Exodus 19:12-19

ECB(i) 12 And set borders to the people around you, saying, Guard yourselves, that you not ascend into the mount, or touch the end thereof: whoever touches the mount in deathifying, is deathified: 13 no hand touches it, or in stoning, he is stoned; or in shooting, is shot: whether animal or man, it lives not. - when they prolong the jubilee, they ascend to the mount. 14 And Mosheh descends from the mount to the people; and he hallows the people; and they launder their clothes: 15 and he says to the people, Prepare against the third day; come not near your women. 16 And so be it, on the third day, in the morning, voices become - and lightnings and a heavy cloud on the mount and the voice of the shophar - mighty strong; so that all the people in the camp tremble. 17 And Mosheh brings the people from the camp to meet with Elohim; and they stand at the nether of the mount: 18 and mount Sinay totally fumes: for the face of Yah Veh descends on it in fire: and the smoke thereof ascends as the smoke of a furnace and the whole mount trembles mightily. 19 And in sounding, the voice of the shophar sounds long - mightily mighty, Mosheh words; and Elohim answers him by a voice: