Jeremiah 9:4

    4 G1538 A-NSM [9:3] εκαστος G575 PREP απο G3588 T-GSM του G4139 ADV πλησιον G846 D-GSM αυτου G5442 V-AMD-2P φυλαξασθε G2532 CONJ και G1909 PREP επ G80 N-DPM αδελφοις G846 D-GPM αυτων G3165 ADV μη G3982 V-RAD-2P πεποιθατε G3754 CONJ οτι G3956 A-NSM πας G80 N-NSM αδελφος   N-DSF πτερνη   V-FAI-3S πτερνιει G2532 CONJ και G3956 A-NSM πας G5384 A-NSM φιλος G1386 ADV δολιως G4198 V-FMI-3S πορευσεται
HOT(i) 4 (9:3) אישׁ מרעהו השׁמרו ועל כל אח אל תבטחו כי כל אח עקוב יעקב וכל רע רכיל יהלך׃
IHOT(i) (In English order)
  4 H376 אישׁ every one H7453 מרעהו of his neighbor, H8104 השׁמרו Take ye heed H5921 ועל in H3605 כל any H251 אח brother: H408 אל ye not H982 תבטחו and trust H3588 כי for H3605 כל every H251 אח brother H6117 עקוב will utterly supplant, H6117 יעקב will utterly supplant, H3605 וכל and every H7453 רע neighbor H7400 רכיל with slanders. H1980 יהלך׃ will walk
Vulgate(i) 4 unusquisque se a proximo suo custodiat et in omni fratre suo non habeat fiduciam quia omnis frater subplantans subplantabit et omnis amicus fraudulenter incedet
Clementine_Vulgate(i) 4 Unusquisque se a proximo suo custodiat, et in omni fratre suo non habeat fiduciam: quia omnis frater supplantans supplantabit, et omnis amicus fraudulenter incedet.
Wycliffe(i) 4 Ech man kepe hym fro his neiybore, and haue no trist in ony brother of hym; for whi ech brother disseyuyng schal disseyue, and ech frend schal go gilefuli.
Coverdale(i) 4 Yee one must kepe himself from another, no man maye safely trust his owne brother: for one brother vndermyneth another, & one neghboure begyleth another.
MSTC(i) 4 Yea, one must keep himself from another; no man may safely trust his own brother. For one brother undermineth another, and one neighbour begileth another.
Matthew(i) 4 Yea one must kepe him selfe from another no man maye safely truste his owne brother: for one brother vndermyneth another, & one neyghboure begyleth another.
Great(i) 4 Yee, one must kepe hym selfe from another, no man may safely trust his awne brother: for one brother vndermyndeth another, one neyghboure begileth another.
Geneva(i) 4 Let euery one take heede of his neighbour, and trust you not in any brother: for euery brother will vse deceite, and euery friend will deale deceitfully,
Bishops(i) 4 Yea, one must kepe hym selfe from another, no man may safely trust his owne brother: for one brother vndermindeth another, one neighbour beguileth another
DouayRheims(i) 4 Let every man take heed of his neighbour, and let him not trust in any brother of his: for every brother will utterly supplant, and every friend will walk deceitfully.
KJV(i) 4 Take ye heed every one of his neighbour, and trust ye not in any brother: for every brother will utterly supplant, and every neighbour will walk with slanders.
KJV_Cambridge(i) 4 Take ye heed every one of his neighbour, and trust ye not in any brother: for every brother will utterly supplant, and every neighbour will walk with slanders.
Thomson(i) 4 be upon your guard every man against his neighbour, and in your own brothers place no confidence; for every brother will supplant, and every friend walk deceitfully;
Webster(i) 4 Take ye heed every one of his neighbor, and trust ye not in any brother: for every brother will utterly supplant, and every neighbor will walk with slanders.
Brenton(i) 4 Beware ye each of his neighbour, and trust ye not in your brethren: for every one will surely supplant, and every friend will walk craftily.
Brenton_Greek(i) 4 Ἕκαστος ἀπὸ τοῦ πλησίον αὐτοῦ φυλάξασθε, καὶ ἐπʼ ἀδελφοῖς αὐτῶν μὴ πεποίθατε, ὅτι πᾶς ἀδελφὸς πτέρνῃ πτερνιεῖ, καὶ πᾶς φίλος δολίως πορεύσεται.
Leeser(i) 4 (9:3) Take ye heed every one of his neighbor, and on any brother place ye no reliance; for every brother will surely supplant, and every neighbor will go about as a talebearer.
YLT(i) 4 Each of his friend—beware ye, And on any brother, do not trust, For every brother doth utterly supplant, For every friend slanderously doth walk,
JuliaSmith(i) 4 Watch ye each from his neighbor, and to any brother ye shall not trust, for every brother deceiving, will deceive, and every neighbor will go tale-bearing.
Darby(i) 4 Take ye heed every one of his friend, and confide not in any brother; for every brother only supplanteth, and every friend goeth about with slander.
ERV(i) 4 Take ye heed every one of his neighbour, and trust ye not in any brother: for every brother will utterly supplant, and every neighbour will go about with slanders.
ASV(i) 4 Take ye heed every one of his neighbor, and trust ye not in any brother; for every brother will utterly supplant, and every neighbor will go about with slanders.
JPS_ASV_Byz(i) 4 (9:3) Take ye heed every one of his neighbour, and trust ye not in any brother; for every brother acteth subtly, and every neighbour goeth about with slanders.
Rotherham(i) 4 Every one, of his neighbour, beware ye, And, in no brother, may ye trust,––For, every brother, supplanteth! And, every neighbour, as a tale–bearer, goeth about;
CLV(i) 4 Each of his friend--beware you, And on any brother, do not trust, For every brother does utterly supplant, For every friend slanderously does walk,
BBE(i) 4 Let everyone keep watch on his neighbour, and put no faith in any brother: for every brother will certainly be tricking his brother, and every neighbour will go about saying evil.
MKJV(i) 4 Everyone beware of his neighbor, and do not trust any brother! For every brother will supplant his neighbor, and will walk with slanders.
LITV(i) 4 Let everyone be on guard against his neighbor, and do not trust any brother. For every brother will supplant, and every neighbor will walk as a slanderer.
ECB(i) 4 On guard, every man, of his friend and confide not in any brother: for in tripping the heel every brother trips the heel; and every friend walks with talebearers:
ACV(i) 4 Take ye heed each one of his neighbor, and trust ye not in any brother, for every brother will utterly supplant, and every neighbor will go about with slanders.
WEB(i) 4 “Everyone beware of his neighbor, and don’t trust in any brother; for every brother will utterly supplant, and every neighbor will go around like a slanderer.
NHEB(i) 4 "Everyone be on guard against his neighbor, and do not trust any brother; for every brother is a deceiver, and every neighbor will go about with slanders.
AKJV(i) 4 Take you heed every one of his neighbor, and trust you not in any brother: for every brother will utterly supplant, and every neighbor will walk with slanders.
KJ2000(i) 4 Take you heed everyone of his neighbor, and trust you not in any brother: for every brother will utterly supplant, and every neighbor will walk with slanders.
UKJV(i) 4 Take all of you heed every one of his neighbour, and trust all of you not in any brother: for every brother will utterly supplant, and every neighbour will walk with slanders.
EJ2000(i) 4 Take heed each one of his neighbour, and trust ye not in any brother: for every brother will utterly supplant, and every neighbour will walk with slanders.
CAB(i) 4 Beware, each of his neighbor, and trust not in your brother, for everyone will surely supplant, and every friend will walk craftily.
LXX2012(i) 4 Beware you⌃ each of his neighbor, and trust you⌃ not in your brethren: for every one will surely supplant, and every friend will walk craftily.
NSB(i) 4 »Let everyone be on guard against his neighbor. Do not trust any brother because every brother deals craftily (cunningly), and every neighbor goes about as a slanderer.
ISV(i) 4 “Beware of your neighbors, and don’t trust any of your relatives. For all of your relatives act deceitfully, and every friend goes around as a slanderer.
LEB(i) 4 "Let everyone be on your guard against his neighbor, and you must not trust in any brother, for everyone surely betrays, and every neighbor goes about with slander.
BSB(i) 4 “Let everyone guard against his neighbor; do not trust any brother, for every brother deals craftily, and every friend spreads slander.
MSB(i) 4 “Let everyone guard against his neighbor; do not trust any brother, for every brother deals craftily, and every friend spreads slander.
MLV(i) 4 You* take heed each one of his neighbor and trust you* not in any brother, for every brother will utterly supplant and every neighbor will go about with gossipers.
VIN(i) 4 Everyone beware of his neighbor, and do not trust any brother! For every brother will supplant his neighbor, and will walk with slanders.
Luther1545(i) 4 Ein jeglicher hüte sich vor seinem Freunde und traue auch seinem Bruder nicht; denn ein Bruder unterdrückt den andern, und ein Freund verrät den andern.
Luther1912(i) 4 Ein Freund täuscht den andern und reden kein wahres Wort; sie fleißigen sich darauf, wie einer den andern betrüge, und ist ihnen nicht leid, daß sie es ärger machen können.
ELB1871(i) 4 Hütet euch ein jeder vor seinem Freunde, und auf keinen Bruder vertrauet; denn jeder Bruder treibt Hinterlist, und jeder Freund geht als Verleumder einher.
ELB1905(i) 4 Und sie betrügen einer den anderen, und Wahrheit reden sie nicht; sie lehren ihre Zunge Lügen reden, sie mühen sich ab, verkehrt zu handeln.
DSV(i) 4 Wacht u, een iegelijk van zijn vriend, en vertrouwt niet op enigen broeder; want elk broeder doet niet dan bedriegen, en elk vriend wandelt in achterklap.
Giguet(i) 4 Gardez-vous chacun de votre prochain, ne vous fiez pas à votre frère: tout frère supplantera son frère; tout ami s’approchera traîtreusement de son ami.
DarbyFR(i) 4 Gardez-vous chacun de son ami, et ne vous confiez en aucun frère; car tout frère ne fera que supplanter, et tout ami marche dans la calomnie.
Martin(i) 4 Gardez-vous chacun de son intime ami, et ne vous fiez à aucun frère; car tout frère fait métier de supplanter, et tout intime ami va médisant.
Segond(i) 4 Que chacun se tienne en garde contre son ami, Et qu'on ne se fie à aucun de ses frères; Car tout frère cherche à tromper, Et tout ami répand des calomnies.
SE(i) 4 Guárdese cada uno de su compañero, ni en ningún hermano tenga confianza; porque todo hermano engaña con falacia, y todo compañero anda con falsedad.
ReinaValera(i) 4 Guárdese cada uno de su compañero, ni en ningún hermano tenga confianza: porque todo hermano engaña con falacia, y todo compañero anda con falsedades.
JBS(i) 4 Guárdese cada uno de su compañero, ni en ningún hermano tenga confianza; porque todo hermano engaña con falacia, y todo compañero anda con falsedad.
Albanian(i) 4 "Të ruhet secili nga fqinji i tij dhe mos i keni besim çdo vëllai, sepse çdo vëlla nuk bën gjë tjetër veçse mashtron dhe çdo fqinj përhap shpifje.
RST(i) 4 Берегитесь каждый своего друга, и не доверяйте ни одному из своих братьев; ибо всякий брат ставит преткновение другому, и всякий друг разносит клеветы.
Arabic(i) 4 احترزوا كل واحد من صاحبه وعلى كل اخ لا تتكلوا لان كل اخ يعقب عقبا وكل صاحب يسعى في الوشاية
Bulgarian(i) 4 Пазете се всеки от ближния си и не се доверявайте на никой брат, защото всеки брат ще поставя препънки и всеки ближен ще разпространява клевети.
Croatian(i) 4 Jedan drugoga varaju, istine ne govore, privikoše jezik da govori laži; izopačeni, ne mogu se više
BKR(i) 4 Každý střez se bližního svého, a ne každému bratru se dověřuj; nebo každý bratr hledí všelijak podtrhnouti, a každý bližní jako utrhač chodí.
Danish(i) 4 Forvarer eder hver for sin Ven, forlaaer eder ikke paa nogen Broder; thi hver Broder er fuld af List, og hver Ven vandrer om som en Bagvadsker.
CUV(i) 4 你 們 各 人 當 謹 防 鄰 舍 , 不 可 信 靠 弟 兄 ; 因 為 弟 兄 盡 行 欺 騙 , 鄰 舍 都 往 來 讒 謗 人 。
CUVS(i) 4 你 们 各 人 当 谨 防 邻 舍 , 不 可 信 靠 弟 兄 ; 因 为 弟 兄 尽 行 欺 骗 , 邻 舍 都 往 来 谗 谤 人 。
Esperanto(i) 4 Gardu vin unu kontraux alia, kaj fidu neniun fraton; cxar cxiu frato insidas, kaj cxiu proksimulo disportas kalumniojn.
Finnish(i) 4 Jokainen karttakoon lähimmäistänsä, ja älköön uskoko veljeänsäkään; sillä veli sortaa ja painaa alas veljensä, ja ystävä pettää ystävänsä.
FinnishPR(i) 4 Varokaa kukin lähimmäistänne, älkää yhteenkään veljeen luottako; sillä jokainen veli viekkaasti pettää ja jokainen lähimmäinen liikkuu panettelijana.
Haitian(i) 4 Se pou tout moun veye kò yo ak zanmi yo. Pesonn pa ka fè frè yo konfyans. Paske tout frè vle pase devan pwòp frè yo. Tout moun ap bay zanmi yo kout lang.
Hungarian(i) 4 Mindenki õrizkedjék a barátjától, és egyetlen atyátokfiának se higyjetek, mert minden atyafi cselbe csal, és minden barát rágalmazva jár.
Indonesian(i) 4 Terhadap kawan, setiap orang harus waspada dan saudara sekandung pun tak dapat dipercaya. Sebab, seperti Yakub demikianlah mereka, masing-masing menipu saudaranya. Setiap orang berjalan ke mana-mana untuk menyebarkan fitnah dan dusta.
Italian(i) 4 Guardatevi ciascuno dal suo compagno, e non vi fidate in alcun fratello; perciocchè ogni fratello non fa altro che usar frodi, ed ogni compagno va sparlando.
ItalianRiveduta(i) 4 Si guardi ciascuno dal suo amico, e nessuno si fidi del suo fratello; poiché ogni fratello non fa che ingannare, ed ogni amico va spargendo calunnie.
Korean(i) 4 너희는 각기 이웃을 삼가며 아무 형제든지 믿지 말라 형제마다 온전히 속이며 이웃마다 다니며 비방함이니라
Lithuanian(i) 4 “Saugokitės artimo, nepasitikėkite broliu, nes brolis elgiasi klastingai, o artimas skleidžia šmeižtus.
PBG(i) 4 Każdy niech się strzeże bliźniego swego, a nie każdemu bratu dowierza; bo każdy brat jest na tem jakoby podszedł, a każdy bliźni zdradliwie postępuje.
Portuguese(i) 4 Guardai-vos cada um do seu próximo, e de irmão nenhum vos fieis; porque todo irmão não faz mais do que enganar, e todo próximo anda caluniando.
Norwegian(i) 4 Vokt eder, hver for sin venn, og stol ikke på nogen bror! For hver bror er en listig bedrager, og hver venn går omkring og baktaler.
Romanian(i) 4 ,,Fiecare să se păzească de prietenul lui, şi să nu se încreadă în niciunul din fraţii săi; căci orice frate caută să înşele, şi orice prieten umblă cu bîrfeli.
Ukrainian(i) 4 Один одного зводить, і правди не кажуть, привчили свого язика говорити неправду, помучилися, лихо чинячи!