Luke 6:28-36

  28 G2127 [G5720] { Bless G2672 [G5740] them that curse G5213 you, G2532 and G4336 [G5737] pray G5228 in behalf of G1908 [G5723] them who despitefully use G5209 you.}
  29 G5180 [G5723] { And to him that smiteth G4571 thee G1909 on G4600 the one cheek G3930 [G5720] furnish G2532 also G243 the other; G2532 and G575 him G142 [G5723] that taketh away G4675 thy G2440 cloke G2967 [G5661] forbid G3361 not G5509 to take thy coat G2532 also.}
  30 G1161 { G1325 [G5720] Give G3956 to every man G154 [G5723] that asketh G4571 of thee; G2532 and G575 from G142 [G5723] him that taketh away G4674 thy goods G523 0 ask G3361 them not G523 [G5720] again.}
  31 G2532 { And G2531 as G2309 [G5719] ye would G2443 that G444 men G4160 [G5725] should do G5213 to you, G4160 [G5720] do G5210 ye G2532 also G846 to them G3668 likewise.}
  32 G2532 { For G1487 if G25 [G5719] ye love G25 [G5723] them who love G5209 you, G4169 what G5485 thanks G2076 [G5748] have G5213 ye? G1063 for G268 sinners G2532 also G25 [G5723] love G25 [G5719] those that love G846 them.}
  33 G2532 { And G1437 if G15 [G5725] ye do good G15 [G5723] to them who do good G5209 to you, G4169 what G5485 thanks G2076 [G5748] have G5213 ye? G1063 for G268 sinners G4160 [G5719] also do G2532 even G846 the same.}
  34 G2532 { And G1437 if G1155 [G5725] ye lend G3844 to them from G3739 whom G1679 G1679 [G5719] ye expect G618 [G5629] to receive, G4169 what G5485 thanks G2076 [G5748] have G5213 ye? G1063 for G268 sinners G2532 also G1155 [G5719] lend G268 to sinners, G2443 to G618 0 receive G2470 as much G618 [G5632] in return.}
  35 G4133 { But G25 [G5720] love ye G5216 your G2190 enemies, G2532 and G15 [G5720] do good, G2532 and G1155 [G5720] lend, G560 0 hoping G3367 for nothing G560 [G5723] again; G2532 and G5216 your G3408 wage G2071 [G5704] shall be G4183 great, G2532 and G2071 [G5704] ye shall be G5207 the sons G5310 of the Highest: G3754 for G846 he G2076 [G5748] is G5543 kind G1909 to G884 the unthankful G2532 and G4190 to the evil.}
  36 G1096 [G5737] { Be ye G3767 therefore G3629 compassionate, G2531 as G5216 your G3962 Father G2532 also G2076 [G5748] is G3629 compassionate.}