Mark 3:17 Cross References - WestSaxon990

17 & iacobum zebedei. & iohannem his broðor & him naman onsette. boaneries þt is ðunres bearn.

Mark 1:19-20

19 & ðanon hwön agän he geseah iacobum & zebedei & iohannes his broðor. & hi on heora scype heora nett logodon. 20 & he hi sona clypode. & hi heora fæder zebedeo on scipe forleton. mid hyrlingum.

Mark 5:37

37 And he ne lët him ænigne fyligean. buton petrum. & iacobum. & iohannem. Iacobes broðor

Mark 9:2

2 [Note: Ðis sceal on sætern-dæg on þære forman fæsten wucan. A. B. ] Ða æfter syx dagum nam se hælend petrum & iacobum & iohannem & lædde hi sylfe onsundran on sumne heahne munt & wearð beforan him ofer-hiwud.

Mark 10:35

35 Him þa ge-nealæhton to. iacobus. & Iohannes Zebedeis suna & cwædon; Lareow. we wyllað þt þu us do swa hwæt swa we biddað;

Mark 14:33

33 And he nam þa mid him petrum & iacobum & iohannem. þa ongan he forhtian & sargian

John 21:2

2 Simön petrus & thomäs ðe ys gecweden gelicost. wæron æt-gædere. & nathanaël se wæs of chanä galilææ. & zebedeus suna & oðre twegen þæra leorning-cnihta;

John 21:20-25

20 Ða petrus hine bewende þa geseah he þt se leorning-cniht him fylide þe se hælend lufode. se þe hlinode on gebeorscype ofer his breost & cwæð; Drihten. hwæt ys se ðë belæwð; 21 Witodlice þa petrus þysne geseah. þa cwæð he to þam hælende. Drihten. hwæt sceal þes; 22 Ða cwæð se hælend to him. ic wylle þt he wunige ðus oð ic cume. cwæð (sic; over erasure) to þe. fylig ðu me; 23 Witodlice ðeos spræc cöm üt gemang broþrum þt se leorning-cniht ne swylt. & ne cwæð se hælend to him ne swylt he. ac ðus ic wylle þt he wunige oð ic cume cwæð (sic; over erasure) to þe; 24 Þis ys se leorning-cniht þe cyð ge-witnysse be þyson & wrat ðas þing; And [we] witon þt hys gewrit ys soð; 25 Witodlice oðre manega þing synt þe se hælend worhte gif ða ealle awritene wæron. ic wene ne mihte þes middan-eard ealle þa bec befon. Amen.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.