Job 18

Matthew(i) 1 Then answered Baldad the Suhite, and sayde: 2 when wyll ye make an ende of your wordes? Marcke well, and consydre, we wyll speake also. 3 Wherfore are we counted as beastes, and reputed so vyle in youre syght? 4 Why destroyest thou thy selfe with anger? Shall the earth be forsaken, or the stones remoued oute of their place because of the? 5 Shall not the lyght of the vngodly be put oute? yee the flame of hys fyre shall not burne. 6 The lyght shalbe darcke in hys dwellynge, and hys candle shalbe put out with hym. 7 His presumptuous goinges shall be kepte in, and his owne councell shal cast hym downe. 8 For his fete shalbe taken in the nett, and he shall walke in the snare. 9 His fote shalbe holden in the gilder, and the thrustie shall catch him. 10 The snare is layed for him in the grounde, and a pitfall in the waye. 11 Fearfulnesse shall make hym afrayed on euery syde, that he shall not knowe, where to get out. 12 Honger shalbe his substaunce, and mysfortune shall hange vpon hym. 13 He shall eate the strength of his skynne, the fyrste borne of death shall eate hys membres. 14 All his comforte & hope shalbe roted out of his dwellynge, very fearfulnesse shall bringe hym to the kynge. 15 Other men shall dwell in his house (which now is none of his) and brymstone shalbe scatered vpon his habitacion. 16 Hys rotes shalbe dryed vp beneth, and aboue shall his haruest be cutt downe. 17 Hys remembraunce shall perish from the earth, & hys name shall not be praysed in the stretes: 18 he shalbe dryuen from the lyght into darcknesse, and be cast cleane out of the world. 19 He shall nether haue chyldren nor kynsfolckes amonge his people, no, ner eny posterite in his countre: 20 yonng & olde shalbe astonished at his death. 21 Soche are now the dwellynges of the wycked, and this the place of him that knoweth not God.