Matthew 19:16-22

ECB(i) 16
And behold, one comes to him, saying, Good Doctor, what good do I to have eternal life? 17 And he says to him, Why word you me, good? None is good except one - Elohim: but if you will to enter life, guard the misvoth. 18 He words to him, Which? Yah Shua says, Murder not: Adulterize not: Steal not: Pseudo witness not: 19 Honor your father and your mother: and, Love your neighbor as yourself. 20 The youth words to him, I guarded all these from my youth: What lack I still? 21 Yah Shua says to him, If you will to be complete/at shalom, go and sell what you have and give to the poor; and have treasure in the heavens: and come and follow me. 22 But the youth hears that word, and goes away sorrowful: for he has vast possessions.