Job 19:25-27

  25 H3045 [H8804] For I know H1350 [H8802] that my redeemer H2416 liveth, H6965 [H8799] and that he shall rise H314 at the latter H6083 day upon the dust:
  26 H9002 And H310 after H9020 my H5785 skin H5362 [H8765] is struck off H2063 this body, H9002 yet H9006 from H9020 my H1320 flesh H2372 [H8799] shall I envision H433 God:
  27 H834 Whom H589 I H2372 [H8799] shall envision H9005 for H9030 myself, H9002 and H9020 mine H5869 eyes H7200 [H8804] shall behold, H9002 and H3808 not H2114 [H8801] a stranger; H9020 though my H3629 kidneys H3615 [H8804] be consumed H9003 in H9020 my H2436 bosom.