2 Peter 2:5-9

Etheridge(i) 5 and on the former world was not lenient, but Nuch, who was the eighth preacher of righteousness, he preserved, when the deluge came upon the world of the wicked; 6 the cities of Sadum and of Omuro he burned, and with overthrow condemned them, while an example to the wicked who should be he set them; 7 also Lut the righteous, who was bruised with the impure conversation of the lawless, he delivered; 8 - for in sight and in hearing, while (that) just (man) dwelt among them, from day to day, his righteous soul by their lawless works was tortured; 9 - the Lord knoweth how to deliver from affliction them who fear him, but the evil unto the day of judgment to be tormented will he reserve.