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7 results for G1496

Revelation 21:8 (new)
  8 G1161 But G3588 the G1169 timid, G2532 and G571 unbelieving, G2532 and G268 sinful, G2532 and G948 [G5772] abominable, G2532 and G5406 murderers, G2532 and G4205 fornicators, G2532 and G5332 sorcerers, G2532 and G1496 idolaters, G2532 and G3956 all G3588 the G5571 liars, G846 shall have their G3313 part G1722 in G3588 the G3041 pond, G3588 the one G2545 [G5746] burning G4442 with fire G2532 and G2303 brimstone, G3603 [G5748] which is G3588 the G1208 second G3588   G2288 death.