Romans 7:9-24

Moffatt(i) 9 I lived at one time without law myself, but when the command came home to me, sin sprang to life and I died; 10 the command that meant life proved death for me. 11 The command gave an impulse to sin, sin beguiled me and used the command to kill me. 12 So the Law at any rate is holy, the command is holy, just, and for our good. 13 Then did what was meant for my good prove fatal to me? Never! It was sin; sin resulted in death for me by making use of this good thing. This was how sin was to be revealed in its true nature; it was to use the command to become sinful in the extreme. 14 The Law is spiritual; we know that. But then I am a creature of the flesh, in the thraldom of sin. 15 I cannot understand my own actions; I do not act as I want to act; on the contrary, I do what I detest. 16 Now, when I act against my wishes, that means I agree that the Law is right. 17 That being so, it is not I who do the deed but sin that dwells within me. 18 For in me (that is, in my flesh) no good dwells, I know; the wish is there, but not the power of doing what is right. 19 I cannot be good as I want to be, and I do wrong against my wishes. 20 Well, if I act against my wishes, it is not I who do the deed but sin that dwells within me. 21 So this is my experience of the Law: I want to do what is right, but wrong is all I can manage; 22 I cordially agree with God's law, so far as my inner self is concerned, 23 but then I find quite another law in my members which conflicts with the law of my mind and makes me a prisoner to sin's law that resides in my members. 24 Miserable wretch that I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death?