Joshua 14:6-14

  6 H1121 Then the children H3063 of Judah H5066 drew H3091 nigh unto Joshua H1537 in Gilgal: H3612 and Caleb H1121 the son H3312 of Jephunneh H7074 the Kenizzite H559 said H3045 unto him, Thou knowest H1697 the thing H3068 that Jehovah H1696 spake H4872 unto Moses H376 the man H430 of God H182 concerning me H182 and concerning thee H6947 in Kadesh-barnea.
  7 H705 Forty H8141 years H1121 old H4872 was I when Moses H5650 the servant H3068 of Jehovah H7971 sent H6947 me from Kadesh-barnea H7270 to spy out H776 the land; H7725 and I brought H1697 him word H7725 again H3824 as it was in my heart.
  8 H251 Nevertheless my brethren H5927 that went up H3820 with me made the heart H5971 of the people H4529 melt; H4390 but I wholly H310 followed H3068 Jehovah H430 my God.
  9 H4872 And Moses H7650 sware H3117 on that day, H559 saying, H776 Surely the land H7272 whereon thy foot H1869 hath trodden H5159 shall be an inheritance H1121 to thee and to thy children H5704 for H5769 ever, H4390 because thou hast wholly H310 followed H3068 Jehovah H430 my God.
  10 H3068 And now, behold, Jehovah H2421 hath kept me alive, H1696 as he spake, H705 these forty H2568 and five H8141 years, H227 from the time H3068 that Jehovah H1696 spake H1697 this word H4872 unto Moses, H3478 while Israel H1980 walked H4057 in the wilderness: H3117 and now, lo, I am this day H8084 fourscore H2568 and five H8141 years H1121 old.
  11 H2389 As yet I am as strong H3117 this day H3117 as I as in the day H4872 that Moses H7971 sent H3581 me: as my strength H3581 was then, even so is my strength H4421 now, for war, H3318 and to go out H935 and to come in.
  12 H5414 Now therefore give H2022 me this hill-country, H3068 whereof Jehovah H1696 spake H3117 in that day; H8085 for thou heardest H3117 in that day H6062 how the Anakim H5892 were there, and cities H1419 great H1219 and fortified: H3068 it may be that Jehovah H194 will be H854 with H3423 me, and I shall drive them out, H3068 as Jehovah H1696 spake.
  13 H3091 And Joshua H1288 blessed H5414 him; and he gave H2275 Hebron H3612 unto Caleb H1121 the son H3312 of Jephunneh H5159 for an inheritance.
  14 H2275 Therefore Hebron H5159 became the inheritance H3612 of Caleb H1121 the son H3312 of Jephunneh H7074 the Kenizzite H3117 unto this day; H4390 because that he wholly H310 followed H3068 Jehovah, H430 the God H3478 of Israel.