Acts 14:11-15

LITV(i) 11 And seeing what Paul did, the crowd lifted up their voice in Lycaonian, saying, The gods have come down to us, becoming like men. 12 And they called Barnabas, Zeus, and Paul, Hermes, because he was the leader in speaking. 13 And the priest of Zeus being before their city, carrying bulls and garlands to the gates, he wished to sacrifice along with the crowds. 14 But Paul and Barnabas, the apostles, hearing, tearing their garments, they sprang into the crowd, crying out, 15 and saying, Men, why do you do these things? We also are men of like feelings to you, announcing the gospel to you to turn you from these vanities to the living God, who "made the heaven and the earth and the sea, and all things in them," Ex. 20:11