Genesis 42:38 Cross References - new

  38 H559 [H8799] And he said, H1121 My son H3381 [H8799] shall not go down H251 with you; for his brother H4191 [H8804] is dead, H7604 [H8738] and he is left H611 alone: if harm H7122 [H8804] shall befall H1870 him by the way H3212 [H8799] in which ye go, H3381 [H8689] then shall ye bring down H7872 my gray hairs H3015 with sorrow H7585 to the grave.

Genesis 30:22-24

  22 H430 And God H2142 [H8799] remembered H7354 Rachel, H430 and God H8085 [H8799] hearkened H6605 [H8799] to her, and opened H7358 her womb.
  23 H2029 [H8799] And she conceived, H3205 [H8799] and bore H1121 a son; H559 [H8799] and said, H430 God H622 [H8804] hath taken away H2781 my reproach:
  24 H7121 [H8799] And she called H8034 his name H3130 Joseph; H559 [H8800] and said, H3068 The LORD H3254 [H8686] shall add H312 to me another H1121 son.

Genesis 35:16-18

  16 H5265 [H8799] And they journeyed H1008 from Bethel; H5750 and there was but H3530 a little H776 way H935 [H8800] to come H672 to Ephrath: H7354 and Rachel H3205 [H8799] travailed, H7185 [H8762] and she had hard H3205 [H8800] labour.
  17 H7185 [H8687] And it came to pass, when she was in hard H3205 [H8800] labour, H3205 [H8764] that the midwife H559 [H8799] said H3372 [H8799] to her, Fear H1121 not; thou shalt have this son also.
  18 H5315 And it came to pass, as her breath H3318 [H8800] was in departing, H4191 [H8804] (for she died) H7121 [H8799] that she called H8034 his name H1126 Benoni: H1 but his father H7121 [H8804] called H1144 him Benjamin.

Genesis 37:33

  33 H5234 [H8686] And he knew it, H559 [H8799] and said, H1121 It is my son's H3801 coat; H7451 an evil H2416 beast H398 [H8804] hath devoured H3130 him; Joseph H2963 [H8800] is without doubt H2963 [H8776] torn in pieces.

Genesis 37:35

  35 H1121 And all his sons H1323 and all his daughters H6965 [H8799] rose up H5162 [H8763] to comfort H3985 [H8762] him; but he refused H5162 [H8692] to be comforted; H559 [H8799] and he said, H3381 [H8799] For I will go down H7585 into the grave H1121 to my son H57 mourning. H1 Thus his father H1058 [H8799] wept for him.

Genesis 42:4

  4 H1144 But Benjamin, H3130 Joseph's H251 brother, H3290 Jacob H7971 [H8804] sent H251 not with his brethren; H559 [H8804] for he said, H6435 Lest perhaps H611 harm H7122 [H8799] shall befall him.

Genesis 42:13

  13 H559 [H8799] And they said, H5650 Thy servants H8147 H6240 are twelve H251 brethren, H1121 the sons H259 of one H376 man H776 in the land H3667 of Canaan; H6996 and, behold, the youngest H3117 is this day H1 with our father, H259 and one is not.

Genesis 44:20

  20 H559 [H8799] And we said H113 to my sovereign, H3426 We have H1 a father, H2205 an old man, H3206 and a child H2208 of his old age, H6996 a little one; H251 and his brother H4191 [H8804] is dead, H3498 [H8735] and he alone is left H517 of his mother, H1 and his father H157 [H8804] loveth him.

Genesis 44:27-34

  27 H5650 And thy servant H1 my father H559 [H8799] said H3045 [H8804] to us, Ye know H802 that my wife H3205 [H8804] bore H8147 me two sons:
  28 H259 And the one H3318 [H8799] went out H559 [H8799] from me, and I said, H2963 [H8800] Surely H2963 [H8776] he is torn in pieces; H7200 [H8804] and I have not seen him H2008 since:
  29 H3947 [H8804] And if ye take H5973 this also from H6440 me, H611 and harm H7136 [H8804] shall befall him, H3381 [H8689] ye shall bring down H7872 my gray hairs H7451 with sorrow H7585 to the grave.
  30 H935 [H8800] Now therefore when I come H5650 to thy servant H1 my father, H5288 and the lad H5315 is not with us; seeing that his life H7194 [H8803] is bound up H5315 in the lad's life;
  31 H7200 [H8800] It shall come to pass, when he seeth H5288 that the lad H4191 [H8804] is not with us, that he will die: H5650 and thy servants H3381 [H8689] shall bring down H7872 the gray hairs H5650 of thy servant H1 our father H3015 with sorrow H7585 to the grave.
  32 H5650 For thy servant H6148 [H8804] became surety H5288 for the lad H5973 to H1 my father, H559 [H8800] saying, H935 [H8686] If I bring H2398 [H8804] him not to thee, then I shall bear the blame H1 to my father H3117 for ever.
  33 H5650 Now therefore, I pray thee, let thy servant H3427 [H8799] abide H5288 instead of the lad H5650 a slave H113 to my sovereign; H5288 and let the lad H5927 [H8799] return H251 with his brethren.
  34 H349 For how H5927 [H8799] shall I return H1 to my father, H5288 and the lad H7200 [H8799] be not with me? lest perhaps I see H7451 the evil H4672 [H8799] that shall come on H1 my father.

1 Kings 2:6

  6 H6213 [H8804] Do H2451 therefore according to thy wisdom, H7872 and let not his gray head H3381 [H8686] go down H7585 to the grave H7965 in peace.

Psalms 71:18

  18 H5704 Now also when H2209 I am old H7872 and grayheaded, H430 O God, H5800 [H8799] forsake H5046 [H8686] me not; until I have shown H2220 thy strength H1755 to this generation, H1369 and thy power H935 [H8799] to every one that is to come.

Psalms 90:10

  10 H3117 The days H8141 of our years H7657 are seventy H8141 years; H1369 and if by reason of strength H8084 they are eighty H8141 years, H7296 yet is their strength H5999 labour H205 and panting; H2440 for it is soon H1468 [H8804] cut off, H5774 [H8799] and we fly away.

Ecclesiastes 1:14

  14 H7200 [H8804] I have seen H4639 all the works H6213 [H8738] that are done H8121 under the sun; H1892 and, behold, all is vanity H7469 and vexation H7307 of spirit.

Ecclesiastes 2:26

  26 H5414 [H8804] For God giveth H120 to a man H2896 who is good H6440 in his sight H2451 wisdom, H1847 and knowledge, H8057 and joy: H2398 [H8802] but to the sinner H5414 [H8804] he giveth H6045 employment, H622 [H8800] to gather H3664 [H8800] and to store up H5414 [H8800] wealth, that he may give H2896 to him that is good H6440 at the face of H430 God. H1892 This also is vanity H7469 and vexation H7307 of spirit.

Isaiah 38:10

  10 H559 [H8804] I said H1824 in the cutting off H3117 of my days, H3212 [H8799] I shall go H8179 to the gates H7585 of the grave: H6485 [H8795] I am deprived H3499 of the rest H8141 of my years.

Isaiah 46:4

  4 H2209 And even to your old age H7872 I am he; and even to gray hairs H5445 [H8799] will I carry H6213 [H8804] you: I have made, H5375 [H8799] and I will bear; H5445 [H8799] even I will carry, H4422 [H8762] and will deliver you.

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