbs 22:5

5 Thorns and snares are in crooked paths: but he who watcheth his soul shall avoid them.

Proverbs 24:31

31 if thou lettest them alone, they will be overrun with weeds and grass, and become useless, and their stone fences will be thrown down.

Proverbs 28:13

13 He who covereth his wickedness shall not prosper; but he who confesseth and forsaketh will be beloved.

Ecclesiastes 1:2-3

2 Vanity of vanities, said the preacher. Vanity of vanities. All is vanity. 3 What lasting advantage hath a man by all the labour with which he toileth under the sun?

Ecclesiastes 1:3

3 What lasting advantage hath a man by all the labour with which he toileth under the sun?

Ecclesiastes 1:13-14

13 and I applied my heart to seek and make diligent search by wisdom concerning all the things which are done on the earth. Because God hath assigned to the sons of men painful employment, that they may be kept employed,

Ecclesiastes 1:13

13 and I applied my heart to seek and make diligent search by wisdom concerning all the things which are done on the earth. Because God hath assigned to the sons of men painful employment, that they may be kept employed, 14 I took a view of all the different sorts of work which are done under the sun. And behold they are all vanity and vexation of spirit.

Ecclesiastes 2:11

11 therefore I looked back on all the works which my hands had done, and on the labour with which I had toiled to execute them; and behold all was vanity and vexation of spirit and there is no lasting advantage under the sun.

Ecclesiastes 2:17

17 therefore I hated the whole of this life; because the work which was done under the sun was toilsome to me; because all are vanity and vexation of spirit:

Ecclesiastes 2:22-23

22 That such is the case with another man by all his labours and the vexation of his heart with which he toileth under the sun, 23 that all his days are days of sorrow and his employment grief, and even at night his heart hath no rest. Surely this is vanity.

Ecclesiastes 3:20

20 They are all for one place. They were all from dust: and to dust they shall all return.

Ecclesiastes 4:10

10 For if they chance to fall the one can raise up his fellow. But alas for him who is alone, when he falleth and hath not another to raise him up.

Ecclesiastes 5:9

9 and the profit of land is for every one, a king is appendant to the cultivated field.

Ecclesiastes 5:15

15 As he came naked out of his mother's womb, he shall turn about and go as he came. He shall take nothing by his labour to go with him in his hand.

Ecclesiastes 5:17

17 and for which all his days are in darkness and mourning, and much grief and weakness and repining?

Ecclesiastes 12:7

7 and dust return to dust as it was, and the spirit return to God who gave it;

Isaiah 5:6

6 and I will abandon my vineyard that it may neither be pruned nor digged; and brambles shall overrun it as a waste; and I will give a charge to the clouds not to shed rain upon it.

Isaiah 7:14

14 Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and he shall be called Emmanuel.

Isaiah 7:23

23 And it shall come to pass in that day every where, though there may be a thousand vineyards, each valued at a thousand shekels income: they shall be for briars and thorns.

Isaiah 13:8

8 The men in power shall be confounded; and pangs shall seize them, like those of a woman in travail. And they shall bewail their calamities, one to another, and be amazed; and their countenances will quiver like a flame.

Isaiah 14:14

14 I will ascend above the clouds; I will be like the Most High.

Isaiah 19:12-13

12 Where now are these wise men of thine? Let them tell thee publickly and declare what the Lord of hosts hath determined against Egypt. 13 The princes of Tanis have failed; and the princes of Memphis are exalted, and they will lead Egypt astray, tribe by tribe.

Isaiah 21:3

3 For this cause my loins are filled with fainting; pangs have seized me like a woman in travail. I did wrong not to hear; I shuddered so that I could not see.

Isaiah 24:5-6

5 As for the land, it transgressed by means of its inhabitants. Because they transgressed the law, and changed the institutions; the everlasting covenant, 6 therefore a curse devoureth the land. Because they who dwell therein have sinned, therefore the inhabitants of the land shall be distressed, and few are the men who shall be left.

Isaiah 26:17-18

17 and as a woman in labour, when near delivery, crieth in her pangs, so have we been to thy beloved. 18 On account of the fear of thee, Lord, we conceived and suffered the pangs of child birth, and brought forth the spirit of thy salvation; for what we did in that land we are not to fall; but all the dwellers in that land are to fall.

Isaiah 27:1

1 In that day God will bring his holy sword, even his great and powerful sword, upon the dragon, the flying serpent; Upon the dragon, the crooked serpent; he will slay the dragon.

Isaiah 28:20

20 We are straitened for room, we cannot fight. We are weakened by your pressing upon us."

Isaiah 29:4

4 But when thy words shall be brought down to the ground; and shall be as if they sounded out of the earth; and thy voice on the ground shall be feeble;

Isaiah 32:13

13 In this land of my people shall spring up the thorn and the briar, and joy shall be taken from every dwelling.

Isaiah 33:14

14 The transgressors in Sion are fled; terror will seize the ungodly. Who will tell you that a fire is kindled? who will proclaim to you the place which is everlasting?

Isaiah 47:3

3 Thy shame shall be exposed; thy nakedness shall be seen. This vengeance I will take on thy account and no more deliver thee up to men.

Isaiah 47:12-13

12 Persist now in thine incantations and in thy manifold sorcery, which thou hast learned from thy youth: if thou canst be benefited by them. 13 Thou hast wearied thyself with thy counsels: let the astrologers now stand up and save thee; let them who gaze on the stars tell thee what is instantly coming upon thee.

Isaiah 53:3-4

3 but his appearance is mean and defective beyond the sons of men. Being a man in affliction and acquainted with grief, because his countenance was dejected, he was despised and disesteemed. 4 This man beareth away our sins; and for us he is in sorrow: And we considered him as being in trouble and under a stroke and in affliction.

Isaiah 53:11

11 More over it is the determination of the Lord to remove him from the trouble of his soul; to shew him light and fashion him for knowledge; to justify the Righteous One who is serving many well, when he shall bear away their sins; 12 therefore he shall inherit many and divide the spoils of the strong. [p] Because his soul was delivered up to death and he was numbered among transgressors and bore away the sins of many and on account of their iniquities was delivered up;

Isaiah 57:11

11 Of whom hast thou been so anxiously afraid that thou hast dealt falsely with me, and has not remembered nor taken me into thy thoughts, nor into thy heart? When I saw and neglected thee thou didst not fear me.

Isaiah 59:6

6 Their web will not serve for a mantle, nor can they clothe themselves with their works; for their works are works of iniquity

Isaiah 61:10

10 And they shall rejoice in the Lord with joy.[c] Rejoice in the Lord, my soul, for he hath clothed me with the mantle of Salvation, and with an under garment of gladness, he hath crowned me as a bridegroom with a crown and adorned me as a bride, with jewels,

Isaiah 65:25

25 Then shall the wolves and the lambs feed together: and the lion shall eat straw like the But the serpent shall eat dust as bread. They shall not hurt, nor shall they destroy on my holy mountain, saith the Lord.

Jeremiah 4:3

3 For thus saith the Lord to the men of Juda and inhabitants of Jerusalem, Break up for yourselves fallow grounds and sow not among thorns:

Jeremiah 4:31

31 For I have heard a sound as of one in labour; of thy groan, as of one who beareth her first child. [J] The voice of the daughter of Sion shall be weak: and she shall let her hands hang down. [p] Woe is me! for my soul fainteth on account of the slain.

Jeremiah 6:24

24 [c] We have heard the fame of them. Our hands are enfeebled. Anguish hath taken hold of us; pangs, as of a woman in travail.

Jeremiah 7:23-24

23 but only gave them this charge saying, "Hearken to my voice and I will be your God and you shall be my people; and walk in all my ways which I command you that it may be well with you." 24 But they hearkened not to me nor inclined their ear; but walked in the devices of their own wicked heart, and went backward and not forward

Jeremiah 12:13

13 Sow wheat and reap brambles. Their portions shall not profit them. Be ashamed of your boasting, of reproaches against the Lord.

Jeremiah 13:21

21 What wilt thou say, when these visit thee, seeing thou thyself hast taught them against thyself lessons for government. Will not pangs seize thee as a woman in travail?

Jeremiah 14:13-14

13 Thereupon I said, O self-existent Lord! Behold their prophets prophesy and say, You shall not see the sword; nor shall there be famine among you. For I will give truth and peace in this land and in this very place. 14 Then the Lord said to me: These prophets prophesy falsehood in My name; I did not send them, nor command them, nor did I speak to them. Because they prophesy to you lying visions and divinations, and auguries, and the devices of their own hearts;

Jeremiah 22:23

23 inhabitant of Lebanon, who hast thy nest in the cedars, thou shalt groan bitterly when pangs come upon thee like those of a woman in travail:

Jeremiah 23:24

24 Can any one hide himself in secret places; and I not see him? Do I not fill the heaven and the earth? saith the Lord.

Jeremiah 28:2-3

2 Thus said the Lord, I have broken the yoke of the king of Babylon; 3 yet two years of days

Jeremiah 31:22

22 How long shall it be, ere thou wilt return, despised daughter! Since the Lord hath created safety for a new plantation, with safety men may walk about.

Jeremiah 49:24

24 Damascus is enervated. She turned to flee: terror seized her.

Ezekiel 10:2-22

2 And he said to the man who was clothed with the long robe, Go in between the wheels which are under the cherubims and fill thy hands with coals of fire from the midst of the cherubims and scatter them over the city. So in my sight he went in. 3 Now the cherubims stood on the right side of the house as a man goeth in, and the cloud filled the inner court. 4 And the glory of the Lord had removed from the cherubims to the open part of the house and the cloud filled the house and the court was filled with the splendour of the glory of the Lord: 5 and the sound of the wings of the cherubims was heard to the outer court like the voice of God Saddai speaking. 6 And when he had given orders to the man clothed with the holy robe, saying, Take fire from the midst of the wheels from between the cherubims and he had gone in and stood near the wheels, 7 one stretched out his hand into the midst of the fire, which was between the cherubims and took and put it into the hands of him who was clothed with the holy robe and he took it and went out. 8 Now I saw that the cherubims had the likeness of men's hands under their wings. 9 I looked also and lo! four wheels stood close to the cherubims, one wheel close to each cherub; and the appearance of the wheels was like the appearance of a carbuncle stone. 10 And as for their appearance, the four had one and the same likeness, as if there was a wheel within a wheel. 11 When they ran, they ran on their four sections. They altered not their position when they ran, for which way soever the foremost looked, they ran and altered not their position when they ran. 12 Now their backs and their hands and their wings and the wheels were full of eyes all around the four wheels. 13 And in my hearing these wheels were called Gelgel [Note: Chaldean Galgal: wheel or rolling thing; whirlwind]. 14 [Omitted] 15 And the cherubims were the same living being which I saw by the river Chobar. 16 And when the cherubims marched on, the wheels ran and kept close to them; and when the cherubims lifted up their wings and were borne aloft from the earth, their wheels altered not their position. 17 When those stood these stood; and when those mounted up; these mounted up with them, for there was a breath of life in them. 18 Then the glory of the Lord went out from the house and mounted up upon the cherubims; 19 and the cherubims raised their wings and mounted up from the earth in my sight. When they went out the wheels were close by them. And they stopped at the vestibule of the gate of the house of the Lord which was over against the house and the glory of the God of Israel was above over them. 20 This was the living being which I saw under the God of Israel at the river Chobar, and I knew that it was the cherubims. 21 Every one had four faces, and every one had eight wings, and the likeness of mens' hands under their wings. 22 And as for the likeness of their faces, these were the same faces which I saw under the glory of the God of Israel at the river Chobar and they marched every one straight forward.

Ezekiel 13:2-6

2 Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel and thou shalt prophesy and say to them, Hear a word of the Lord, 3 Thus saith the Lord, Woe to the prophets who prophesy from their own hearts and see nothing. 4 Like foxes among ruins thy prophets, Israel, stood not for strength. 5 When flocks were collected against the house of Israel, they who say, 6 "In the day of the Lord, "stood not up. They are seers of lies they are prophesiers of vanities; they say, The Lord saith, Though the Lord did not send them: and in order to confirm a word they began with,

Ezekiel 13:22

22 Because you turned aside the heart of the righteous, whom I turned not aside, in order that you might strengthen the hands of a transgressor that he should by no means turn from his evil way and live;

Ezekiel 24:16

16 Son of man, Behold I take from thee the desires of thine eyes with a stroke. Thou must not mourn, nor utter lamentation.

Ezekiel 24:21

21 Say to the house of Israel, Thus saith the Lord, Behold I will profane my sanctuary, the boast of your strength, the desire of your eyes, and for which your souls are moved with compassion; and your sons and your daughters whom you left shall fall by the sword:

Ezekiel 24:25

25 And with regard to thee son of man, will not this be the case? On the day when I take from them their strength; that which was their exultation and boast and the desire of their eyes and the pride of their soul; their sons and their daughters;

Ezekiel 28:2

2 and thou son of man say to the prince of Tyre, Thus saith the Lord, Because thy heart is elated, and thou hast said, "I am a God."" I inhabit the dwelling of a god in the heart of the sea." Now as for thee thou art a man and not a God; though thou hast set thy heart as the heart of a God.

Ezekiel 28:9

9 Wilt thou say, "I am a God," in the presence of them who are slaying thee? Thou indeed art but a man and not a God.

Ezekiel 29:3

3 and say, Thus saith the Lord, Behold I am against Pharao; that great dragon which walloweth in the midst of his rivers, and saith, "These rivers are mine and I made them."

Daniel 4:30

30 he spake, saying, Is not this the great Babylon which I have built for the house of a kingdom, by the might of my power, for the display of my glory?

Daniel 6:7

7 All that are over thy kingdom, the generals and governors, the chief commanders and toparchs have joined in opinion to establish by a royal statute and make a firm decree, that whoever shall make any request of any god or man for thirty days, save of thee only, king; he shall be cast into the den of the lions.

Daniel 9:26

26 and after the sixty two weeks, the Messiah shall be cut off, though there is no crime in him; and he, with the ruler who is coming, will destroy the city and the sanctuary. They shall be destroyed with a deluge, and even to the end of the war determined on in course, with desolations.

Daniel 12:2

2 And many of them who sleep in mounds of earth shall be raised up, some for everlasting life and some for disgrace and everlasting shame.

Hosea 6:7

7 As for them, they are like man transgressing a covenant.

Amos 9:2-3

2 Though they hide themselves in the mansion of the dead, thence my hand will drag them up. And though they climb up to heaven, thence I will bring them down. 3 Though they hide themselves on the top of Carmel, I will there search them out and take them. And should they go down from my sight into the depths of the sea, I will there give orders to the dragon and he will bite them.

Amos 9:3

3 Though they hide themselves on the top of Carmel, I will there search them out and take them. And should they go down from my sight into the depths of the sea, I will there give orders to the dragon and he will bite them.

Jonah 1:3

3 Jonas arose to flee to Tharsis from the presence of the Lord, and went down to Joppa, and finding a ship bound to Tharsis, he paid his fare and went on board with a design to sail with them to Tharsis, from the presence of the Lord.

Jonah 1:9-10

9 And he said to them, I am a servant of the Lord; and I worship the Lord God of heaven, who made the sea and the dry land. 10 Upon this the men were greatly terrified and said to him, Why hast thou done this? [For the men knew that he was fleeing from the presence of the Lord, for he had told them.]

Micah 4:9-10

9 Now therefore why hast thou known evils? Was there no king for thee? Or was thy counsel destroyed, that pangs of a woman in travail have seized thee? 10 Be in pangs, but take courage and draw near to delivery, daughter of Sion. For thou art now to go from a city and to make thy abode in a field, and go even to Babylon. Thence he will deliver thee; yes, thence the Lord thy God will redeem thee out of the hands of thine enemies.

Micah 5:3

3 Therefore he will continue them till the time of one bringing forth. She shall bring forth and the rest of their brethren shall turn to the children of Israel.

Micah 7:17

17 They will lick dust like serpents trailing on the ground; they will be confounded in their enclosure. [p] At the Lord our God let them be confounded and struck with terror because of thee.

Matthew 1:21

21 and she will bear a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.

Matthew 1:23

23 "The virgin shall conceive and bear a son and thou shalt call his name Emmanuel," the meaning of which is, God with us:

Matthew 1:25

25 but knew her not until she brought forth this her son, The First BORN and he called his name Jesus.

Matthew 3:7

7 And seeing many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his baptism, he said to them," Brood of vipers! who hath prompted you to flee from the impending wrath.

Matthew 4:1-10

1 Then Jesus was led up by the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. 2 And having fasted forty days and forty nights, he was at last hungry. 3 Whereupon the tempter coming to him, said, If thou art Son of God, command these stones to become loaves.

Matthew 4:3-10

3 Whereupon the tempter coming to him, said, If thou art Son of God, command these stones to become loaves. 4 In reply to which, Jesus said, It is written, "Man can live not by bread only, but by anything which God is pleased to appoint." 5 Then the devil taketh him along to the holy city and placeth him on the battlement of the temple, 6 and saith to him, If thou art Son of God, cast thyself down; for it is written, "He will give his angels a charge concerning thee, and with their hands they will bear thee up shouldst thou perchance strike thy foot against a stone."

Matthew 4:6-10

6 and saith to him, If thou art Son of God, cast thyself down; for it is written, "He will give his angels a charge concerning thee, and with their hands they will bear thee up shouldst thou perchance strike thy foot against a stone." 7 Jesus said to him, It is also written, "Thou shall not try the Lord thy God." 8 Again the devil taketh him along with him to a very high mountain and pointeth out to him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them, 9 and saith to him, All these I will give thee if thou wilt prostrate thyself and worship me.

Matthew 4:9-10

9 and saith to him, All these I will give thee if thou wilt prostrate thyself and worship me. 10 Whereupon Jesus said to him, "Be gone, Satan: for it is written, "Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and serve him alone.

Matthew 5:28

28 But I say to you, whoever looketh on a married woman so as to lust after her, hath already committed adultery with her in his heart.

Matthew 6:23

23 but if thine eye be distempered, thy whole body will be dark. If then the light which is in thee be darkness, how great will the darkness be!

Matthew 10:16

16 Behold I send you forth like sheep in the midst of wolves; be ye therefore wise as the serpents and harmless as the doves.

Matthew 12:34

34 Brood of vipers! how can you who are evil speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.

Matthew 13:7

7 and some fell among the thorns, and the thorns sprang up and choaked them.

Matthew 13:38

38 The field is the world. The good seed are the children of the kingdom, and the darnel are the children of the evil one.

Matthew 22:12

12 Companion, how camest thou hither without having on a wedding garment. And he was struck speechless.

Matthew 23:33

33 Serpents! brood of vipers! how can you escape the punishment of hell?

Matthew 25:26-27

26 Thereupon his master said to him in reply, Malignant and slothful servant! Thou knowest that I reap where I did not sow, and gather where I did not scatter! 27 Thou shouldst therefore have lodged my money with the bankers, that at my return I might have received mine own with interest.

Matthew 25:45

45 And he will answer them, saying, Verily I say to you, Inasmuch as you have not done this to any, the least of these, you have not done it to me.

Mark 16:18

18 they will take up serpents: though they drink deadly poison, it shall not hurt them: upon sick persons they will lay their hands, and they shall recover.

Luke 1:31-35

31 Now behold thou shall conceive, and bear a son, and shalt call his name Jesus. 32 He will be great and will be called the son of the Most High. And the Lord God will give him the throne of his father David. 33 And he will reign over the house of Jacob forever. And of his kingdom there shall be no end. 34 Then Mary said to the angel, How can this be, since I know not man. 35 And the angel answering, said to her, A holy spirit will come upon thee, and the power of the Most High will overshadow thee, therefore the holy offspring will be called the son of God.

Luke 1:76

76 Now as for thee, child, thou shalt be called a prophet of the Most High; for thou shall go before in the presence of the Lord, to prepare his ways;

Luke 10:19

19 behold I give you power to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and upon all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall in anywise hurt you.

Luke 10:29

29 But he, wishing to justify himself, said, And who is my neighbour?

Luke 16:23

23 And in the mansion of the dead having lifted up his eyes, being in torment, he seeth Abraham far off and Lazarus in his bosom.

Luke 19:22

22 Whereupon he Saith to him, Out of thine own mouth I will condemn thee, thou malignant slave. Thou knowest that I am an austere man, taking up what I laid not down, and reaping what I did not sow!

Luke 22:39-44

39 Then he went out and retired as usual to the mount of olives; and his disciples followed him. 40 And when he came to the place, he said to them, Pray, that you may not come to trial. 41 Then having withdrawn about a stone's throw from them, he kneeled down and prayed, 42 saying, O Father, if thou wilt remove this cup from me; but not my will, but thine be done. 43 Then an angel from heaven appeared to him, strengthening him. 44 And being in an agony, he prayed more earnestly. And his sweat was like great drops of blood falling on the ground.

Luke 22:53

53 When I was daily with you in the temple, you did not stretch forth your hands against me. But this is your hour, and the power of darkness.

John 6:48-58

48 I am the bread of that life. 49 Your fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, and died. 50 Such is the bread which cometh down from heaven, that whoever shall eat of it shall not die. 51 I am that living bread which came down from heaven. If any one eat of this bread he shall live forever. Now the bread which I will give is this flesh of mine, which I will give for the life of the world. 52 Upon this the Jews debated among themselves, saying, How can this man give us his flesh to eat? 53 Therefore Jesus said to them, Verily, verily, I say to you, Unless you eat the flesh of the son of man, and drink his blood, you have no life in you. 54 He who eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood, hath an everlasting life, and I will raise him up at the last day. 55 For this flesh of mine is food indeed; and this blood of mine is indeed drink. 56 He who eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, abideth in me and I in him. 57 As the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father; so he. who eateth me, even he will live by me. 58 This is the bread which is come down from heaven. Not as your fathers ate the manna and died. He who eateth this bread shall live forever.

John 8:44

44 You are of your father the devil, and bent upon executing the desires of your father. He was a manslayer from the beginning, and did .not abide in the truth. Because there is no truth in him, when he speaketh falsehood he speaketh what is. natural to him, for he is a liar, and the father of it.

John 12:31-33

31 Now is the judgment of this world. Now will the chieftain of this world be cast out. 32 As for me, when I am lifted up from the ground, I will draw all men to me. 33 [Now this he said, signifying the death he should soon die.]

John 14:6

6 Jesus saith to him, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one cometh to the father but by me.

John 14:30-31

30 I will not discourse much more with you, for the; chieftain of this world is coming, and hath nothing to do with me; 31 save only that the world may know that I love the Father and do as he commanded me. Arise; let us go hence.

John 16:21

21 A woman in travail hath sorrow, because her time is come; but when the child is born, she no more remembereth her anguish, for joy that a man is born into the world.

John 16:33

33 These things I have spoken to you, that you may have peace in me. In this world you will have trouble; but take courage: I have overcome the world.

John 18:35

35 Pilate answered him, Am I a Jew? Thine own nation, even the chief priests, have delivered thee up to me. What hast thou done?

Acts 12:22-23

22 upon which the people shouted, It is the voice of a god and not of a man! 23 And instantly an angel of the Lord smote him, because he gave not God the glory. And being gnawed by worms he died.

Acts 13:10

10 said, O! full of all deceit and of all wickedness, son of the devil, enemy of all righteousness; wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord!

Acts 17:26

26 and hath made of one blood the whole nation of men to inhabit the whole face of the earth, having marked out times previously arranged in order, and the boundaries of their habitation,

Acts 26:18

18 to open their eyes, that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of satan to God, that they may receive a remission of sins and an inheritance among them who are sanctified by the belief in me.

Acts 28:3-6

3 And as Paul having gathered a bundle of sticks was laying them on the fire, a viper coming out from the heat, fastened on his hand. 4 When the barbarians saw the venomous creature hanging to his hand they said to one another, This man is certainly a murderer whom vengeance suffereth not to live, though he hath escaped from the sea. 5 He indeed shaked off the venomous creature into the fire, and suffered no harm; 6 but they expected that he would swell or fall dead suddenly. But when they had waited a considerable time and saw no mishap befal him, they changed their minds and said, He is a god.

Romans 2:15

15 By the joint testimony of their conscience, and by their debates one with another, whether accusing or defending, they shew the matter of the law written in their hearts.

Romans 3:13

13 Their throat is an open sepulchre. With their tongues they practised deceit. The poison of asps is under the lips of them,

Romans 3:19

19 Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law, that every mouth may be stopped, and the whole world stand convicted before God. 20 Because no flesh can be justified before him by works of law; for by law there is a knowledge of sin,

Romans 3:22

22 even a justification, of God's appointment, by faith in Jesus Christ, for all and upon all who believe; for there is no distinction;

Romans 5:12-19

12 on this account; as sin entered into this world by one man, and death by sin, and so death for which all sinned passed through unto all men:

Romans 5:12-21

12 on this account; as sin entered into this world by one man, and death by sin, and so death for which all sinned passed through unto all men: 13 for there was sin in the world until the law: now sin is not placed to account where there is no law;

Romans 5:13-21

13 for there was sin in the world until the law: now sin is not placed to account where there is no law; 14 but death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them who had not sinned after the likeness of the transgression of Adam, who is a type of him who was to come:

Romans 5:14-21

14 but death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them who had not sinned after the likeness of the transgression of Adam, who is a type of him who was to come: 15 but the free gift is not as the transgression; for if for the transgression of the one, the many died; much more hath the favour of God, and the free gift by the favour of the other man, Jesus Christ, superabounded to the many:

Romans 5:15-21

15 but the free gift is not as the transgression; for if for the transgression of the one, the many died; much more hath the favour of God, and the free gift by the favour of the other man, Jesus Christ, superabounded to the many: 16 nor is this free gift as in the case when one sinned" for the sentence was a condemnation for one offence, but the

Romans 5:16-21

16 nor is this free gift as in the case when one sinned" for the sentence was a condemnation for one offence, but the 17 free gift is an acquittal from many transgressions. For if for the offence of the one, death reigned by that one; much more shall they who receive the superabundance of this favour and of the free gift of this acquittal, reign in life by the other, namely Jesus Christ.

Romans 5:17-21

17 free gift is an acquittal from many transgressions. For if for the offence of the one, death reigned by that one; much more shall they who receive the superabundance of this favour and of the free gift of this acquittal, reign in life by the other, namely Jesus Christ. 18 Therefore as by one transgression there was a sentence of condemnation for all men; so by one acquittal there is an adjudication of life for all men.

Romans 5:18-21

18 Therefore as by one transgression there was a sentence of condemnation for all men; so by one acquittal there is an adjudication of life for all men. 19 For as by the disobedience of the one man, the many were ranked as sinners, so also by the obedience of the other man, the many will be ranked as righteous.

Romans 5:19-21

19 For as by the disobedience of the one man, the many were ranked as sinners, so also by the obedience of the other man, the many will be ranked as righteous. 20 Now the law came in a little way, so that transgression abounded, but where sin abounded, favour superabounded, 21 that as sin had reigned by death, so favour might reign by means' of a justification for everlasting life, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Romans 8:20-22

20 For to vanity this creation was subjected, not as a voluntary agent, but by him who subjected it to a hope 21 that this very creation shall be freed from the slavery of this corruption, that it may enjoy the glorious liberty of the children of God. 22 For we know that this whole creation are groaning together, and even till now are all in pain as a woman in travail.

Romans 10:3

3 For being ignorant of the righteousness of God's appointment, and seeking to establish a righteousness of their own, they did not submit themselves to God's righteousness.

Romans 14:2

2 One indeed believeth that he may eat all things; another who is weak eateth vegetables.

Romans 16:20

20 And the God of peace will soon bruise satan under your feet. The favour of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

1 Corinthians 7:1

1 Now with respect to those matters about which you wrote to me, it is well for a man not to marry:

1 Corinthians 7:4

4 The wife hath not the power over her own body; but the husband: And in like manner the husband hath not the power over his own body; but the wife.

1 Corinthians 11:3

3 and I wish you to know that the Christ is the head of every man; and that the head of woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.

1 Corinthians 14:34

34 let your women be silent in these congregations: for they are not permitted to talk, but to be in subjection, as the law also saith:

1 Corinthians 15:21-22

21 For since by man came death, by man also cometh a resurrection of the dead. 22 For as by Adam all die, so by the Christ all shall be brought to life:

2 Corinthians 2:11

11 that Satan may not get an advantage over us, for we are not ignorant of his devices.

2 Corinthians 4:4

4 with which the god of this world hath blinded the minds of the disbelieving, that the splendour of the glad tidings of the glory of the Christ, who is an image of God, may not shine upon them.

2 Corinthians 5:2-3

2 For in this we groan, wishing earnestly to clothe ourselves with that house of ours; that heavenly habitation; 3 for having indeed that on, we shall not be found naked.

2 Corinthians 5:21

21 for he hath made him who knew no sin, a sin offering for us, that by him we may be made the righteousness of God;

2 Corinthians 6:17

17 therefore come out from among them and separate yourselves, saith the Lord, and touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you,

2 Corinthians 11:3

3 but I am afraid lest by some means as the serpent by his subtilty deceived Eve, so your affections should be corrupted from their singleness for the Christ.

2 Corinthians 11:13-15

13 For such as they are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. 14 Nor is this to be wondered at; for Satan himself putteth on the appearance of an angel of light:

2 Corinthians 11:14-15

14 Nor is this to be wondered at; for Satan himself putteth on the appearance of an angel of light: 15 No wonder, then, if his ministers transform themselves to appear like ministers of righteousness. But their end will be according to their works.

Galatians 4:4

4 but when the fulness of time was come, God sent forth his son, born of a woman; born under law

Ephesians 4:8

8 Therefore it is said, "Having ascended on high, he hath led captivity captive, and "he hath given gifts to men."

Ephesians 4:28

28 Let the stealer steal no more; but rather labour, and procure honestly with the work of his hands, that he may have wherewithal to relieve the needy.

Ephesians 5:22-24

22 Wives, be subject to your husbands as to the Lord; 23 because the husband is the head of the wife, even as the Christ is the head of the congregation. He indeed is the saviour of the body; 24 but as the congregation is subject to the Christ, so let wives be to their husbands in every thing.

Colossians 2:15

15 having divested himself of the principalities and the powers, he exposed them to public view- when he triumphed over them on it.

Colossians 2:21

21 "Touch not; taste not; handle not;"

Colossians 3:18

18 Wives, be submissive to your own husbands, as is fit in the Lord.

1 Thessalonians 2:9

9 For you, brethren, remember our labour and our toil: for working day and night that we might not be burthensome to any of you, we proclaimed to you the glad tidings of God.

1 Thessalonians 5:3

3 For whilst they are saying, there is peace and safety, sudden destruction is then upon them, like the pangs of a woman in travail, and they cannot escape.

2 Thessalonians 2:4

4 who setteth himself against, and exalteth himself above, all that is called God, or an object of worship; so as to seat himself as God in the temple of God, pointing himself out that he is God.

2 Thessalonians 3:10

10 For when we were with you we gave you this charge, that he who would not work should not eat.

1 Timothy 2:11-12

11 Let women learn in quietness with all submission. 12 For I do not allow a woman to teach or to usurp authority over man, but to be in quietness.

1 Timothy 2:14

14 and Adam was not deceived: but the woman being deceived was in transgression, 15 but to be saved by the child birth, if they continue in faith and love and sanctification, with a sober mind.

Titus 2:5

5 to be modest, chaste, attentive to domestic affairs, good, submissive to their husbands; that the word of God may not be ill spoken of.

Hebrews 1:7

7 Now in respect to the messengers it is said, "Who maketh winds his messengers, and flaming fire his ministers:

Hebrews 2:14-15

14 As the children therefore were partakers of flesh and blood, he himself likewise partook of the same in order that he might, by his death, put a stop to the operation of him who hath the power of death, that is the devil; 15 and deliver from bondage them who were all their lives liable to the fear of death.

Hebrews 2:18

18 For by what he himself suffered when he was tried he can help them who are tried.

Hebrews 4:13

13 There is indeed no creature concealed from his sight. All things are naked and exposed to the eyes of him with whom we have to do.

Hebrews 5:7

7 He, [who in the days of his flesh, having, with a strong cry and tears, offered up prayers and supplications to him who was able to save him from death, and being hearkened to, did, from a reverential awe notwithstanding his being a son, learn obedience from what he suffered;

Hebrews 6:8

8 but that which produceth briars and thorns is rejected, and near a curse, the end of which is for burning.

Hebrews 10:18-22

18 Now, where there is a remission of these, there is no more an offering for sin. 19 As we, therefore, brethren, have, by virtue of the blood of Jesus, free access to the holies 20 by a new and living way, which He hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is, his flesh;

Hebrews 10:21-22

21 and a great high priest over the house of God, 22 let us come with a true heart in the full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and the body washed with pure water.

James 1:13-15

13 Let no one when tempted say, I am tempted of God. For God cannot be tempted by evil, neither doth he tempt any one. 14 But every one is tempted by his own desire, when allured and ensnared. 15 In that case desire having conceived, bringeth forth sin, and sin, when grown up, produceth death.

1 Peter 3:1-6

1 In like manner ye wives, be subject to your own husbands, that if any of them disbelieve the word they may by the deportment of their wives, without a word, be won over, 2 when they see your reverential, chaste behaviour. 3 And let your adorning be, not that which is external by plaiting the hair with appendages of gold, nor finery of dress; 4 but the hidden man of the heart, with the incorruptible ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is highly precious in the sight of God. 5 For thus, in former times, the holy women who trusted in God adorned themselves, submitting to their husbands, 6 [as Sarah, whose daughters you are, obeyed Abraham, calling him lord] doing what was right, and alarmed by no terror. 7 Likewise ye husbands cohabit with your wives, paying respect to them as the weaker sex, and moreover as co-heirs with you of the grant of life, that there may be no impediment to your prayers.

1 John 2:16

16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the desire of the eyes, and the pomp of this life are not of the Father, but are of the world.

1 John 3:8

8 He who practiseth sin is of the devil, because the devil sinneth from the beginning; for this [purpose] the son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.

1 John 3:10

10 By this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil. Whosoever doth not practise righteousness is not of God, nor he who doth not love his brother.

1 John 3:20

20 in respect to what things soever our heart condemneth us, that God is greater than our hearts, and that he knoweth all things.

1 John 5:5

5 Who is he that overcometh the world, but he who believeth that Jesus is the son of God?

Revelation 2:7

7 Whosoever hath an ear to hear let him hear what the spirit saith to the congregations. To him who overcometh I will give to eat of the tree of life which is in the midst of the paradise of God."

Revelation 2:10

10 Be not terrified at what thou art about to suffer. Behold the devil will soon cast some of you into prison, that you may be tried; and ye will have tribulation ten days. Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee the crown of life.

Revelation 3:17-18

17 because thou sayest, "I am rich and become wealthy, and have need of nothing," and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked. 18 I advise thee to purchase of me gold tried in the fire that thou mayst be rich, and white raiment that thou mayst be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness may not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eye salve, that thou mayst see.

Revelation 12:7-13

7 And there was a war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought; 8 but did not prevail, nor was their place any more found in heaven. 9 And the great dragon was cast out that old serpent who is called The Devil and Satan who leadeth the whole world astray. He was thrown on the earth and his angels were thrown with him.

Revelation 12:9-13

9 And the great dragon was cast out that old serpent who is called The Devil and Satan who leadeth the whole world astray. He was thrown on the earth and his angels were thrown with him. 10 And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven. "Now is come salvation and the power and reign of our God and the authority of Christ himself; for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, he who accused them before our God day and night; 11 and they have conquered him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony and have not spared to expose their life even to death. 12 Therefore rejoice ye heavens and ye who dwell in them. Alas! for the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! for the devil is gone down to you in great wrath knowing that he hath but a little time. 13 And when the dragon saw that he was cast on the earth he persecuted the woman who had brought forth the masculine child;

Revelation 12:17

17 and the dragon was enraged at the woman and went to make war against the rest of her seed them who were keeping the commandments of God and maintaining the testimony of Jesus Christ.

Revelation 13:4

4 And they worshipped the dragon who had given the beast authority; and they worshipped the beast, saying, "Who is like this beast? Who is able to fight with it?"

Revelation 13:7

7 And power was given it to make war against the saints and to conquer them; and authority was given it over every tribe and tongue and nation;

Revelation 13:14

14 and it leadeth astray the dwellers on the earth by the signs which it had power to do in the presence of the beast; commanding the inhabitants of die earth to make an image of the beast which had the wound of a sword and lived.

Revelation 15:1-6

1 Then I saw another sign in heaven great and wonderful: seven angels having the seven last plagues because by them the wrath of God was finished. 2 And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire, and them who were victorious over the beast and over its image and over the number of its name, standing at the glassy sea having the musical instruments of God; 3 and they sing the song of Moses the servant of God and the song of the lamb, saying, Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord, God, Almighty; Just and true are thy ways O thou king of the saints; 4 Who would not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name? For thou alone art perfect. For all the nations will come and worship before thee, For thy rules of rectitude are made manifest. 5 And after that I looked and behold! the temple of the tabernacle of the testimony in heaven was opened. 6 And the seven angels having the seven plagues came out of the temple, clad in clean white linen and having their breasts girded with golden girdles.

Revelation 16:15

15 [Behold my coming is as a thief [cometh]: Happy he who watcheth and keepeth his garments that he may not walk naked and expose his shame.]

Revelation 20:1-3

1 Then I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key of the bottomless gulf and a great chain in his hand; 2 and he laid hold on the dragon, the old serpent which is the Devil and Satan and bound him a thousand years

Revelation 20:2-3

2 and he laid hold on the dragon, the old serpent which is the Devil and Satan and bound him a thousand years 3 and cast him into the bottomless gulf and shut him up, and sealed it on him that he might not lead the nations astray any more until the thousand years were ended. And after that he must be loosed for a short time.

Revelation 20:7-8

7 And when the thousand years are ended Satan will be let loose from his prison 8 and will go forth to seduce the nations which are in the four corners of the earth Gog and Magog to assemble them for battle; the number of whom will be as the sand of the sea.

Revelation 20:10

10 And the Devil who was seducing them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are; and they shall be tormented day and night for the ages of the ages.

Revelation 20:12-13

12 And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God. And books were opened; and another book was opened namely that of Life. And the dead were judged by the writings in those books according to their works. 13 And the sea delivered up the dead in it; and death and the mansion of the dead delivered up the dead in them; and they were judged, every one according to his works.

Revelation 22:2

2 and in the middle of the broad street of the city on both sides of the river at proper distances there was a tree of life bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month and the leaves of the tree are to heal the nations.

Revelation 22:14

14 Happy they who perform his commandments that they may have access to the tree of life and enter by the gates into the city:

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