Matthew 19:16-22

CLV(i) 16 And lo! one coming to Him said, "Teacher, what good shall I be doing that I should be having life eonian? 17 Yet He said to him, "Why are you asking Me concerning good? One is good. Yet if you are wanting to be entering into life, keep the precepts." 18 He is saying to Him, "Which?Now Jesus said, "These: 'You shall not be murdering.' 'You shall not be committing adultery.' 'You shall not be stealing.' 'You shall not be testifying falsely.'" 19 Be honoring father and mother,' and 'You shall be loving your associate as yourself.'" 20 The youth is saying to Him, "These all I maintain. In what am I still deficient? 21 Jesus averred to him, "If you are wanting to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and be giving to the poor, and you will be having treasure in the heavens. And hither! Follow Me." 22 Now, hearing this word, the youth came away sorrowing, for he had many acquisitions."