2 Peter 2:5-9

BIB(i) 5 καὶ (and) ἀρχαίου (the ancient) κόσμου (world) οὐκ (not) ἐφείσατο (He spared), ἀλλὰ (but) ὄγδοον (one of eight), Νῶε (Noah) δικαιοσύνης (of righteousness) κήρυκα (a herald) ἐφύλαξεν (preserved), κατακλυσμὸν (the flood upon) κόσμῳ (the world) ἀσεβῶν (of the ungodly) ἐπάξας (having brought in); 6 καὶ (and) πόλεις (the cities) Σοδόμων (of Sodom) καὶ (and) Γομόρρας (Gomorrah) τεφρώσας (having reduced to ashes), καταστροφῇ (to destruction) κατέκρινεν (He condemned them), ὑπόδειγμα (an example) μελλόντων (of what is coming on) ‹ἀσεβέσιν› (the ungodly) τεθεικώς (having set); 7 καὶ (and) δίκαιον (righteous) Λὼτ (Lot), καταπονούμενον (being distressed) ὑπὸ (by) τῆς (the) τῶν (of the) ἀθέσμων (lawless) ἐν (in) ἀσελγείᾳ (sensuality) ἀναστροφῆς (conduct), ἐρρύσατο (He rescued) — 8 βλέμματι (through seeing) γὰρ (for) καὶ (and) ἀκοῇ (hearing) ὁ (that) δίκαιος (righteous man), ἐνκατοικῶν (dwelling) ἐν (among) αὐτοῖς (them) ἡμέραν (day) ἐξ (after) ἡμέρας (day), ψυχὴν (in his soul) δικαίαν (righteous) ἀνόμοις (with their lawless) ἔργοις (deeds) ἐβασάνιζεν (was tormented) — 9 οἶδεν (then knows) Κύριος (the Lord) εὐσεβεῖς (the devout) ἐκ (out of) πειρασμοῦ (temptation) ῥύεσθαι (to deliver); ἀδίκους (the unrighteous) δὲ (then) εἰς (unto) ἡμέραν (the day) κρίσεως (of judgment) κολαζομένους (being punished) τηρεῖν (to keep);