Acts 21:27-31

JMNT(i) 27 So as the seven days were being about to be concluding, the [fanatical and extremist religious] Jews from the Asian [district], upon catching a view and gazing upon him [i.e., Paul] in the midst of the Temple complex, began pouring [themselves into the midst], together with [the] whole crowd, to mix and stir up confusion – then they laid [their] hands on him, 28 repeatedly crying out, "Men! Israelites! Come help [us]... now (Run immediately to our cry)! This man is the person who is constantly teaching all people everywhere against the People [= Jews or Israelites] and the Law and this [Concordant text adds: holy] Place! Still more than this, he also brought Greeks into the Temple complex and has thus made this set-apart and sacred Place common (= profane, contaminated and defiled)!" 29 You see, they were folks who had been previously seeing Trophimus the Ephesian together with him [i.e., Paul] in the city, whom they had been presuming – from what is customary – that Paul had brought into the Temple complex. 30 And so with this, the whole city was set in violent motion and there came to be a running together of the people. Then, with getting a hold on (or: grabbing) Paul, they began dragging him outside of the Temple complex – and at once the doors were closed and bolted (or: locked) [by the Levites]. 31 And then, while [they were] seeking to kill him, a report that [the] whole of Jerusalem was being progressively poured together in turmoil reached the commander (or: tribune) of the battalion (or: squadron – normally 600 Roman soldiers),