Luke 19:5-8

JMNT(i) 5 Then as He came upon the place, upon looking up Jesus said to him, "Zacchaeus, while hurrying, climb down at once, for it is necessary for Me to stay at your house today." 6 And so, making haste, he climbed down and received Him as a guest, under [his roof], while continuously rejoicing. 7 Then, upon seeing [this], all [the crowd] began buzzing throughout with muttered complaints, one to another saying, "He goes in (enters) to loose-down (= relax and lodge for the night) beside (= in company with) an adult man [who is] an outcast (a sinner; one who by way of life fails to attain the goal of a culturally accepted life)!" 8 Now being brought to a standstill [by this], Zacchaeus said to the Lord, "Look here, and consider! One half of my possessions (the things normally giving me sustenance), Lord (Master), I am habitually giving to the destitute folks. And if I extorted anything from anyone through what appeared as threat of accusation, I am habitually giving back (repaying) four times as much." [comment: an echo of the Law in Ex. 22:1. This would be an appeal to the Law, and thus, an affirmation that he lived by the Torah, and was not really a "sinner"]