G1402 δουλόω - Strong's Greek Lexicon Number

LSJ Gloss:
to make a slave of, enslave
I enslave.
to enslave (literally or figuratively)
Derivation: from G1401;

KJV Usage: bring into (be under) bondage, X given, become (make) servant.

to enslave
δουλόω, -ῶ
(< δοῦλος), [in LXX for עָבַד ;]
to enslave, bring into bondage: Act.7:6 (LXX), 2Pe.2:19; metaph., 1Co.9:19; pass., before ἐν, 1Co.7:15; τ. θεῷ, Rom.6:22; τ. δικαιοσύνῃ, Rom.6:18; οἴνῳ, Tit.2:3; ὑπὸ τὰ στοιχεῖα τ. κόσμου, Gal.4:3 (Cremer, 217).†
1) to make a slave of, reduce to bondage
2) metaph. give myself wholly to one's needs and service, make myself a bondman to him
For Synonyms see entry G5834

From G1401; to enslave (literally or figuratively)

KJV Usage: bring into (be under) bondage, X given, become (make) servant.

View how G1402 δουλόω is used in the Bible

11 occurrences of G1402 δουλόω

Acts 7:6 that they should bring
Acts 7:6 into bondage,
Romans 6:18 ye became the slaves
Romans 6:22 having become slaves
1 Corinthians 7:15 is
1 Corinthians 7:15 under bondage
1 Corinthians 9:19 men, yet I have made
1 Corinthians 9:19 slave
Galatians 4:3 being enslaved
Titus 2:3 being enslaved
2 Peter 2:19 is he brought into bondage.

Distinct usage

2 being enslaved
1 is
1 under bondage
1 that they should bring
1 into bondage,
1 is he brought into bondage.
1 ye became the slaves
1 men, yet I have made
1 slave
1 having become slaves

Corresponding Hebrew Words

douloo H5647 avad qal.,hi.

Related words

G1402 δουλόω

G2615 καταδουλόω
From G2596 and G1402; to enslave utterly

KJV Usage: bring into bondage.

Greek Synonym Index ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Strong's No. Definition No.
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
{ G25} agapao { [G5914]}
{ G40} agios { [G5878]}
{ G51} agnoema { [G5879]}
{ G53} agnos { [G5878]}
{ G97} adolos { [G5880]}
{ G126} aidos { [G5801]}
{ G127} aidos { [G5882]}
{ G139} airesis { [G5916]}
{ G148} aischrologia { [G5881]}
{ G152} aischyne { [G5882]}
{ G154} aiteo { [G5802] [G5920]}
{ G155} aitema { [G5883]}
{ G156} aitia { [G5884]}
{ G157} aitiama { [G5803]}
{ G165} aion { [G5921]}
{ G166} aionios { [G5801]}
{ G172} akakos { [G5880]}
{ G185} akeraios { [G5880]}
{ G213} alazon { [G5885]}
{ G214} alalazo { [G5804]}
{ G218} aleipho { [G5805]}
{ G243} allos { [G5806]}
{ G260} ama { [G5807]}
{ G262} amarantinos { [G5886]}
{ G263} amarantos { [G5886]}
{ G265} amartema { [G5879]}
{ G266} amartia { [G5879]}
{ G273} amemptos { [G5887]}
{ G283} amiantos { [G5896]}
{ G293} amphiblestron { [G5808]}
{ G299} amomos { [G5887]}
{ G342} anakainosis { [G5888]}
{ G364} anamnesis { [G5809]}
{ G372} anapausis { [G5810] [G5922]}
{ G410} anenkletos { [G5887]}
{ G417} anemos { [G5923]}
{ G423} anepileptos { [G5887]}
{ G425} anesis { [G5810] [G5922]}
{ G443} anthropoktonos { [G5811] [G5889]}
{ G458} anomia { [G5879]}
{ G499} antitypos { [G5919]}
{ G500} antichristos { [G5890]}
{ G573} aplous { [G5880]}
{ G601} apokalypto { [G5812]}
{ G649} apostello { [G5813]}
{ G692} argos { [G5814]}
{ G737} arti { [G5815]}
{ G744} archaios { [G5816] [G5924]}
{ G754} architelones { [G5942]}
{ G763} asebeia { [G5879]}
{ G766} aselgeia { [G5891]}
{ G786} aspondos { [G5892]}
{ G791} asteios { [G5893]}
{ G802} asynthetos { [G5892]}
{ G810} asotia { [G5891]}
{ G827} auge { [G5817]}
{ G840} austeros { [G5925]}
{ G862} aphthartos { [G5886]}
{ G887} achlys { [G5926]}
{ G898} bathmos { [G5818]}
{ G922} baros { [G5819]}
{ G970} bia { [G5820]}
{ G979} bios { [G5821]}
{ G991} blepo { [G5822]}
{ G994} boao { [G5823]}
{ G1006} bosko { [G5824]}
{ G1014} boulomai { [G5915]}
{ G1021} bradys { [G5814]}
{ G1097} ginosko { [G5825]}
{ G1105} gnophos { [G5926]}
{ G1108} gnosis { [G5826] [G5894]}
{ G1145} dakryo { [G5804]}
{ G1155} daneizo { [G5827]}
{ G1162} deesis { [G5828] [G5883]}
{ G1163} dei { [G5829] [G5940]}
{ G1167} deilia { [G5835]}
{ G1175} deisidaimon { [G5895]}
{ G1189} deomai { [G5802]}
{ G1203} despotes { [G5830]}
{ G1209} dechomai { [G5877]}
{ G1212} delos { [G5812]}
{ G1213} deloo { [G5831]}
{ G1218} demos { [G5832] [G5927]}
{ G1238} diadema { [G5833]}
{ G1249} diakonos { [G5834] [G5928]}
{ G1271} dianoia { [G5917]}
{ G1323} didrachmon { [G5941]}
{ G1325} didomi { [G5836]}
{ G1348} dikastes { [G5838]}
{ G1350} diktyon { [G5808]}
{ G1378} dogma { [G5918]}
{ G1380} dokeo { [G5837]}
{ G1389} doloo { [G5929]}
{ G1390} doma { [G5839]}
{ G1394} dosis { [G5839]}
{ G1401} doulos { [G5928]}
{ G1402} douloo { [G5834]}
{ G1411} dynamis { [G5820]}
{ G1431} dorea { [G5839]}
{ G1433} doreomai { [G5836]}
{ G1435} doron { [G5839]}
{ G1462} enklema { [G5803]}
{ G1484} ethnos { [G5927]}
{ G1492} eido { [G5825]}
{ G1506} eilikrines { [G5840] [G5896]}
{ G1577} ekklesia { [G5897]}
{ G1605} ekplesso { [G5841]}
{ G1650} elenchos { [G5884]}
{ G1651} elencho { [G5884]}
{ G1653} eleeo { [G5842]}
{ G1656} eleos { [G5913]}
{ G1718} emphanizo { [G5831]}
{ G1753} energeia { [G5820]}
{ G1763} eniautos { [G5843]}
{ G1781} entellomai { [G5844]}
{ G1783} enteuxis { [G5828] [G5883]}
{ G1785} entole { [G5918]}
{ G1791} entrope { [G5882]}
{ G1849} exousia { [G5820]}
{ G1922} epignosis { [G5894]}
{ G1932} epieikeia { [G5899]}
{ G1939} epithymia { [G5845] [G5906]}
{ G1987} epistamai { [G5825]}
{ G2008} epitimao { [G5884]}
{ G2064} erchomai { [G5818]}
{ G2065} erotao { [G5802] [G5920]}
{ G2087} eteros { [G5806]}
{ G2094} etos { [G5843]}
{ G2124} eulabeia { [G5835]}
{ G2126} eulabes { [G5895]}
{ G2152} eusebes { [G5895]}
{ G2160} eutrapelia { [G5881]}
{ G2169} eucharistia { [G5883]}
{ G2171} euche { [G5883]}
{ G2217} zophos { [G5926]}
{ G2222} zoe { [G5821]}
{ G2226} zoon { [G5846] [G5930]}
{ G2233} egeomai { [G5837]}
{ G2235} ede { [G5815]}
{ G2270} esychazo { [G5847]}
{ G2275} ettema { [G5879]}
{ G2281} thalassa { [G5931]}
{ G2300} theaomai { [G5848]}
{ G2305} theiotes { [G5849]}
{ G2309} thelo { [G5915]}
{ G2318} theosebes { [G5895]}
{ G2320} theotes { [G5849]}
{ G2324} therapon { [G5834] [G5928]}
{ G2334} theoreo { [G5848]}
{ G2342} therion { [G5846] [G5930]}
{ G2347} thlipsis { [G5907]}
{ G2352} thrauo { [G5850]}
{ G2354} threneo { [G5804] [G5932]}
{ G2357} threskos { [G5895]}
{ G2359} thrix { [G5851]}
{ G2366} thyella { [G5923]}
{ G2397} idea { [G5933]}
{ G2411} ieros { [G5878]}
{ G2428} iketeria { [G5883]}
{ G2440} imation { [G5934]}
{ G2441} imatismos { [G5934]}
{ G2479} ischys { [G5820]}
{ G2513} katharos { [G5840] [G5896]}
{ G2537} kainos { [G5852] [G5935]}
{ G2540} kairos { [G5853]}
{ G2549} kakia { [G5855]}
{ G2556} kakos { [G5908]}
{ G2564} kaleo { [G5823]}
{ G2570} kalos { [G5893]}
{ G2585} kapeleuo { [G5929]}
{ G2608} katagnymi { [G5850]}
{ G2723} kategoreo { [G5803]}
{ G2730} katoikeo { [G5854]}
{ G2753} keleuo { [G5844]}
{ G2766} keramos { [G5858]}
{ G2778} kensos { [G5941]}
{ G2799} klaio { [G5804]}
{ G2812} kleptes { [G5856]}
{ G2830} klydon { [G5857]}
{ G2851} kolasis { [G5859] [G5909]}
{ G2864} kome { [G5851]}
{ G2873} kopos { [G5860] [G5936]}
{ G2875} koptomai { [G5932]}
{ G2889} kosmos { [G5921]}
{ G2894} kophinos { [G5939]}
{ G2896} krazo { [G5823]}
{ G2897} kraipale { [G5937]}
{ G2904} kratos { [G5820]}
{ G2905} kraugazo { [G5823]}
{ G2923} krites { [G5838]}
{ G2949} kyma { [G5857]}
{ G2962} kyrios { [G5830]}
{ G2970} komos { [G5937]}
{ G2978} lailaps { [G5923]}
{ G2983} lambano { [G5877]}
{ G2992} laos { [G5832] [G5927]}
{ G3027} lestes { [G5856]}
{ G3076} lypeomai { [G5932]}
{ G3115} makrothymia { [G5861]}
{ G3163} mache { [G5938]}
{ G3178} methe { [G5937]}
{ G3338} metamellomai { [G5862]}
{ G3339} metamorpeoo { [G5863]}
{ G3340} metanoeo { [G5862]}
{ G3345} metaschematizo { [G5863]}
{ G3392} miaino { [G5864] [G5910]}
{ G3396} mignymi { [G5858]}
{ G3435} molyno { [G5864] [G5910]}
{ G3444} morphe { [G5865] [G5933]}
{ G3449} mochthos { [G5860] [G5936]}
{ G3473} morologia { [G5881]}
{ G3501} neos { [G5852] [G5935]}
{ G3507} nephele { [G5866]}
{ G3509} nephos { [G5866]}
{ G3543} nomizo { [G5837]}
{ G3551} nomos { [G5918]}
{ G3563} nous { [G5917]}
{ G3568} nyn { [G5815]}
{ G3576} nothros { [G5814]}
{ G3591} onkos { [G5819]}
{ G3602} odyrmos { [G5804]}
{ G3610} oiketes { [G5928]}
{ G3614} oikia { [G5867]}
{ G3624} oikos { [G5867] [G5944]}
{ G3628} oiktirmos { [G5842] [G5913]}
{ G3632} oinophlygia { [G5937]}
{ G3633} oiomai { [G5837]}
{ G3674} omou { [G5807]}
{ G3708} orao { [G5822]}
{ G3715} orexis { [G5906]}
{ G3730} orme { [G5906]}
{ G3741} osios { [G5878]}
{ G3784} opheilei { [G5940]}
{ G3793} ochlos { [G5927]}
{ G3806} pathos { [G5845] [G5906]}
{ G3808} paidarion { [G5868] [G5943]}
{ G3813} paidion { [G5868] [G5943]}
{ G3814} paidiske { [G5868] [G5943]}
{ G3816} pais { [G5868] [G5943]}
{ G3820} palaios { [G5816] [G5924]}
{ G3824} palingenesia { [G5888]}
{ G3831} panegyris { [G5897]}
{ G3847} parabasis { [G5879]}
{ G3853} parangello { [G5844]}
{ G3876} parakoe { [G5879]}
{ G3892} paranomia { [G5879]}
{ G3900} paraptoma { [G5879]}
{ G3939} paroikeo { [G5854]}
{ G3965} patria { [G5944]}
{ G3967} patrikos { [G5869]}
{ G3971} patroos { [G5869]}
{ G3989} pelagos { [G5931]}
{ G3992} pempo { [G5813]}
{ G3993} penes { [G5870]}
{ G3996} pentheo { [G5932]}
{ G4151} pneuma { [G5923]}
{ G4157} pnoe { [G5923]}
{ G4158} poderes { [G5934]}
{ G4160} poieo { [G5871\ [G5911]}
{ G4165} poimaino { [G5824]}
{ G4171} polemos { [G5938]}
{ G4189} poneria { [G5855]}
{ G4190} poneros { [G5908]}
{ G4192} ponos { [G5860] [G5936]}
{ G4198} poreuomai { [G5818]}
{ G4224} potos { [G5937]}
{ G4236} praotes { [G5898] [G5899]}
{ G4238} prasso { [G5871] [G5911]}
{ G4335} proseuche { [G5828] [G5883]}
{ G4422} ptoeo { [G5841]}
{ G4434} ptochos { [G5870]}
{ G4486} regnymi { [G5850]}
{ G4522} sagene { [G5808]}
{ G4559} sarkikos { [G5912]}
{ G4560} sarkinos { [G5912]}
{ G4586} semnos { [G5878]}
{ G4601} sigao { [G5847]}
{ G4607} sikarios { [G5811] [G5889]}
{ G4623} siopao { [G5847]}
{ G4642} skleros { [G5925]}
{ G4648} skopeo { [G5822]}
{ G4655} skotos { [G5926]}
{ G4678} sophia { [G5826] [G5894]}
{ G4680} sophos { [G5872]}
{ G4711} spyris { [G5939]}
{ G4727} stenazo { [G5804]}
{ G4730} stenochoria { [G5907]}
{ G4735} stephanos { [G5833]}
{ G4749} stole { [G5934]}
{ G4832} symmorphos { [G5873]}
{ G4864} synagoge { [G5897]}
{ G4907} synesis { [G5826]}
{ G4908} synetos { [G5872]}
{ G4920} syniemi { [G5825]}
{ G4964} syschematizo { [G5873]}
{ G4976} schema { [G5865] [G5933]}
{ G4978} schisma { [G5916]}
{ G4997} sophrosyne { [G5882]}
{ G5012} tapeinophrosyne { [G5898]}
{ G5021} tasso { [G5844]}
{ G5043} teknon { [G5868] [G5943]}
{ G5056} telos { [G5941]}
{ G5057} telones { [G5942]}
{ G5083} tereo { [G5874]}
{ G5098} timoria { [G5859] [G5909]}
{ G5117} topos { [G5875]}
{ G5141} tremo { [G5841]}
{ G5179} typos { [G5919]}
{ G5197} ybristes { [G5885]}
{ G5207} yios { [G5868] [G5943]}
{ G5215} ymnos { [G5876]}
{ G5244} yperephanos { [G5885]}
{ G5257} yperetes { [G5834] [G5928]}
{ G5280} ypomnesis { [G5809]}
{ G5281} ypomone { [G5861]}
{ G5316} phaino { [G5837]}
{ G5319} phaneroo { [G5812]}
{ G5337} phaulos { [G5908]}
{ G5338} phengos { [G5817]}
{ G5368} phileo { [G5914]}
{ G5398} phoberos { [G5835]}
{ G5399} phobeo { [G5841]}
{ G5406} phoneus { [G5811] [G5889]}
{ G5411} phoros { [G5941]}
{ G5413} phortion { [G5819]}
{ G5428} phronesis { [G5826] [G5894]}
{ G5429} phronimos { [G5872]}
{ G5442} phylasso { [G5874]}
{ G5443} phyle { [G5944]}
{ G5457} phos { [G5817]}
{ G5509} chiton { [G5934]}
{ G5511} chlamys { [G5934]}
{ G5531} chrao { [G5827]}
{ G5534} chre { [G5829]}
{ G5548} chrio { [G5805]}
{ G5550} chronos { [G5853]}
{ G5561} chora { [G5875]}
{ G5562} choreo { [G5818]}
{ G5564} chorion { [G5875]}
{ G5568} psalmos { [G5876]}
{ G5580} pseudochristos { [G5890]}
{ G5591} psychikos { [G5912]}
{ G5603} ode { [G5876]}
{ G5611} oraios { [G5893

Synonyms See Definition for diakonos { [G1249]}
See Definition for douloo { [G1402]}
See Definition for therapon { [G2324]}
See Definition for yperetes { [G5257]}

1249 represents the servant in his activity for the work? not in
his relation, either servile, as that of that 1402, or more
voluntary, as in the case of 2324, to a person. 1402 opp. to 1249
denotes a bondman, one who sustains a permanent servile relation to
another. 2324 is the voluntary performer of services, whether as a
freeman or a slave? it is a nobler tenderer word than 1402. 5257
suggests subordination.

G1401 δοῦλος

From G1210; a slave (literally or figuratively, involuntarily or voluntarily; frequently therefore in a qualified sense of subjection or subserviency)

KJV Usage: bond (-man), servant.

G1396 δουλαγωγέω
From a presumed compound of G1401 and G71; to be a slave driver, that is, to enslave (figuratively subdue)

KJV Usage: bring into subjection.

G1398 δουλεύω
From G1401; to be a slave to (literally or figuratively, involuntarily or voluntarily)

KJV Usage: be in bondage, (do) serve (-ice).

G1399 δούλη
Feminine of G1401; a female slave (involuntarily or voluntarily)

KJV Usage: handmaid (-en).

G1400 δοῦλον
Neuter of G1401; subservient

KJV Usage: servant.

G4889 σύνδουλος
From G4862 and G1401; a co-slave, that is, servitor or ministrant of the same master (human or divine)

KJV Usage: fellowservant.

Greek Synonym Index ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Strong's No. Definition No.
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
{ G25} agapao { [G5914]}
{ G40} agios { [G5878]}
{ G51} agnoema { [G5879]}
{ G53} agnos { [G5878]}
{ G97} adolos { [G5880]}
{ G126} aidos { [G5801]}
{ G127} aidos { [G5882]}
{ G139} airesis { [G5916]}
{ G148} aischrologia { [G5881]}
{ G152} aischyne { [G5882]}
{ G154} aiteo { [G5802] [G5920]}
{ G155} aitema { [G5883]}
{ G156} aitia { [G5884]}
{ G157} aitiama { [G5803]}
{ G165} aion { [G5921]}
{ G166} aionios { [G5801]}
{ G172} akakos { [G5880]}
{ G185} akeraios { [G5880]}
{ G213} alazon { [G5885]}
{ G214} alalazo { [G5804]}
{ G218} aleipho { [G5805]}
{ G243} allos { [G5806]}
{ G260} ama { [G5807]}
{ G262} amarantinos { [G5886]}
{ G263} amarantos { [G5886]}
{ G265} amartema { [G5879]}
{ G266} amartia { [G5879]}
{ G273} amemptos { [G5887]}
{ G283} amiantos { [G5896]}
{ G293} amphiblestron { [G5808]}
{ G299} amomos { [G5887]}
{ G342} anakainosis { [G5888]}
{ G364} anamnesis { [G5809]}
{ G372} anapausis { [G5810] [G5922]}
{ G410} anenkletos { [G5887]}
{ G417} anemos { [G5923]}
{ G423} anepileptos { [G5887]}
{ G425} anesis { [G5810] [G5922]}
{ G443} anthropoktonos { [G5811] [G5889]}
{ G458} anomia { [G5879]}
{ G499} antitypos { [G5919]}
{ G500} antichristos { [G5890]}
{ G573} aplous { [G5880]}
{ G601} apokalypto { [G5812]}
{ G649} apostello { [G5813]}
{ G692} argos { [G5814]}
{ G737} arti { [G5815]}
{ G744} archaios { [G5816] [G5924]}
{ G754} architelones { [G5942]}
{ G763} asebeia { [G5879]}
{ G766} aselgeia { [G5891]}
{ G786} aspondos { [G5892]}
{ G791} asteios { [G5893]}
{ G802} asynthetos { [G5892]}
{ G810} asotia { [G5891]}
{ G827} auge { [G5817]}
{ G840} austeros { [G5925]}
{ G862} aphthartos { [G5886]}
{ G887} achlys { [G5926]}
{ G898} bathmos { [G5818]}
{ G922} baros { [G5819]}
{ G970} bia { [G5820]}
{ G979} bios { [G5821]}
{ G991} blepo { [G5822]}
{ G994} boao { [G5823]}
{ G1006} bosko { [G5824]}
{ G1014} boulomai { [G5915]}
{ G1021} bradys { [G5814]}
{ G1097} ginosko { [G5825]}
{ G1105} gnophos { [G5926]}
{ G1108} gnosis { [G5826] [G5894]}
{ G1145} dakryo { [G5804]}
{ G1155} daneizo { [G5827]}
{ G1162} deesis { [G5828] [G5883]}
{ G1163} dei { [G5829] [G5940]}
{ G1167} deilia { [G5835]}
{ G1175} deisidaimon { [G5895]}
{ G1189} deomai { [G5802]}
{ G1203} despotes { [G5830]}
{ G1209} dechomai { [G5877]}
{ G1212} delos { [G5812]}
{ G1213} deloo { [G5831]}
{ G1218} demos { [G5832] [G5927]}
{ G1238} diadema { [G5833]}
{ G1249} diakonos { [G5834] [G5928]}
{ G1271} dianoia { [G5917]}
{ G1323} didrachmon { [G5941]}
{ G1325} didomi { [G5836]}
{ G1348} dikastes { [G5838]}
{ G1350} diktyon { [G5808]}
{ G1378} dogma { [G5918]}
{ G1380} dokeo { [G5837]}
{ G1389} doloo { [G5929]}
{ G1390} doma { [G5839]}
{ G1394} dosis { [G5839]}
{ G1401} doulos { [G5928]}
{ G1402} douloo { [G5834]}
{ G1411} dynamis { [G5820]}
{ G1431} dorea { [G5839]}
{ G1433} doreomai { [G5836]}
{ G1435} doron { [G5839]}
{ G1462} enklema { [G5803]}
{ G1484} ethnos { [G5927]}
{ G1492} eido { [G5825]}
{ G1506} eilikrines { [G5840] [G5896]}
{ G1577} ekklesia { [G5897]}
{ G1605} ekplesso { [G5841]}
{ G1650} elenchos { [G5884]}
{ G1651} elencho { [G5884]}
{ G1653} eleeo { [G5842]}
{ G1656} eleos { [G5913]}
{ G1718} emphanizo { [G5831]}
{ G1753} energeia { [G5820]}
{ G1763} eniautos { [G5843]}
{ G1781} entellomai { [G5844]}
{ G1783} enteuxis { [G5828] [G5883]}
{ G1785} entole { [G5918]}
{ G1791} entrope { [G5882]}
{ G1849} exousia { [G5820]}
{ G1922} epignosis { [G5894]}
{ G1932} epieikeia { [G5899]}
{ G1939} epithymia { [G5845] [G5906]}
{ G1987} epistamai { [G5825]}
{ G2008} epitimao { [G5884]}
{ G2064} erchomai { [G5818]}
{ G2065} erotao { [G5802] [G5920]}
{ G2087} eteros { [G5806]}
{ G2094} etos { [G5843]}
{ G2124} eulabeia { [G5835]}
{ G2126} eulabes { [G5895]}
{ G2152} eusebes { [G5895]}
{ G2160} eutrapelia { [G5881]}
{ G2169} eucharistia { [G5883]}
{ G2171} euche { [G5883]}
{ G2217} zophos { [G5926]}
{ G2222} zoe { [G5821]}
{ G2226} zoon { [G5846] [G5930]}
{ G2233} egeomai { [G5837]}
{ G2235} ede { [G5815]}
{ G2270} esychazo { [G5847]}
{ G2275} ettema { [G5879]}
{ G2281} thalassa { [G5931]}
{ G2300} theaomai { [G5848]}
{ G2305} theiotes { [G5849]}
{ G2309} thelo { [G5915]}
{ G2318} theosebes { [G5895]}
{ G2320} theotes { [G5849]}
{ G2324} therapon { [G5834] [G5928]}
{ G2334} theoreo { [G5848]}
{ G2342} therion { [G5846] [G5930]}
{ G2347} thlipsis { [G5907]}
{ G2352} thrauo { [G5850]}
{ G2354} threneo { [G5804] [G5932]}
{ G2357} threskos { [G5895]}
{ G2359} thrix { [G5851]}
{ G2366} thyella { [G5923]}
{ G2397} idea { [G5933]}
{ G2411} ieros { [G5878]}
{ G2428} iketeria { [G5883]}
{ G2440} imation { [G5934]}
{ G2441} imatismos { [G5934]}
{ G2479} ischys { [G5820]}
{ G2513} katharos { [G5840] [G5896]}
{ G2537} kainos { [G5852] [G5935]}
{ G2540} kairos { [G5853]}
{ G2549} kakia { [G5855]}
{ G2556} kakos { [G5908]}
{ G2564} kaleo { [G5823]}
{ G2570} kalos { [G5893]}
{ G2585} kapeleuo { [G5929]}
{ G2608} katagnymi { [G5850]}
{ G2723} kategoreo { [G5803]}
{ G2730} katoikeo { [G5854]}
{ G2753} keleuo { [G5844]}
{ G2766} keramos { [G5858]}
{ G2778} kensos { [G5941]}
{ G2799} klaio { [G5804]}
{ G2812} kleptes { [G5856]}
{ G2830} klydon { [G5857]}
{ G2851} kolasis { [G5859] [G5909]}
{ G2864} kome { [G5851]}
{ G2873} kopos { [G5860] [G5936]}
{ G2875} koptomai { [G5932]}
{ G2889} kosmos { [G5921]}
{ G2894} kophinos { [G5939]}
{ G2896} krazo { [G5823]}
{ G2897} kraipale { [G5937]}
{ G2904} kratos { [G5820]}
{ G2905} kraugazo { [G5823]}
{ G2923} krites { [G5838]}
{ G2949} kyma { [G5857]}
{ G2962} kyrios { [G5830]}
{ G2970} komos { [G5937]}
{ G2978} lailaps { [G5923]}
{ G2983} lambano { [G5877]}
{ G2992} laos { [G5832] [G5927]}
{ G3027} lestes { [G5856]}
{ G3076} lypeomai { [G5932]}
{ G3115} makrothymia { [G5861]}
{ G3163} mache { [G5938]}
{ G3178} methe { [G5937]}
{ G3338} metamellomai { [G5862]}
{ G3339} metamorpeoo { [G5863]}
{ G3340} metanoeo { [G5862]}
{ G3345} metaschematizo { [G5863]}
{ G3392} miaino { [G5864] [G5910]}
{ G3396} mignymi { [G5858]}
{ G3435} molyno { [G5864] [G5910]}
{ G3444} morphe { [G5865] [G5933]}
{ G3449} mochthos { [G5860] [G5936]}
{ G3473} morologia { [G5881]}
{ G3501} neos { [G5852] [G5935]}
{ G3507} nephele { [G5866]}
{ G3509} nephos { [G5866]}
{ G3543} nomizo { [G5837]}
{ G3551} nomos { [G5918]}
{ G3563} nous { [G5917]}
{ G3568} nyn { [G5815]}
{ G3576} nothros { [G5814]}
{ G3591} onkos { [G5819]}
{ G3602} odyrmos { [G5804]}
{ G3610} oiketes { [G5928]}
{ G3614} oikia { [G5867]}
{ G3624} oikos { [G5867] [G5944]}
{ G3628} oiktirmos { [G5842] [G5913]}
{ G3632} oinophlygia { [G5937]}
{ G3633} oiomai { [G5837]}
{ G3674} omou { [G5807]}
{ G3708} orao { [G5822]}
{ G3715} orexis { [G5906]}
{ G3730} orme { [G5906]}
{ G3741} osios { [G5878]}
{ G3784} opheilei { [G5940]}
{ G3793} ochlos { [G5927]}
{ G3806} pathos { [G5845] [G5906]}
{ G3808} paidarion { [G5868] [G5943]}
{ G3813} paidion { [G5868] [G5943]}
{ G3814} paidiske { [G5868] [G5943]}
{ G3816} pais { [G5868] [G5943]}
{ G3820} palaios { [G5816] [G5924]}
{ G3824} palingenesia { [G5888]}
{ G3831} panegyris { [G5897]}
{ G3847} parabasis { [G5879]}
{ G3853} parangello { [G5844]}
{ G3876} parakoe { [G5879]}
{ G3892} paranomia { [G5879]}
{ G3900} paraptoma { [G5879]}
{ G3939} paroikeo { [G5854]}
{ G3965} patria { [G5944]}
{ G3967} patrikos { [G5869]}
{ G3971} patroos { [G5869]}
{ G3989} pelagos { [G5931]}
{ G3992} pempo { [G5813]}
{ G3993} penes { [G5870]}
{ G3996} pentheo { [G5932]}
{ G4151} pneuma { [G5923]}
{ G4157} pnoe { [G5923]}
{ G4158} poderes { [G5934]}
{ G4160} poieo { [G5871\ [G5911]}
{ G4165} poimaino { [G5824]}
{ G4171} polemos { [G5938]}
{ G4189} poneria { [G5855]}
{ G4190} poneros { [G5908]}
{ G4192} ponos { [G5860] [G5936]}
{ G4198} poreuomai { [G5818]}
{ G4224} potos { [G5937]}
{ G4236} praotes { [G5898] [G5899]}
{ G4238} prasso { [G5871] [G5911]}
{ G4335} proseuche { [G5828] [G5883]}
{ G4422} ptoeo { [G5841]}
{ G4434} ptochos { [G5870]}
{ G4486} regnymi { [G5850]}
{ G4522} sagene { [G5808]}
{ G4559} sarkikos { [G5912]}
{ G4560} sarkinos { [G5912]}
{ G4586} semnos { [G5878]}
{ G4601} sigao { [G5847]}
{ G4607} sikarios { [G5811] [G5889]}
{ G4623} siopao { [G5847]}
{ G4642} skleros { [G5925]}
{ G4648} skopeo { [G5822]}
{ G4655} skotos { [G5926]}
{ G4678} sophia { [G5826] [G5894]}
{ G4680} sophos { [G5872]}
{ G4711} spyris { [G5939]}
{ G4727} stenazo { [G5804]}
{ G4730} stenochoria { [G5907]}
{ G4735} stephanos { [G5833]}
{ G4749} stole { [G5934]}
{ G4832} symmorphos { [G5873]}
{ G4864} synagoge { [G5897]}
{ G4907} synesis { [G5826]}
{ G4908} synetos { [G5872]}
{ G4920} syniemi { [G5825]}
{ G4964} syschematizo { [G5873]}
{ G4976} schema { [G5865] [G5933]}
{ G4978} schisma { [G5916]}
{ G4997} sophrosyne { [G5882]}
{ G5012} tapeinophrosyne { [G5898]}
{ G5021} tasso { [G5844]}
{ G5043} teknon { [G5868] [G5943]}
{ G5056} telos { [G5941]}
{ G5057} telones { [G5942]}
{ G5083} tereo { [G5874]}
{ G5098} timoria { [G5859] [G5909]}
{ G5117} topos { [G5875]}
{ G5141} tremo { [G5841]}
{ G5179} typos { [G5919]}
{ G5197} ybristes { [G5885]}
{ G5207} yios { [G5868] [G5943]}
{ G5215} ymnos { [G5876]}
{ G5244} yperephanos { [G5885]}
{ G5257} yperetes { [G5834] [G5928]}
{ G5280} ypomnesis { [G5809]}
{ G5281} ypomone { [G5861]}
{ G5316} phaino { [G5837]}
{ G5319} phaneroo { [G5812]}
{ G5337} phaulos { [G5908]}
{ G5338} phengos { [G5817]}
{ G5368} phileo { [G5914]}
{ G5398} phoberos { [G5835]}
{ G5399} phobeo { [G5841]}
{ G5406} phoneus { [G5811] [G5889]}
{ G5411} phoros { [G5941]}
{ G5413} phortion { [G5819]}
{ G5428} phronesis { [G5826] [G5894]}
{ G5429} phronimos { [G5872]}
{ G5442} phylasso { [G5874]}
{ G5443} phyle { [G5944]}
{ G5457} phos { [G5817]}
{ G5509} chiton { [G5934]}
{ G5511} chlamys { [G5934]}
{ G5531} chrao { [G5827]}
{ G5534} chre { [G5829]}
{ G5548} chrio { [G5805]}
{ G5550} chronos { [G5853]}
{ G5561} chora { [G5875]}
{ G5562} choreo { [G5818]}
{ G5564} chorion { [G5875]}
{ G5568} psalmos { [G5876]}
{ G5580} pseudochristos { [G5890]}
{ G5591} psychikos { [G5912]}
{ G5603} ode { [G5876]}
{ G5611} oraios { [G5893

Servant, Slave. See Definition for doulos { [G1401]}
See Definition for therapon { [G2324]}
See Definition for diakonos { [G1249]}
See Definition for oiketes { [G3610]}
See Definition for yperetes { [G5257]}

doulos is the usual word for slave, one who is permanently in
servitude, in subjection to a master.

therapon is simply one who renders service at a particular time,
sometimes as a slave, more often as a freeman, who renders voluntary
service prompted by duty or love. It denotes one who serves, in
his relation to a person.

diakonos also may designate either a slave or a freeman, it denotes
a servant viewed in relation to his work.

oiketes designates a slave, sometimes being practically equivalent
to doulos. Usually, however, as the etymology of the term
indicates, it means a slave as a member of the household, not
emphasizing the servile idea, but rather the relation which would tend
to mitigate the severity of his condition.

yperetes means literally an under-rower, and was used to describe
an ordinary rower on a war-galley. It is then used, as in the N.T., to
indicate any man, not a slave, who served in a subordinate position
under a superior.