Proverbs 14

Thomson(i) 1 Wise women have built houses; but the foolish hath pulled them down with her hands. 2 He who walketh uprightly, feareth the Lord; but he who is perverse in his ways, shall be dishonoured. 3 From the mouth of fools there is a rod of pride; but the lips of the wise preserve them. 4 Where there are no cattle the stalls are clean; but where there is much provender, the ox's strength is manifest. 5 A faithful witness doth not lie; but a false witness kindleth lies. 6 Thou mayest seek wisdom among the wicked, but shalt not find it; but knowledge is easily found among the prudent. 7 All things are contrary to a foolish man: but wise lips are the arms of knowledge. 8 The wisdom of the prudent will give them a knowledge of their ways; but the folly of fools is in error. 9 The houses of transgressors need purifying; but the houses of the righteous are acceptable. 10 The heart of a man who hath sensibility; the soul of him who hath a feeling for pain, when he is made glad, mingleth not with pride. 11 The houses of the wicked shall vanish; but the tents of the upright shall stand. 12 There is a way which seemeth right to a man; but the end of it is at the bottom of Hades. 13 Grief mixeth not with pleasures; but extreme joy tendeth to sorrow. 14 A bold hearted man will be satisfied with his own ways; but a good man, with his intentions. 15 A man without guile, believeth every thing: but a prudent man cometh for a change of mind. 16 A wise man, when terrified, declineth from evil: but the fool, confident in himself, mixeth with transgressors. 17 A passionate man acteth without counsel; but a prudent man beareth many things. 18 Fools partake of wickedness; but the prudent will lay hold of knowledge. 19 Let the bad fall before the good; and the wicked attend at the gates of the righteous! 20 Friends will hate poor friends; but the friends of the rich are many. 21 He who despiseth the poor, sinneth: but he who compassionateth the poor is blessed. 22 They who are led astray devise mischief; but the good devise mercy and truth. The contrivers of mischief know neither mercy nor truth; but acts of kindness and truth are with them, who contrive good. 23 With all who are careful there is abundance; but he who is delicate and taketh no trouble shall be in want. 24 A prudent man is a crown to the wise; but the conversation of fools is evil. 25 A true witness will deliver a soul from evils; but a deceitful witness kindleth lies. 26 In the fear of the Lord a man hath hope of strength; and to his children he leaveth a support. 27 The commandment of the Lord is a fountain of life; and it causeth to decline from the snare of death. 28 In the multitude of a nation is the glory of a king: but in the failure of a people is the destruction of a prince. 29 A man slow to wrath, is of great understanding; but a passionate man is egregiously foolish. 30 A meek minded man is a physician of the heart; but a heart of sensibility is a corroder of the bones. 31 He who oppresseth the poor, provoketh his maker; but he who honoureth him, compassionateth the distressed. 32 A wicked man shall be driven away by his wickedness; but in his sanctity the righteous is secure. 33 In the good heart of a man there is wisdom; but in the heart of fools it is not discernable. 34 Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sins diminish tribes. 35 A wise minister is acceptable to a king: but by his own good conduct he removeth disgrace.