1 And Eli Hu answers and says,
2 Hear my utterances, O you wise; and hearken to me, you who know:
3 for the ear proofs utterances, as the palate tastes to eat.
4 We choose judgment; we know among ourselves what is good.
5 For Iyob said, I am justified and El turned aside my judgment!
6 Lie I against my judgment? my arrow is incurable - without rebellion.
7 Who is mighty as Iyob? Who drinks derision as water?
8 Who caravans in companionship with the doers of mischief? Who walks with men of wickedness?
9 For he said, Useless for the mighty to be pleased with Elohim.
10 So you men of heart, hearken to me; far be it from El to do wickedness; and from Shadday to do wickedness.
11 He shalams humanity for his deeds, and presents every man according to his ways.
12 Yes truly, neither El does wickedly, nor Shadday twists judgment.
13 Who gave him charge over the earth? Who set the whole world?
14 If he sets his heart on man, he gathers his spirit and his breath to himself.
15 All flesh expires together and humanity returns to dust.
16 If there is discernment, hear this - hearken to the voice of my utterances.
17 Binds he, he who hates judgment? Judge you wicked, he who is most just?
18 Say you to a sovereign, Beli Yaal? - or to volunteers, Wicked?
19 - of him who neither accepts faces of governors nor recognize the opulent more than the face of the poor? - they all are the work of his hands.
20 In a blink they die; the people shake at midnight and pass away; and the mighty turn aside without hand.
21 For his eyes are on the ways of man and he sees all his paces.
22 There is neither darkness nor shadow of death where the doers of mischief hide.
23 For he sets no more on man than to go into judgment with El:
24 he shatters the mighty, unable to probe; and stands others in their stead.
25 So he recognizes their acts and overturns them in the night and they are crushed.
26 He slaps them as wicked in the place of seeing;
27 because they turn back from after him and comprehend none of his ways;
28 so that they cause the cry of the poor to come to him; and he hears the cry of the humble.
29 And when he rests, who judges wicked? and when he hides his face, who observes him? - whether against a goyim, or against humanity altogether;
30 from the reign of the profaner of humanity, lest the people be ensnared.
31 Says any one to El, I have spared; I have not despoiled.
32 Except, what I see not, you teach me; if I have done wickedness, never again.
33 According to your mind, he shalams what you refuse - what you choose; and not I; so word only what you know.
34 May men of understanding say, and the wise mighty hearken to me.
35 Iyob words without comprehending - words without wisdom.
36 I yearn that Iyob be proofed in perpetuity because of his responses for men of mischief:
37 for he adds rebellion to his sin, he claps among us and abounds his sayings against El.