Matthew 26:59-66

Riverside(i) 59 The high priests and the whole council sought for false testimony against Jesus, so that they might put him to death. 60 But they did not find any, although many false witnesses came. Finally, two came forward 61 and said, "This man said, 'I can pull down the Temple of God and in three days build it up again.' " 62 The High Priest rose and said to him, "Have you no answer? What is it that these are testifying to against you?" 63 But Jesus kept silence. The High Priest said to him, "I adjure you by the living God to tell us whether you are the Christ, the Son of God." 64 Jesus said to him, "I am he. But I tell you, hereafter you will see the Son of Man sitting on the right hand of power and coming on the clouds of heaven." 65 Then the High Priest rent his garments, saying, "Impious words! Why do we any longer need witnesses? See, you have now heard his impious words. 66 What do you think?" They answered, "He deserves death."