Acts 14:11-15

ECB(i) 11 And the multitude sees what Paulos does, and they lift their voices, wording in Lycaoniy, The elohim descend to us in the likeness of humanity! 12 - and indeed, they call Bar Nabi, Zeus; and Paulos, Hermes, since he is the governnor of words. 13 And the priest of Zeus, who is in front of their city, brings bulls and wreaths to the gates, and wills to sacrifice with the multitude: 14 and the apostles Bar Nabi and Paulos hear, and they rip their garments and leap at the multitude, crying out, 15 and wording, Men, why do these? We also are humans of like passions with you, and evangelize to you to turn from these vanities to the living Elohim who made the heavens and earth and the sea and all therein: