G602 ἀποκάλυψις - Strong's Greek Lexicon Number

LSJ Gloss:
an uncovering, a revelation
an unveiling, uncovering, revealing
an unveiling, uncovering, revealing, revelation.
Derivation: from G601;

KJV Usage: appearing, coming, lighten, manifestation, be revealed, revelation.

ἀπο-κάλυψις, -εως, ἡ
(< ἀποκαλύπτω), [in LXX: 1Ki.20:30 (עֶרְוָה),
Refs Sir.11:27 22:22 42:1
* ;]
an uncovering, laying bare (Plut.). Metaph., a reveal­ing, revelation: a disclosure of divine truth, or a manifestion from God:
Refs Luk.2:32 Rom.2:5 8:19 16:25, 1Co.1:7 14:6 14:26, 2Co.12:1 12:7, Gal.1:12 2:2, Eph.1:17 3:3 2Th.1:7 1Pe.1:7 1:13 4:13, Rev.1:1
SYN.: ἐπιφάνεια, παρουσία, φανέρωσις (see Tr., Syn., xciv; Lft., Notes, 102, 178; Westc, Eph., 178 f.; M, Th., 145 ff.; Cremer, 343) (AS)
1) laying bear, making naked
2) a disclosure of truth, instruction
2a) concerning things before unknown
2b) used of events by which things or states or persons hitherto withdrawn from view are made visible to all
3) manifestation, appearance

From G601; disclosure

KJV Usage: appearing, coming, lighten, manifestation, be revealed, revelation.

View how G602 ἀποκάλυψις is used in the Bible

18 occurrences of G602 ἀποκάλυψις

Luke 2:32 revealing
Romans 2:5 revelation
Romans 8:19 for the revealing
Romans 16:25 the revealing
1 Corinthians 1:7 revealing
1 Corinthians 14:6 revelation,
1 Corinthians 14:26 a revelation,
2 Corinthians 12:1 revelations
2 Corinthians 12:7 revelations,
Galatians 1:12 the revelation
Galatians 2:2 revelation,
Ephesians 1:17 revelation
Ephesians 3:3 revelation
2 Thessalonians 1:7 revelation
1 Peter 1:7 the revelation
1 Peter 1:13 the revealing
1 Peter 4:13 shall be revealed,
Revelation 1:1 The Revelation

Distinct usage

4 revelation
2 revealing
2 revelation,
2 the revelation
1 for the revealing
1 revelations,
1 revelations
1 a revelation,
1 the revelation
1 the revealing
1 shall be revealed,
1 the revealing

Corresponding Hebrew Words

apo kalupsis H6172 ervah

Related words

G602 ἀποκάλυψις

G601 ἀποκαλύπτω

From G575 and G2572; to take off the cover, that is, disclose

KJV Usage: reveal.

Greek Synonym Index ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Strong's No. Definition No.
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
{ G25} agapao { [G5914]}
{ G40} agios { [G5878]}
{ G51} agnoema { [G5879]}
{ G53} agnos { [G5878]}
{ G97} adolos { [G5880]}
{ G126} aidos { [G5801]}
{ G127} aidos { [G5882]}
{ G139} airesis { [G5916]}
{ G148} aischrologia { [G5881]}
{ G152} aischyne { [G5882]}
{ G154} aiteo { [G5802] [G5920]}
{ G155} aitema { [G5883]}
{ G156} aitia { [G5884]}
{ G157} aitiama { [G5803]}
{ G165} aion { [G5921]}
{ G166} aionios { [G5801]}
{ G172} akakos { [G5880]}
{ G185} akeraios { [G5880]}
{ G213} alazon { [G5885]}
{ G214} alalazo { [G5804]}
{ G218} aleipho { [G5805]}
{ G243} allos { [G5806]}
{ G260} ama { [G5807]}
{ G262} amarantinos { [G5886]}
{ G263} amarantos { [G5886]}
{ G265} amartema { [G5879]}
{ G266} amartia { [G5879]}
{ G273} amemptos { [G5887]}
{ G283} amiantos { [G5896]}
{ G293} amphiblestron { [G5808]}
{ G299} amomos { [G5887]}
{ G342} anakainosis { [G5888]}
{ G364} anamnesis { [G5809]}
{ G372} anapausis { [G5810] [G5922]}
{ G410} anenkletos { [G5887]}
{ G417} anemos { [G5923]}
{ G423} anepileptos { [G5887]}
{ G425} anesis { [G5810] [G5922]}
{ G443} anthropoktonos { [G5811] [G5889]}
{ G458} anomia { [G5879]}
{ G499} antitypos { [G5919]}
{ G500} antichristos { [G5890]}
{ G573} aplous { [G5880]}
{ G601} apokalypto { [G5812]}
{ G649} apostello { [G5813]}
{ G692} argos { [G5814]}
{ G737} arti { [G5815]}
{ G744} archaios { [G5816] [G5924]}
{ G754} architelones { [G5942]}
{ G763} asebeia { [G5879]}
{ G766} aselgeia { [G5891]}
{ G786} aspondos { [G5892]}
{ G791} asteios { [G5893]}
{ G802} asynthetos { [G5892]}
{ G810} asotia { [G5891]}
{ G827} auge { [G5817]}
{ G840} austeros { [G5925]}
{ G862} aphthartos { [G5886]}
{ G887} achlys { [G5926]}
{ G898} bathmos { [G5818]}
{ G922} baros { [G5819]}
{ G970} bia { [G5820]}
{ G979} bios { [G5821]}
{ G991} blepo { [G5822]}
{ G994} boao { [G5823]}
{ G1006} bosko { [G5824]}
{ G1014} boulomai { [G5915]}
{ G1021} bradys { [G5814]}
{ G1097} ginosko { [G5825]}
{ G1105} gnophos { [G5926]}
{ G1108} gnosis { [G5826] [G5894]}
{ G1145} dakryo { [G5804]}
{ G1155} daneizo { [G5827]}
{ G1162} deesis { [G5828] [G5883]}
{ G1163} dei { [G5829] [G5940]}
{ G1167} deilia { [G5835]}
{ G1175} deisidaimon { [G5895]}
{ G1189} deomai { [G5802]}
{ G1203} despotes { [G5830]}
{ G1209} dechomai { [G5877]}
{ G1212} delos { [G5812]}
{ G1213} deloo { [G5831]}
{ G1218} demos { [G5832] [G5927]}
{ G1238} diadema { [G5833]}
{ G1249} diakonos { [G5834] [G5928]}
{ G1271} dianoia { [G5917]}
{ G1323} didrachmon { [G5941]}
{ G1325} didomi { [G5836]}
{ G1348} dikastes { [G5838]}
{ G1350} diktyon { [G5808]}
{ G1378} dogma { [G5918]}
{ G1380} dokeo { [G5837]}
{ G1389} doloo { [G5929]}
{ G1390} doma { [G5839]}
{ G1394} dosis { [G5839]}
{ G1401} doulos { [G5928]}
{ G1402} douloo { [G5834]}
{ G1411} dynamis { [G5820]}
{ G1431} dorea { [G5839]}
{ G1433} doreomai { [G5836]}
{ G1435} doron { [G5839]}
{ G1462} enklema { [G5803]}
{ G1484} ethnos { [G5927]}
{ G1492} eido { [G5825]}
{ G1506} eilikrines { [G5840] [G5896]}
{ G1577} ekklesia { [G5897]}
{ G1605} ekplesso { [G5841]}
{ G1650} elenchos { [G5884]}
{ G1651} elencho { [G5884]}
{ G1653} eleeo { [G5842]}
{ G1656} eleos { [G5913]}
{ G1718} emphanizo { [G5831]}
{ G1753} energeia { [G5820]}
{ G1763} eniautos { [G5843]}
{ G1781} entellomai { [G5844]}
{ G1783} enteuxis { [G5828] [G5883]}
{ G1785} entole { [G5918]}
{ G1791} entrope { [G5882]}
{ G1849} exousia { [G5820]}
{ G1922} epignosis { [G5894]}
{ G1932} epieikeia { [G5899]}
{ G1939} epithymia { [G5845] [G5906]}
{ G1987} epistamai { [G5825]}
{ G2008} epitimao { [G5884]}
{ G2064} erchomai { [G5818]}
{ G2065} erotao { [G5802] [G5920]}
{ G2087} eteros { [G5806]}
{ G2094} etos { [G5843]}
{ G2124} eulabeia { [G5835]}
{ G2126} eulabes { [G5895]}
{ G2152} eusebes { [G5895]}
{ G2160} eutrapelia { [G5881]}
{ G2169} eucharistia { [G5883]}
{ G2171} euche { [G5883]}
{ G2217} zophos { [G5926]}
{ G2222} zoe { [G5821]}
{ G2226} zoon { [G5846] [G5930]}
{ G2233} egeomai { [G5837]}
{ G2235} ede { [G5815]}
{ G2270} esychazo { [G5847]}
{ G2275} ettema { [G5879]}
{ G2281} thalassa { [G5931]}
{ G2300} theaomai { [G5848]}
{ G2305} theiotes { [G5849]}
{ G2309} thelo { [G5915]}
{ G2318} theosebes { [G5895]}
{ G2320} theotes { [G5849]}
{ G2324} therapon { [G5834] [G5928]}
{ G2334} theoreo { [G5848]}
{ G2342} therion { [G5846] [G5930]}
{ G2347} thlipsis { [G5907]}
{ G2352} thrauo { [G5850]}
{ G2354} threneo { [G5804] [G5932]}
{ G2357} threskos { [G5895]}
{ G2359} thrix { [G5851]}
{ G2366} thyella { [G5923]}
{ G2397} idea { [G5933]}
{ G2411} ieros { [G5878]}
{ G2428} iketeria { [G5883]}
{ G2440} imation { [G5934]}
{ G2441} imatismos { [G5934]}
{ G2479} ischys { [G5820]}
{ G2513} katharos { [G5840] [G5896]}
{ G2537} kainos { [G5852] [G5935]}
{ G2540} kairos { [G5853]}
{ G2549} kakia { [G5855]}
{ G2556} kakos { [G5908]}
{ G2564} kaleo { [G5823]}
{ G2570} kalos { [G5893]}
{ G2585} kapeleuo { [G5929]}
{ G2608} katagnymi { [G5850]}
{ G2723} kategoreo { [G5803]}
{ G2730} katoikeo { [G5854]}
{ G2753} keleuo { [G5844]}
{ G2766} keramos { [G5858]}
{ G2778} kensos { [G5941]}
{ G2799} klaio { [G5804]}
{ G2812} kleptes { [G5856]}
{ G2830} klydon { [G5857]}
{ G2851} kolasis { [G5859] [G5909]}
{ G2864} kome { [G5851]}
{ G2873} kopos { [G5860] [G5936]}
{ G2875} koptomai { [G5932]}
{ G2889} kosmos { [G5921]}
{ G2894} kophinos { [G5939]}
{ G2896} krazo { [G5823]}
{ G2897} kraipale { [G5937]}
{ G2904} kratos { [G5820]}
{ G2905} kraugazo { [G5823]}
{ G2923} krites { [G5838]}
{ G2949} kyma { [G5857]}
{ G2962} kyrios { [G5830]}
{ G2970} komos { [G5937]}
{ G2978} lailaps { [G5923]}
{ G2983} lambano { [G5877]}
{ G2992} laos { [G5832] [G5927]}
{ G3027} lestes { [G5856]}
{ G3076} lypeomai { [G5932]}
{ G3115} makrothymia { [G5861]}
{ G3163} mache { [G5938]}
{ G3178} methe { [G5937]}
{ G3338} metamellomai { [G5862]}
{ G3339} metamorpeoo { [G5863]}
{ G3340} metanoeo { [G5862]}
{ G3345} metaschematizo { [G5863]}
{ G3392} miaino { [G5864] [G5910]}
{ G3396} mignymi { [G5858]}
{ G3435} molyno { [G5864] [G5910]}
{ G3444} morphe { [G5865] [G5933]}
{ G3449} mochthos { [G5860] [G5936]}
{ G3473} morologia { [G5881]}
{ G3501} neos { [G5852] [G5935]}
{ G3507} nephele { [G5866]}
{ G3509} nephos { [G5866]}
{ G3543} nomizo { [G5837]}
{ G3551} nomos { [G5918]}
{ G3563} nous { [G5917]}
{ G3568} nyn { [G5815]}
{ G3576} nothros { [G5814]}
{ G3591} onkos { [G5819]}
{ G3602} odyrmos { [G5804]}
{ G3610} oiketes { [G5928]}
{ G3614} oikia { [G5867]}
{ G3624} oikos { [G5867] [G5944]}
{ G3628} oiktirmos { [G5842] [G5913]}
{ G3632} oinophlygia { [G5937]}
{ G3633} oiomai { [G5837]}
{ G3674} omou { [G5807]}
{ G3708} orao { [G5822]}
{ G3715} orexis { [G5906]}
{ G3730} orme { [G5906]}
{ G3741} osios { [G5878]}
{ G3784} opheilei { [G5940]}
{ G3793} ochlos { [G5927]}
{ G3806} pathos { [G5845] [G5906]}
{ G3808} paidarion { [G5868] [G5943]}
{ G3813} paidion { [G5868] [G5943]}
{ G3814} paidiske { [G5868] [G5943]}
{ G3816} pais { [G5868] [G5943]}
{ G3820} palaios { [G5816] [G5924]}
{ G3824} palingenesia { [G5888]}
{ G3831} panegyris { [G5897]}
{ G3847} parabasis { [G5879]}
{ G3853} parangello { [G5844]}
{ G3876} parakoe { [G5879]}
{ G3892} paranomia { [G5879]}
{ G3900} paraptoma { [G5879]}
{ G3939} paroikeo { [G5854]}
{ G3965} patria { [G5944]}
{ G3967} patrikos { [G5869]}
{ G3971} patroos { [G5869]}
{ G3989} pelagos { [G5931]}
{ G3992} pempo { [G5813]}
{ G3993} penes { [G5870]}
{ G3996} pentheo { [G5932]}
{ G4151} pneuma { [G5923]}
{ G4157} pnoe { [G5923]}
{ G4158} poderes { [G5934]}
{ G4160} poieo { [G5871\ [G5911]}
{ G4165} poimaino { [G5824]}
{ G4171} polemos { [G5938]}
{ G4189} poneria { [G5855]}
{ G4190} poneros { [G5908]}
{ G4192} ponos { [G5860] [G5936]}
{ G4198} poreuomai { [G5818]}
{ G4224} potos { [G5937]}
{ G4236} praotes { [G5898] [G5899]}
{ G4238} prasso { [G5871] [G5911]}
{ G4335} proseuche { [G5828] [G5883]}
{ G4422} ptoeo { [G5841]}
{ G4434} ptochos { [G5870]}
{ G4486} regnymi { [G5850]}
{ G4522} sagene { [G5808]}
{ G4559} sarkikos { [G5912]}
{ G4560} sarkinos { [G5912]}
{ G4586} semnos { [G5878]}
{ G4601} sigao { [G5847]}
{ G4607} sikarios { [G5811] [G5889]}
{ G4623} siopao { [G5847]}
{ G4642} skleros { [G5925]}
{ G4648} skopeo { [G5822]}
{ G4655} skotos { [G5926]}
{ G4678} sophia { [G5826] [G5894]}
{ G4680} sophos { [G5872]}
{ G4711} spyris { [G5939]}
{ G4727} stenazo { [G5804]}
{ G4730} stenochoria { [G5907]}
{ G4735} stephanos { [G5833]}
{ G4749} stole { [G5934]}
{ G4832} symmorphos { [G5873]}
{ G4864} synagoge { [G5897]}
{ G4907} synesis { [G5826]}
{ G4908} synetos { [G5872]}
{ G4920} syniemi { [G5825]}
{ G4964} syschematizo { [G5873]}
{ G4976} schema { [G5865] [G5933]}
{ G4978} schisma { [G5916]}
{ G4997} sophrosyne { [G5882]}
{ G5012} tapeinophrosyne { [G5898]}
{ G5021} tasso { [G5844]}
{ G5043} teknon { [G5868] [G5943]}
{ G5056} telos { [G5941]}
{ G5057} telones { [G5942]}
{ G5083} tereo { [G5874]}
{ G5098} timoria { [G5859] [G5909]}
{ G5117} topos { [G5875]}
{ G5141} tremo { [G5841]}
{ G5179} typos { [G5919]}
{ G5197} ybristes { [G5885]}
{ G5207} yios { [G5868] [G5943]}
{ G5215} ymnos { [G5876]}
{ G5244} yperephanos { [G5885]}
{ G5257} yperetes { [G5834] [G5928]}
{ G5280} ypomnesis { [G5809]}
{ G5281} ypomone { [G5861]}
{ G5316} phaino { [G5837]}
{ G5319} phaneroo { [G5812]}
{ G5337} phaulos { [G5908]}
{ G5338} phengos { [G5817]}
{ G5368} phileo { [G5914]}
{ G5398} phoberos { [G5835]}
{ G5399} phobeo { [G5841]}
{ G5406} phoneus { [G5811] [G5889]}
{ G5411} phoros { [G5941]}
{ G5413} phortion { [G5819]}
{ G5428} phronesis { [G5826] [G5894]}
{ G5429} phronimos { [G5872]}
{ G5442} phylasso { [G5874]}
{ G5443} phyle { [G5944]}
{ G5457} phos { [G5817]}
{ G5509} chiton { [G5934]}
{ G5511} chlamys { [G5934]}
{ G5531} chrao { [G5827]}
{ G5534} chre { [G5829]}
{ G5548} chrio { [G5805]}
{ G5550} chronos { [G5853]}
{ G5561} chora { [G5875]}
{ G5562} choreo { [G5818]}
{ G5564} chorion { [G5875]}
{ G5568} psalmos { [G5876]}
{ G5580} pseudochristos { [G5890]}
{ G5591} psychikos { [G5912]}
{ G5603} ode { [G5876]}
{ G5611} oraios { [G5893

Synonyms See Definition for apokalypto { [G601]}
See Definition for delos { [G1212]}
See Definition for phaneroo { [G5319]}

Compare: { [G5319]}, { [G601]}

5319 is thought to describe an external manifestation, to the
senses hence open to all, single or isolated? 601 is an
internal disclosure, to the thinking believer, and abiding.
The 601 or "unveiling" precedes and produces the 5319 or
"manifestation"? the former looks toward the object revealed,
the latter toward the persons to whom the revelation is made.
Some question this explanation.

Compare: { [G5319]}, { [G1212]}

1212-evident, what is known and understood
5319-manifest, as opp. to what is concealed and invisible

1212 points rather to inner perception, 5319 to outward appearance.