Matthew 25:35-40

  35 G3983 For I was an hungered, G1325 and you gave G5315 me meat: G1372 I was thirsty, G4222 and you gave G4222 me drink: G3581 I was a stranger, G4863 and you took me in:
  36 G1131 Naked, G4016 and you clothed G770 me: I was sick, G1980 and you visited G5438 me: I was in prison, G2064 and you came to me.
  37 G5119 Then G1342 shall the righteous G611 answer G3004 him, saying, G2962 Lord, G4218 when G1492 saw G3983 we you an hungered, G5142 and fed G2228 you? or G1372 thirsty, G4222 and gave G4222 you drink?
  38 G4218 When G1492 saw G3581 we you a stranger, G4863 and took G2228 you in? or G1131 naked, G4016 and clothed you?
  39 G2228 Or G4218 when G1492 saw G772 we you sick, G2228 or G5438 in prison, G2064 and came to you?
  40 G935 And the King G611 shall answer G2046 and say G281 to them, Truly G3004 I say G1909 to you, Inasmuch G3745 G4160 as you have done G1520 it to one G1646 of the least G5130 of these G80 my brothers, G4160 you have done it to me.