Bible verses about "tower of babel" | new

Genesis 9:1

  1 H430 And God H1288 [H8762] blessed H5146 Noah H1121 and his sons, H559 [H8799] and said H6509 [H8798] to them, Be fruitful, H7235 [H8798] and multiply, H4390 [H8798] and fill H776 the earth.

Genesis 11:6

  6 H3068 And the LORD H559 [H8799] said, H5971 Behold, the people H259 is one, H259 and they have all one H8193 language; H2490 [H8687] and this they begin H6213 [H8800] to do: H3808 H3605 and now nothing H1219 [H8735] will be withheld H2161 [H8799] from them, which they have imagined H6213 [H8800] to do.

Genesis 11:9

  9 H8034 Therefore is the name of it H7121 [H8804] called H894 Babel; H3068 because the LORD H1101 [H8804] there mixed H8193 the language H776 of all the earth: H6327 0 and from there did H3068 the LORD H6327 [H8689] scatter them abroad H6440 upon the face H776 of all the earth.

Genesis 11:5

  5 H3068 And the LORD H3381 [H8799] came down H7200 [H8800] to see H5892 the city H4026 and the tower, H1121 which the sons H120 of men H1129 [H8804] were building.

Genesis 10:10

  10 H7225 And the beginning H4467 of his kingdom H894 was Babel, H751 and Erech, H390 and Accad, H3641 and Calneh, H776 in the land H8152 of Shinar.

Genesis 11:7

  7 H3051 [H8798] Come, H3381 [H8799] let us go down, H1101 [H8799] and there mix H8193 their language, H834 that H8085 [H8799] they may not hear H376 one H7453 another's H8193 speech.

Genesis 11:1

  1 H776 And the whole earth H259 was of one H8193 language, H259 and of one H1697 speech.

Genesis 11:4

  4 H559 [H8799] And they said, H3051 [H8798] come, H1129 [H8799] let us build H5892 us a city H4026 and a tower, H7218 whose top H8064 may reach to heaven; H6213 [H8799] and let us make H8034 us a name, H6327 [H8799] lest we should be scattered abroad H6440 upon the face H776 of the whole earth.

Genesis 10:1-32

  1 H8435 Now these are the generations H1121 of the sons H5146 of Noah, H8035 Shem, H2526 Ham, H3315 and Japheth: H1121 and to them were sons H3205 [H8735] born H310 after H3999 the flood.
  2 H1121 The sons H3315 of Japheth; H1586 Gomer, H4031 and Magog, H4074 and Madai, H3120 and Javan, H8422 and Tubal, H4902 and Meshech, H8494 and Tiras.
  3 H1121 And the sons H1586 of Gomer; H813 Ashkenaz, H7384 and Riphath, H8425 and Togarmah.
  4 H1121 And the sons H3120 of Javan; H473 Elishah, H8659 and Tarshish, H3794 Kittim, H1721 and Dodanim.
  5 H339 By these were the isles H1471 of the nations H6504 [H8738] divided in H776 their lands; H376 every one H3956 after his tongue, H4940 after their families, H1471 in their nations.
  6 H1121 And the sons H2526 of Ham; H3568 Cush, H4714 and Mizraim, H6316 and Phut, H3667 and Canaan.
  7 H1121 And the sons H3568 of Cush; H5434 Seba, H2341 and Havilah, H5454 and Sabtah, H7484 and Raamah, H5455 and Sabtecha: H1121 and the sons H7484 of Raamah; H7614 Sheba, H1719 and Dedan.
  8 H3568 And Cush H3205 [H8804] begat H5248 Nimrod: H2490 [H8689] he began H1961 [H8800] to be H1368 a mighty one H776 in the earth.
  9 H1368 He was a mighty H6718 hunter H6440 at the face of H3068 the LORD: H3651 therefore H559 [H8735] it is said, H5248 Even as Nimrod H1368 the mighty H6718 hunter H6440 at the face of H3068 the LORD.
  10 H7225 And the beginning H4467 of his kingdom H894 was Babel, H751 and Erech, H390 and Accad, H3641 and Calneh, H776 in the land H8152 of Shinar.
  11 H776 Out of that land H3318 [H8804] went forth H804 Asshur, H1129 [H8799] and built H5210 Nineveh, H5892 and the city H7344 Rehoboth, H3625 and Calah,
  12 H7449 And Resen H5210 between Nineveh H3625 and Calah: H1419 the same is a great H5892 city.
  13 H4714 And Mizraim H3205 [H8804] begat H3866 Ludim, H6047 and Anamim, H3853 and Lehabim, H5320 and Naphtuhim,
  14 H6625 And Pathrusim, H3695 and Casluhim, H3318 [H8804] (out of whom came H6430 Philistim,) H3732 and Caphtorim.
  15 H3667 And Canaan H3205 [H8804] begat H6721 Sidon H1060 his firstborn, H2845 and Heth,
  16 H2983 And the Jebusite, H567 and the Amorite, H1622 and the Girgasite,
  17 H2340 And the Hivite, H6208 and the Arkite, H5513 and the Sinite,
  18 H721 And the Arvadite, H6786 and the Zemarite, H2577 and the Hamathite: H310 and afterward H4940 were the families H3669 of the Canaanites H6327 [H8738] dispersed.
  19 H1366 And the border H3669 of the Canaanites H6721 was from Sidon, H935 [H8800] as thou comest H1642 to Gerar, H5804 to Gaza; H935 [H8800] as thou goest, H5467 to Sodom, H6017 and Gomorrah, H126 and Admah, H6636 and Zeboim, H3962 even to Lasha.
  20 H1121 These are the sons H2526 of Ham, H4940 after their families, H3956 after their tongues, H776 in their lands, H1471 and in their nations.
  21 H8035 To Shem H1 also, the father H1121 of all the sons H5677 of Eber, H251 the brother H3315 of Japheth H1419 the elder, H3205 [H8795] even to him were children born.
  22 H1121 The sons H8035 of Shem; H5867 Elam, H804 and Asshur, H775 and Arphaxad, H3865 and Lud, H758 and Aram.
  23 H1121 And the sons H758 of Aram; H5780 Uz, H2343 and Hul, H1666 and Gether, H4851 and Mash.
  24 H775 And Arphaxad H3205 [H8804] begat H7974 Salah; H7974 and Salah H3205 [H8804] begat H5677 Eber.
  25 H5677 And to Eber H3205 [H8795] were born H8147 two H1121 sons: H8034 the name H259 of one H6389 was Peleg; H3117 for in his days H776 was the earth H6385 [H8738] divided; H251 and his brother's H8034 name H3355 was Joktan.
  26 H3355 And Joktan H3205 [H8804] begat H486 Almodad, H8026 and Sheleph, H2700 and Hazarmaveth, H3392 and Jerah,
  27 H1913 And Hadoram, H187 and Uzal, H1853 and Diklah,
  28 H5745 And Obal, H39 and Abimael, H7614 and Sheba,
  29 H211 And Ophir, H2341 and Havilah, H3103 and Jobab: H1121 all these were the sons H3355 of Joktan.
  30 H4186 And their dwelling H4852 was from Mesha, H935 [H8800] as thou goest H5611 to Sephar H2022 a mount H6924 of the east.
  31 H1121 These are the sons H8035 of Shem, H4940 after their families, H3956 after their tongues, H776 in their lands, H1471 after their nations.
  32 H4940 These are the families H1121 of the sons H5146 of Noah, H8435 after their generations, H1471 in their nations: H1471 and by these were the nations H6504 [H8738] divided H776 in the earth H310 after H3999 the flood.

Genesis 11:1-9

  1 H776 And the whole earth H259 was of one H8193 language, H259 and of one H1697 speech.
  2 H5265 [H8800] And it came to pass, as they journeyed H6924 from the east, H4672 [H8799] that they found H1237 a plain H776 in the land H8152 of Shinar; H3427 [H8799] and they dwelt there.
  3 H559 [H8799] And they said H376 one H7453 to another, H3051 [H8798] come, H3835 [H8799] let us make H3843 brick, H8313 [H8799] and burn H8316 them thoroughly. H3843 And they had brick H68 for stone, H2564 and slime H1961 [H8804] had H2563 they for mortar.
  4 H559 [H8799] And they said, H3051 [H8798] come, H1129 [H8799] let us build H5892 us a city H4026 and a tower, H7218 whose top H8064 may reach to heaven; H6213 [H8799] and let us make H8034 us a name, H6327 [H8799] lest we should be scattered abroad H6440 upon the face H776 of the whole earth.
  5 H3068 And the LORD H3381 [H8799] came down H7200 [H8800] to see H5892 the city H4026 and the tower, H1121 which the sons H120 of men H1129 [H8804] were building.
  6 H3068 And the LORD H559 [H8799] said, H5971 Behold, the people H259 is one, H259 and they have all one H8193 language; H2490 [H8687] and this they begin H6213 [H8800] to do: H3808 H3605 and now nothing H1219 [H8735] will be withheld H2161 [H8799] from them, which they have imagined H6213 [H8800] to do.
  7 H3051 [H8798] Come, H3381 [H8799] let us go down, H1101 [H8799] and there mix H8193 their language, H834 that H8085 [H8799] they may not hear H376 one H7453 another's H8193 speech.
  8 H3068 So the LORD H6327 [H8686] scattered them abroad H8033 from there H6440 upon the face H776 of all the earth: H2308 [H8799] and they stopped H1129 [H8800] building H5892 the city.
  9 H8034 Therefore is the name of it H7121 [H8804] called H894 Babel; H3068 because the LORD H1101 [H8804] there mixed H8193 the language H776 of all the earth: H6327 0 and from there did H3068 the LORD H6327 [H8689] scatter them abroad H6440 upon the face H776 of all the earth.

Genesis 11:1-32

  1 H776 And the whole earth H259 was of one H8193 language, H259 and of one H1697 speech.
  2 H5265 [H8800] And it came to pass, as they journeyed H6924 from the east, H4672 [H8799] that they found H1237 a plain H776 in the land H8152 of Shinar; H3427 [H8799] and they dwelt there.
  3 H559 [H8799] And they said H376 one H7453 to another, H3051 [H8798] come, H3835 [H8799] let us make H3843 brick, H8313 [H8799] and burn H8316 them thoroughly. H3843 And they had brick H68 for stone, H2564 and slime H1961 [H8804] had H2563 they for mortar.
  4 H559 [H8799] And they said, H3051 [H8798] come, H1129 [H8799] let us build H5892 us a city H4026 and a tower, H7218 whose top H8064 may reach to heaven; H6213 [H8799] and let us make H8034 us a name, H6327 [H8799] lest we should be scattered abroad H6440 upon the face H776 of the whole earth.
  5 H3068 And the LORD H3381 [H8799] came down H7200 [H8800] to see H5892 the city H4026 and the tower, H1121 which the sons H120 of men H1129 [H8804] were building.
  6 H3068 And the LORD H559 [H8799] said, H5971 Behold, the people H259 is one, H259 and they have all one H8193 language; H2490 [H8687] and this they begin H6213 [H8800] to do: H3808 H3605 and now nothing H1219 [H8735] will be withheld H2161 [H8799] from them, which they have imagined H6213 [H8800] to do.
  7 H3051 [H8798] Come, H3381 [H8799] let us go down, H1101 [H8799] and there mix H8193 their language, H834 that H8085 [H8799] they may not hear H376 one H7453 another's H8193 speech.
  8 H3068 So the LORD H6327 [H8686] scattered them abroad H8033 from there H6440 upon the face H776 of all the earth: H2308 [H8799] and they stopped H1129 [H8800] building H5892 the city.
  9 H8034 Therefore is the name of it H7121 [H8804] called H894 Babel; H3068 because the LORD H1101 [H8804] there mixed H8193 the language H776 of all the earth: H6327 0 and from there did H3068 the LORD H6327 [H8689] scatter them abroad H6440 upon the face H776 of all the earth.
  10 H8435 These are the generations H8035 of Shem: H8035 Shem H3967 was an hundred H8141 years H1121 old, H3205 [H8686] and begat H775 Arphaxad H8141 two years H310 after H3999 the flood:
  11 H8035 And Shem H2421 [H8799] lived H310 after H3205 [H8687] he begat H775 Arphaxad H2568 five H3967 hundred H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H1121 sons H1323 and daughters.
  12 H775 And Arphaxad H2425 [H8804] lived H2568 five H7970 and thirty H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H7974 Salah:
  13 H775 And Arphaxad H2421 [H8799] lived H310 after H3205 [H8687] he begat H7974 Salah H702 four H3967 H8141 hundred H7969 and three H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H1121 sons H1323 and daughters.
  14 H7974 And Salah H2425 [H8804] lived H7970 thirty H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H5677 Eber:
  15 H7974 And Salah H2421 [H8799] lived H310 after H3205 [H8687] he begat H5677 Eber H702 four H3967 H8141 hundred H7969 and three H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H1121 sons H1323 and daughters.
  16 H5677 And Eber H2421 [H8799] lived H702 four H7970 and thirty H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H6389 Peleg:
  17 H5677 And Eber H2421 [H8799] lived H310 after H3205 [H8687] he begat H6389 Peleg H702 four H3967 H8141 hundred H7970 and thirty H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H1121 sons H1323 and daughters.
  18 H6389 And Peleg H2421 [H8799] lived H7970 thirty H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H7466 Reu:
  19 H6389 And Peleg H2421 [H8799] lived H310 after H3205 [H8687] he begat H7466 Reu H3967 H8141 two hundred H8672 and nine H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H1121 sons H1323 and daughters.
  20 H7466 And Reu H2421 [H8799] lived H8147 two H7970 and thirty H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H8286 Serug:
  21 H7466 And Reu H2421 [H8799] lived H310 after H3205 [H8687] he begat H8286 Serug H3967 H8141 two hundred H7651 and seven H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H1121 sons H1323 and daughters.
  22 H8286 And Serug H2421 [H8799] lived H7970 thirty H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H5152 Nahor:
  23 H8286 And Serug H2421 [H8799] lived H310 after H3205 [H8687] he begat H5152 Nahor H3967 two hundred H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H1121 sons H1323 and daughters.
  24 H5152 And Nahor H2421 [H8799] lived H8672 nine H6242 and twenty H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H8646 Terah:
  25 H5152 And Nahor H2421 [H8799] lived H310 after H3205 [H8687] he begat H8646 Terah H3967 H8141 an hundred H6240 H8672 and nineteen H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H1121 sons H1323 and daughters.
  26 H8646 And Terah H2421 [H8799] lived H7657 seventy H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H87 Abram, H5152 Nahor, H2039 and Haran.
  27 H8435 Now these are the generations H8646 of Terah: H8646 Terah H3205 [H8689] begat H87 Abram, H5152 Nahor, H2039 and Haran; H2039 and Haran H3205 [H8689] begat H3876 Lot.
  28 H2039 And Haran H4191 [H8799] died H6440 at the face of H1 his father H8646 Terah H776 in the land H4138 of his nativity, H218 in Ur H3778 of the Chaldees.
  29 H87 And Abram H5152 and Nahor H3947 [H8799] took H802 them wives: H8034 the name H87 of Abram's H802 wife H8297 was Sarai; H8034 and the name H5152 of Nahor's H802 wife, H4435 Milcah, H1323 the daughter H2039 of Haran, H1 the father H4435 of Milcah, H1 and the father H3252 of Iscah.
  30 H8297 But Sarai H6135 was barren; H2056 she had no child.
  31 H8646 And Terah H3947 [H8799] took H87 Abram H1121 his son, H3876 and Lot H1121 the son H2039 of Haran H1121 his son's H1121 son, H8297 and Sarai H3618 his daughter in law, H1121 his son H87 Abram's H802 wife; H3318 [H8799] and they went forth H218 with them from Ur H3778 of the Chaldees, H3212 [H8800] to go H776 into the land H3667 of Canaan; H935 [H8799] and they came H2771 to Haran, H3427 [H8799] and dwelt there.
  32 H3117 And the days H8646 of Terah H3967 H8141 were two hundred H2568 and five H8141 years: H8646 and Terah H4191 [H8799] died H2771 in Haran.

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