Hebrews 10:25-37

Diaglott(i) 25 not leaving off the assembling together of ourselves, as a custom with some, but exhorting; and by much more, by so much you see drawing near the day. 26 Voluntarily for sinning of us after the to have received the knowledge of the truth, no longer respecting sins is left a sacrifice; 27 fearful but some expectation of judgment, and of a fire of indignation, to eat up being about the opponents. 28 Having violated any one a law of Moses, without mercies by two or three witnesses dies; 29 by how much, think you, worse will he be deserving punishment he the son of the God having trampled on, and the blood of the covenant a common thing having esteemed, by which he was sanctified, and the spirit of the favor having insulted? 30 We know for the one saying: To me vengeance, I will repay, says Lord; and again: Lord will judge the people of himself. 31 A fearful thing the to fall into hands of God living. 32 Remember you but the former days, in which having been enlightened a great contest you endured of sufferings; 33 this indeed, by reproaches both and by afflictions being made a spectacle; this but, partners of those thus being overturned having become. 34 And for with the prisoners you sympathized, and the seize of the goods of you with joy you submitted to, knowing to have for yourselves better property in heavens and abiding. 35 Not do you cast away therefore the confidence of you, which has a reward great. 36 Of patience for you have need; so that the will of the God having done, you may receive the promise. 37 Yet for a little while very very, the the coming one will come and not will delay.