Matthew 19:16-22

Diaglott(i) 16 And lo, one coming, said to him: O teacher good, what good must I do, that I may have life age-lasting? 17 He and he said to him: Why me askest thou concerning the good? one is the good. If but thou wishest to enter into the life, keep strictly the commandments. 18 He says to him: Which? The and Jesus said: This; Not thou shalt kill; Not thou shalt commit adultery; Not thou shalt steal; Not thou shall testify falsely; 19 Honor the father and the mother; and Thou shalt love the neighbor of thee as thyself. 20 Says to him the young man: All these I kept from childhood of me; what more do I want? 21 Said to him the Jesus: If thou wishest perfect to be, go, sell of thee the possessions, and give to poor; and thou shalt have treasure in heaven; and hither, follow me. 22 Having heard and the young man the word, went away sorrowing; he was for having possessions many.