1 And Eliphas the Themanyte answered, and sayde:
2 Yf we begynne to commen with the, wylt thou be discontent? but who can withhold him selfe from speakinge?
3 Behold, thou hast bene a chastener of many, and hast comforted the weery handes.
4 Thy wordes haue set vp those that were fallen, thou hast refresshed the weake, knees.
5 But now that the plage is come vpon the, thou art greued: now that it hath touched thy selfe, thou art faynt harted.
6 Is not this thy feare, thy stedfastnesse, thy pacience, and the perfectnesse of thy wayes?
7 Consydre (I praye the) whoeuer perysshed beynge an innocent? Or, when were the godly destroyed?
8 For (as I haue proued by experience) they that plowe iniquytie, & sowe wretchednesse, reape the same.
9 With the blast of God they perish, and with the breth of hys nastrels are they consumed awaye.
10 The roaryng of the lyon, and the voyce of the lyon, & the teeth of the lyons whelpes are pulled out.
11 The lyon perissheth for lacke of praye, and the lyons whelpes are scatered abrode.
12 And vnto me came the worde secretly, & myne eare hath receaueth a lytell therof.
13 In the thoughtes and visyons of the night (when slepe commeth on men)
14 feare came vpon me, and drede, which made all my bones to shake.
15 The wynde passed by, before my presence, and made the heares of my flesh to stande vp.
16 He stode there, and I knew not hys face, an ymage ther was before myne eyes, and in the stylnesse hearde I a voyce.
17 Shall man be more iust than God? Or shall a man be purer than hys maker?
18 Beholde, He founde no treuth in hys seruauntes, and in hys aungels ther was foly.
19 How moch more in them that dwell in houses of claye, and whose foundacyon is but dust: which shalbe consumed as it were with a Moth?
20 They shalbe smitten from the mornynge vnto the euenyng: yee, they shall perysh for euer, when no man thincketh theron.
21 It is not their royaltye gone awaye with them: they shal dye trulye, and not in wysdome.