Acts 14:11-15

Etheridge(i) 11 And the assembly of the people, when they saw what Paulos had done, lifted up their voice in the language of the country, and said, Gods in the likeness of men have come down unto us. 12 And they named Bar Naba, lord of the gods;[Mare Alohee.] and Paulos, Hermis, because he was foremost in discourse. 13 And the priest of the lord of the gods, who was without the city, brought oxen and garlands to the gates of the court of the place where they dwelt, and willed to sacrifice to them. 14 But Bar Naba and Paulos, when they heard, rent their garments, and sprang up, and came out to the crowd. 15 And they cried, and said, Men, what do you? We also are children of men liable to sufferings like you, (and) who preach to you that from these vanities you should turn unto Aloha the living, who made heaven and earth, and the seas, and all that is in them: