Numbers 28

  1 H3068 Yahweh H1696 spoke H4872 to Moses, H559 saying,
  2 H6680 "Command H1121 the children H3478 of Israel, H559 and tell H7133 them, ‘My offering, H7133 my food for my offerings H801 made by fire, H5207 of a pleasant H7381 aroma H8104 to me, you shall observe H7126 to offer H4150 to me in their due season.'
  3 H559 You shall tell H801 them, ‘This is the offering made by fire H7126 which you shall offer H3068 to Yahweh: H3532 male lambs H1121 a H8141 year H8549 old without blemish, H8147 two H3117 day by day, H8548 for a continual H5930 burnt offering.
  4 H6213 You shall offer H259 the one H3532 lamb H1242 in the morning, H6213 and you shall offer H8145 the other H3532 lamb H6153 at evening;
  5 H6224 with the tenth H374 part of an ephah H5560 of fine flour H4503 for a meal offering, H1101 mixed H7243 with the fourth H1969 part of a hin H3795 of beaten H8081 oil.
  6 H8548 It is a continual H5930 burnt offering, H6213 which was ordained H2022 in Mount H5514 Sinai H5207 for a pleasant H7381 aroma, H801 an offering made by fire H3068 to Yahweh.
  7 H5262 Its drink offering H7243 shall be the fourth H1969 part of a hin H259 for the one H3532 lamb. H5258 You shall pour H5262 out a drink offering H7941 of strong drink H3068 to Yahweh H6944 in the holy place.
  8 H8145 The other H3532 lamb H6213 you shall offer H6153 at evening: H4503 as the meal offering H1242 of the morning, H5262 and as the drink offering H6213 of it, you shall offer H801 it, an offering made by fire, H5207 of a pleasant H7381 aroma H3068 to Yahweh.
  9 H7676 "‘On the Sabbath H3117 day H8147 two H3532 male lambs H1121 a H8141 year H8549 old without blemish, H8147 and two H6241 tenth H5560 parts of an ephah of fine flour H4503 for a meal offering, H1101 mixed H8081 with oil, H5262 and the drink offering of it:
  10 H5930 this is the burnt offering H7676 of every Sabbath, H8548 besides the continual H5930 burnt offering, H5262 and the drink offering of it.
  11 H7218 "‘In the beginnings H2320 of your months H7126 you shall offer H5930 a burnt offering H3068 to Yahweh: H8147 two H1241 young H6499 bulls, H259 and one H352 ram, H7651 seven H3532 male lambs H1121 a H8141 year H8549 old without blemish;
  12 H7969 and three H6241 tenth parts of an ephah H5560 of fine flour H4503 for a meal offering, H1101 mixed H8081 with oil, H259 for each H6499 bull; H8147 and two H6241 tenth H5560 parts of fine flour H4503 for a meal offering, H1101 mixed H8081 with oil, H259 for the one H352 ram;
  13 H6241 and a tenth part H5560 of fine flour H1101 mixed H8081 with oil H4503 for a meal offering H259 to every H3532 lamb; H5930 for a burnt offering H5207 of a pleasant H7381 aroma, H801 an offering made by fire H3068 to Yahweh.
  14 H5262 Their drink offerings H2677 shall be half H1969 a hin H3196 of wine H6499 for a bull, H7992 and the third H1969 part of a hin H352 for the ram, H7243 and the fourth H1969 part of a hin H3532 for a lamb: H5930 this is the burnt offering H2320 of every month H2320 throughout the months H8141 of the year.
  15 H259 One H8163 male H5795 goat H2403 for a sin offering H3068 to Yahweh; H6213 it shall be offered H8548 besides the continual H5930 burnt offering, H5930 and the drink offering of it.
  16 H7223 "‘In the first H2320 month, H702 on the fourteenth H3117 day H3068 of the month, is Yahweh's H6453 Passover.
  17 H2568 On the fifteenth H3117 day H2320 of this month H2282 shall be a feast: H7651 seven H3117 days H4682 shall unleavened bread H398 be eaten.
  18 H7223 In the first H3117 day H6944 shall be a holy H4744 convocation: H6213 you shall do H5656 no servile H4399 work;
  19 H7126 but you shall offer H801 an offering made by fire, H5930 a burnt offering H3068 to Yahweh: H8147 two H1241 young H6499 bulls, H259 and one H352 ram, H7651 and seven H3532 male lambs H1121 a H8141 year H8549 old; they shall be to you without blemish;
  20 H4503 and their meal offering, H5560 fine flour H1101 mixed H8081 with oil: H6213 you shall offer H7969 three H6241 tenth parts H6499 for a bull, H8147 and two H6241 tenth parts H352 for the ram.
  21 H6213 You shall offer H6241 a tenth part H259 for every H3532 lamb H7651 of the seven H3532 lambs;
  22 H259 and one H8163 male goat H2403 for a sin offering, H3722 to make atonement for you.
  23 H6213 You shall offer H5930 these besides the burnt offering H1242 of the morning, H8548 which is for a continual H5930 burnt offering.
  24 H6213 In this way you shall offer H3117 daily, H7651 for seven H3117 days, H3899 the food H801 of the offering made by fire, H5207 of a pleasant H7381 aroma H3068 to Yahweh: H6213 it shall be offered H8548 besides the continual H5930 burnt offering, H5930 and the drink offering of it.
  25 H7637 On the seventh H3117 day H6944 you shall have a holy H4744 convocation: H6213 you shall do H5656 no servile H4399 work.
  26 H3117 "‘Also in the day H1061 of the first fruits, H7126 when you offer H2319 a new H4503 meal offering H3068 to Yahweh H7620 in your feast of weeks, H6944 you shall have a holy H4744 convocation; H6213 you shall do H5656 no servile H4399 work;
  27 H7126 but you shall offer H5930 a burnt offering H5207 for a pleasant H7381 aroma H3068 to Yahweh: H8147 two H1241 young H6499 bulls, H259 one H352 ram, H7651 seven H3532 male lambs H1121 a H8141 year old;
  28 H4503 and their meal offering, H5560 fine flour H1101 mixed H8081 with oil, H7969 three H6241 tenth parts H259 for each H6499 bull, H8147 two H6241 tenth parts H259 for the one H352 ram,
  29 H6241 a tenth part H259 for every H3532 lamb H7651 of the seven H3532 lambs;
  30 H259 one H8163 male H8163 goat, H3722 to make atonement for you.
  31 H8548 Besides the continual H5930 burnt offering, H5930 and the meal offering H6213 of it, you shall offer H8549 them (they shall be to you without blemish), H5262 and their drink offerings.