Psalms 55

Matthew(i) 1 To the chaunter in Neginoth, an instruccion of Dauid. Heare my prayer, O God, and hyde not thy self fro my petycion. 2 Take hede vnto me & heare me, how piteously I mourne and complayne. 3 The enemye cryeth so, and the vngodly commeth on so fast: for they are mynded too do me some mischief, so maliciously are they set agaynst me. 4 My hert is heuy within me, and the feare of death is fallen vpon me. 5 Fearfulnesse and tremblynge are come vpon me, and an horrible drede hathe ouerwhelmed me. 6 And I sayde: O that I had wynges lyke a doue, that I might fle somwhere, and be at rest. 7 Lo, then wolde I get me awaye farre of, and remayne in the wildernesse. Selah. 8 I wolde make haste to escape, from the stormy wynde and tempest. 9 Destroye their tonges (O Lorde) and deuyde them, for I se vnrighteousnes & stryfe in the cytye. 10 Thys goeth daye and nyght aboute the walles, mischief and vyce are in the middest of it. 11 Wickednesse is therin, disceate and gyle go not out of her stretes. 12 If it were myne enemye that reuyled me, I could beare it: or if one that ought me euel wyll dyd threaten me, I wolde hyde my self from hym. 13 But it is thou my companyon, my gyde & myne owne familier frende. 14 We had swete and secrete communicacion together in the house of God. 15 Let death come hastely vppon them, and let them goo doune quyck into hell, for wickednes is amonge theym in their dwellynges. 16 As for me, I will call vnto God, and the Lord shall helpe me. 17 In the euenynge, mornyng and at noone daye will I mourne and complayne: and he shall heare my voyce. 18 It is he that deliuereth my soule in peace, from them that laye wayte for me: for they are many agaynst me. 19 Yea, euen God that endureth for euer, shall heare me, and bring them doune. Selah. For they will not turne: and why? they feare not God. 20 Yea, they laye handes vpon such as be at peace with hym, & so they breake hys couenaunt. 21 Their mouthes are softer then butter, & yet haue they battayll in theyr mynde: theyr wordes are smoother then oyle, and yet be they very swerdes. 22 O cast thy burthen, or care, vpon the Lord he shall norysh the, and not leaue the ryghteous in vnquyetnesse. 23 But as for them, thou (O God) shalt cast doune into the pytte of destruccion. The bloudthrustye & disceatfull shall not lyue out half their dayes. Neuerthelesse my trust is in the.