Mark 5:1-20

Rotherham(i) 1 And they came unto the other side of the sea, into the country of the Gerasenes. 2 And, when he went forth out of the boat, [straightway], there met him, from amongst the tombs, a man, in an impure spirit: 3 who had his dwelling among the tombs, and, not even with a chain, any longer, was anyone able to bind him,–– 4 because of his having been, many times, with fetters and chains, bound, and the chains having been plucked asunder by him, and the fetters smashed, and no one was mighty enough to tame him; 5 and, continually, night and day, in the tombs and in the mountains, was he crying aloud, and cutting himself in pieces with stones. 6 And, seeing Jesus from afar, he ran and bowed down to him; 7 and, crying out with a loud voice, saith––What have in common with thee? O Jesus, Son of God Most High? I adjure thee by God,––Do not torment me! 8 For he was saying to him––Go forth thou impure spirit, out of the man; 9 and he was questioning him––What is thy name? and he saith to him––Legion, is my name, because we are, many; 10 and he was beseeching him much that he would not send them forth outside the country. 11 Now there was there, near the mountain, a large herd of swine, feeding; 12 and they besought him, saying––Send us into the swine, that, into them, we may enter; 13 and he suffered them. And the impure spirits, going out, entered into the swine, and the herd rushed down the cliff into the sea, about two thousand, and were choked in the sea. 14 And, they who had been feeding them, fled, and bare tidings into the city and into the fields,––and they came to see what it was that had happened. 15 And they come unto Jesus, and view the demonized man, clothed and of sound mind, him who had had the legion,––and they were struck with fear. 16 And the beholders narrated to them, how it happened to the demonized man, and concerning the swine. 17 And they began to beseech him, to depart from their bounds. 18 And, as he was entering into the boat, he who had been demonized was beseeching him, that, with him, he might be. 19 And he suffered him not, but saith unto him––Withdraw into thy house, unto thine own, and bear tidings unto them, how many things the Lord for thee hath done, and hath had mercy on thee. 20 And he departed, and began proclaiming, in the Decapolis, how many things Jesus had done for him,––and, all, were marveling.