Search the Bible for G1208 in KJV_Strongs

45 results for G1208

Acts 12:10 (KJV_Strongs)
  10 G1161 When G1330 they were past [G5631]   G4413 the first G2532 and G1208 the second G5438 ward G2064 , they came [G5627]   G1909 unto G4603 the iron G4439 gate G5342 that leadeth [G5723]   G1519 unto G4172 the city G3748 ; which G455 opened [G5681]   G846 to them G844 of his own accord G2532 : and G1831 they went out [G5631]   G4281 , and passed on through [G5627]   G3391 one G4505 street G2532 ; and G2112 forthwith G32 the angel G868 departed [G5627]   G575 from G846 him.