Jeremiah 44:15-19

ECB(i) 15 Then all the men who know that their women incense to other elohim, and all the women who stand by - a great congregation - even all the people who settle in the land of Misrayim, in Pathros, answer Yirme Yah, saying, 16 The word you worded to us in the name of Yah Veh, we hearkened not to you: 17 for in working, we work whatever comes from our own mouth, to incense to the sovereigness of the heavens and to libate libations to her as we worked - we and our fathers our sovereigns and our governors in the cities of Yah Hudah and in the outways of Yeru Shalem: for then we were satiated with bread and were good and saw no evil: 18 and since we ceased to incense to the sovereigness of the heavens and to libate libations to her, we are all in want, - consumed by the sword and by the famine: 19 and when we incensed to the sovereigness of the heavens, and libated libations to her, worked we cakes to idolize her, and libated libations to her without our men?