Acts 21:27-31

ECB(i) 27
And as the seven days are about to be completed/shalamed, the Yah Hudiym of Asia, when they observe him in the priestal precinct, confuse the whole multitude and lay hands on him, 28 crying out, Men - Yisra Eliym, help! This is the human who doctrinates everyone every where against the people and the torah and this place: and even brings Hellenes into the priestal precinct and profanes this holy place. 29 - for previously they saw Trophimus an Ephesian with him in the city - whom they presumed that Paulos brought into the priestal precinct. 30 And all the city stirs and the people rush together: and they take Paulos and draw him from the priestal precinct: and straightway shut the portals. 31 And as they seek to slaughter him, reports ascend to the chiliarch of the squad that all Yeru Shalem is confused: