Hebrews 10:25-37

CLV(i) 25 not forsaking the assembling of ourselves, according as the custom of some is, but entreating, and so much rather as you are observing the day drawing near." 26 For at our sinning voluntarily after obtaining the recognition of the truth, it is no longer leaving a sacrifice concerned with sins, 27 but a certain fearful waiting for judging and fiery jealousy, about to be eating the hostile." 28 Anyone repudiating Moses' law is dying without pity on the testimony of two or three witnesses. 29 Of how much worse punishment, are you supposing, will he be counted worthy who tramples on the Son of God, and deems the blood of the covenant by which he is hallowed contaminating, and outrages the spirit of grace? 30 For we are acquainted with Him Who is saying, Mine is vengeance! I will repay! the Lord is saying, and again, "The Lord will be judging His people" 31 Fearful is it to be falling into the hands of the living God! 32 Now recollect the former days in which, being enlightened, you endure a vast competition of sufferings, 33 in this, indeed, being a gazing stock both of reproaches and afflictions, yet in this, becoming participants of those behaving thus." 34 For you sympathize with my prisoners also, and anticipate the pillage of your possessions with joy, knowing you yourselves have better and permanent property in the heavens." 35 You should not, then, be casting away your boldness, which is having a great reward, " 36 for you have need of endurance that, doing the will of God, you should be requited with the promise." 37 For still how very little, He Who is coming will be arriving and not delaying."